Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 371 No need to thank me

Chapter 371 No need to thank me (first update)
Wonderful, really wonderful.

Even those who came here specifically to watch the fun today never imagined that such an "accident" would happen.

Ye Shixian is actually pregnant!

Now, Murong Ye couldn't leave at all.

After a brief silence, a joke came from the crowd:
"Hey! Let's all give way quickly! Don't delay Young Master Murong from entering!"

If dying now could stop all this, Murong Ye thought, he would be willing to die.

This huge sense of shame, as if someone had stripped him naked, quickly swallowed him up.

His previous life had gone so smoothly that when a series of blows occurred, he was immediately stunned.

But he knows that now, no matter whether he leaves or stays, he will always become a joke!
Of course, the others didn't care what he thought. Instead, they were very considerate, responded to every call, and really quickly made way for him to pass.

Finally, Murong Ye turned around stiffly.

At this time, he was finally able to see clearly what was going on inside.

Ye Shixian collapsed on the ground, her eyes closed tightly, and the dress under her body was soaked with a large amount of blood.

Murong Ye didn't know how he walked over until he was three steps away from Ye Shixian when he smelled the strong smell of blood.

This suddenly reminded him that Mrs. Gao was hanged by Ye Shixian herself. It smelled like death.

Murong Ye bent over and vomited uncontrollably.

This scene was really too confusing, and a look of disgust and contempt flashed in Zhao Chengyin's eyes.

He was an official in the same dynasty as Murong Yang, and he had met Murong Ye more than once. In the past, everyone said that a tiger father has no son, and they always praised Murong Ye highly. However, Murong Ye's performance today made it clear that he has deep feelings in his heart. He's just a coward and incompetent person.

Ye Shixian's murder was an unforgivable crime, but Murong Ye had a different relationship with her. After coming here, his first reaction was to run away?

If it hadn't been for what happened to Ye Shixian, I'm afraid he wouldn't have even taken a step closer!
Zhao Chengyin waved his hand: "Take her down for treatment immediately."

Ye Shixian could not escape death for the mistakes she made, but she could not die here at this time.

The old doctor responded repeatedly, shook his head and sighed: "Sir, I can only try to cure her. If she is lucky, she may be able to save her life, but that child... will definitely not be saved."

Zhao Chengyin said: "Just do your best."

The crowd hurriedly carried Ye Shixian away, leaving only a mess in the place.

Murong Ye didn't look at it. He held his knees with one hand and vomited until he was unconscious.

The noisy sounds around him gradually disappeared - after such a commotion, the case would definitely not be completed today.

The crowd gradually dispersed, looking back from time to time as they left, their faces filled with wonder and emotion.

This is really the biggest gossip in Beijing these days!

"If you ask me, then Ye Shixian might as well not save her and just die!"

"That's right! If I were her, I would be really shameless!"

"Tsk, who would have thought that someone who looks quiet and gentle on the outside would do such a scandal on the inside!"

"She can even kill her own mother, so what else can't she do?"

Those comments from far or near kept piercing Murong Ye's ears.

Finally, he regained his consciousness and straightened up.

Looking at the blood dripping not far away, he was still frightened.

At this moment, he finally discovered that there was still someone left.

——Ye Chutang.

He twitched the corner of his mouth:

"Now, are you satisfied?"

Ye Chutang dusted off his clothes and shook his head gently.

"Mr. Murong, it seems that you are indeed very prejudiced against me. The fact that things have reached this point is beyond my control."

This is also true. She did not expect that Ye Shixian was pregnant. She was so angry today that she could not save the child at all costs.

Murong Ye's face was full of sarcasm: "Didn't you come here today just to see her and see my jokes!?" Ye Chutang glanced at him with a faint look.

"Do not."

"I'm here to collect the body of the Gao family."

Murong Ye froze, not knowing what to say at this moment.

"Her body has been parked in Yizhuang for seven days. Today is her seventh day."

It's a pity that her only daughter will not see her off.

Ye Shixian's own life and death were uncertain, so how could she care about the Gao family?
Not just her, everyone seemed to have forgotten about it.

I'm afraid Mrs. Gao would not have expected during her lifetime that the person who ended up planning her funeral would be Ye Chutang, whom she had despised and hated the most!

"At least we are relatives." Ye Chutang said.

Murong Ye couldn't say another word.

At this time, a shrill cry suddenly came from the house, as if Ye Shixian had woken up and was suffering from great pain.

Murong Ye trembled all over and the hair on his hair stood up!
Ye Chutang looked at him and raised his eyebrows slightly.

She said sincerely:

"It seems like it's time to say: express my condolences."


What happened that day became the talk of the entire capital as quickly as possible.

Everyone was shocked that Ye Shixian could be so cruel and ruthless as to kill her biological mother. They also deeply despised her for getting pregnant before she was married to a matchmaker. She really lost all her dignity!
Even the Murong Mansion was humiliated.

Murong Ye knelt in the ancestral hall all night.

Ye Chutang was finally cleared of her grievances, but later it was reported that she had waited in the Yamen for a long time and found the magistrate of Shuntian Prefecture to plead for mercy and be willing to take care of Gao's final funeral arrangements.

Those who had scolded her before became increasingly apologetic.

But Ye Chutang didn't care about this.

Two days later, she went to the Yamen again, this time to see Ye Shixian.

Ye Shixian was imprisoned and was extremely weak because she had just had a miscarriage.

When Ye Chutang saw her, he almost didn't recognize that the female prisoner leaning against the wall and looking miserable was actually the once famous eldest daughter of the Ye family.

Ye Shixian had her eyes closed, but when she heard the movement, she slowly opened her eyes.

Her eyes were dull, and it took her a while to focus and recognize the person standing at the door of the cell.

Deep resentment and hatred surged into her heart overwhelmingly, causing Ye Shixian's facial features to twist.

"You! How dare you come!"

Ye Shixian's voice was hoarse, and coupled with her crazy appearance at this time, she was really no different from a ghost.

It's just that she can't even get up now, so she can only beat the cold and hard broken bed board like crazy.

Ye Chutang looked at her quietly.

"I've already finished arranging the second aunt's funeral."

Ye Shixian's eyes suddenly opened wide: "What did you say!?"

Before that, she was in a daze and no one told her this.

Ye Chutang smiled lightly.

"Don't worry, although she treated me harshly in the past, after all, the dead are the most important."

"By the way, I didn't bury her with Mingze, but buried her in the east of the city, so that Mingze wouldn't have to see her underground and know that it was you who killed her, and he would have no peace after death."

Ye Chutang's eyes seemed to be filled with cold frost.

She said calmly:
"It's just a little effort, so there's no need to thank me."

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