Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 370 Should I say congratulations?

Chapter 370 Should I say congratulations? (Second update)

After a brief silence, the crowd suddenly erupted.

"This maid said she has a nose and eyes. Is it true?"

"I think it's true! If she wasn't sure, why would she take the initiative to report it to the official?"

"Ye Shixian is really making people anxious...otherwise, how could this maid drag her into the water even if she doesn't even risk her own life?"

"I really misjudged her before! The most beautiful woman in the capital turns out to be such a snake-hearted person!"

Ye Shixian opened her mouth, but no words came out.

Zhao Chengyin immediately asked: "Where are those clothes now!?"

Shaoyao kowtowed: "Your Majesty, after she changed out of that dress, I secretly put it away. When I ran away, I took it out with her. It's in my baggage."

Zhao Chengyin knew about this. After Zhang Qian received her report that day, he took away all her things.

Zhao Chengyin immediately ordered: "Go get her things!"


The policeman took the order and quickly took the things over.

In full view of everyone, a crimson-woven gold narcissus-patterned coat and skirt was lifted up and unfolded.

"My lord, please look."

Zhao Chengyin looked carefully at his left shoulder for a long time, his expression gloomy.

Ye Shixian's heart was in her throat and her mind went blank.

She really didn't expect that after making all the preparations, such a big mistake would still happen!

Every minute and every second became particularly difficult, and everyone watching unconsciously became quiet, waiting for the final result.

Finally, Zhao Chengyin said:
"There is indeed a torn hole on it and it is stained with blood. It looks like it has been there for several days. It is just because the color of the clothes is similar to the color of blood that it is difficult to distinguish."

I'm afraid that because of this, even Ye Shixian didn't notice it!
Ye Shixian's legs weakened and she collapsed to the ground.

Murong Ye, who was behind the crowd, staggered and took a step back as if he was struck by lightning.

What else don’t you understand about this?
Zhao Chengyin stared at Ye Shixian closely and asked: "Ye Shixian, what else do you have to say now that things have happened!?"

The witnesses and physical evidence are all there, and there is no possibility of overturning the case!

Ye Shixian put her hands on the ground and breathed rapidly.

And everyone who was watching this scene fell into a strange dead silence.

It is really against human ethics for a daughter to kill her own mother!

Many people here just came to watch the excitement at first, but at this moment, they felt an indescribable chill.

When he looked at Ye Shixian again, he was not only shocked and disbelieving, but also disgusted and afraid.

Such a person... no, this can no longer be called a human being!

Zhao Chengyin asked again: "Where did that blood letter come from?"

At this point, there is nothing Shaoyao can't say.

She closed her eyes: "When the slave came in, the blood letter had already been written and placed on the table."

Zhao Chengyin understood, turned his head and asked: "In other words, the blood letter was written by scratching Gao's finger after you stunned her?"

Ye Shixian's face turned pale and she still didn't say a word.

However, her answer is no longer important.

Everyone can see that she did these things!
Not only did she kill Gao, she also wanted to pin the blame on Ye Chutang, killing two birds with one stone!
If she really succeeded, then——

Someone in the crowd yelled angrily:

"Bah! What bad luck! This kind of daughter is worse than the enemy, she is so heartbroken!"

One person spoke, and the others instantly echoed.

"Isn't that right? It's my fault that I pitied her for losing her mother and being bullied. Who would have known that she was the one who did this!" "What a sin!"

"Ten thousand deaths are not enough for this kind of person!"

"By the way, hasn't Murong Ye always liked her? Especially after something happened to her family, he helped her a lot! Do you think... is there anything related to him?"

The last tight thread in Murong Ye's mind was completely broken!

At this moment, there was only one thought left in his mind - go! The further away from here the better!

However, as soon as he turned around, he was blocked by Ye Chutang.

"Master Murong is leaving now?"

Murong Ye was annoyed: "What do you want to do again!"

"I didn't want to do anything." Ye Chutang raised his chin towards the inside, "It's just that Shixian's face looks very ugly, doesn't Mr. Murong go and see her?"

have a look?

How can Murong Ye care about Ye Shixian now?

His own face was already blue!

Ye Shixian was confirmed to have killed the Gao family. It won't take long for this matter to spread throughout the capital, and even his reputation will be affected!

When he thought that he had been with such a cruel and ruthless woman for so long in the past, Murong Ye felt numb all over and felt uncomfortable everywhere!

"Get out of the way!"

He cursed fiercely and left.

The movement here finally caught the attention of some people in front. Who looked back and suddenly exclaimed.

"Isn't that Murong Ye? He's here too!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves.

Everyone turned around and looked at Murong Ye. In an instant, all kinds of eyes were on Murong Ye, making him feel like a ray of light on his back.

"He actually came!"

"Is it possible that he was also involved in Gao's death and came here because of a guilty conscience?"

"Then who knows, maybe she came here specially because of her deep friendship with Ye Shixian and endless love."

This statement immediately caused everyone to laugh.

Many people have read the script based on Murong Ye and Ye Shixian, so they can naturally tell that it is mocking him.

The son of a dignified second-rank official actually fell in love with such a woman! I am really blind!
Besides, if he can get along with Ye Shixian, what kind of good person can he be?

Murong Ye was so embarrassed that he wished he could crawl into a crack in the ground immediately!
He couldn't care about anything else, he had to leave as soon as possible!
However, at this moment, a muffled sound suddenly came from inside.

Immediately afterwards, someone shouted: "Ye Shixian has fainted!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyes and took a look.

However, when Murong Ye heard these words, he didn't hesitate at all and walked away without looking back!

But as soon as he took a few steps, he heard another scream.

"Ah! That, that's - why is there blood under Ye Shixian's body!?"

The people standing in front could clearly see that after Ye Shixian fainted, blood spread under her body.

In this scene, even a fool can guess why.

Even Murong Ye felt as if he had been slapped on the back of his head and stopped in his tracks.

Ye Chutang glanced at him sideways, thoughtfully:
"Mr. Murong, should I... say congratulations?"

Murong Ye's cheeks trembled: "Don't talk nonsense!"

At this time, Zhao Chengyin had already called the doctor to come up.

An elderly doctor felt Ye Shixian's pulse and spoke tremblingly:
"Sir, Ye, she is already one month pregnant."

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