Chapter 372 Sweetheart (Second update)

October 20th, Royal Autumn Hunting.

Princess Qinyang arrived at Ye Mansion early in the morning and wanted to go to the hunting ground with Ye Chutang.

She disliked Ye Chutang's carriage for being too small, so she just pulled him into her super luxurious carriage.

"This place is quite far from Yaoshan. You can bear it, but Xiao Wu can't bear it, Xiao Wu, right?"

Princess Qinyang held Xiao Wu in her arms and couldn't help but pinch her little face.

Xiao Wu raised his face and smiled at her, showing a bright smile.

Princess Qinyang was even happier and raised her eyebrows at Ye Chutang proudly: "How is it? Even Xiaowu is on my side!"

Not mentioning the fact that he just picked up Xiao Wu, rushed to his carriage, and acted as a "hostage".

Ye Chutang helplessly held his forehead and smiled.

"It's just a carriage, why should the princess care so much. Besides, I didn't intend to be polite to you."

Although her carriage was not bad, it was nothing compared to Princess Qinyang, who was favored by thousands of people.

She was also happy with the free upgrade.

Princess Qinyang doesn't care, anyway, her entry and exit into Ye Mansion is no different from her own home.

"Ye Shixian framed you before, but you refused to let me come forward. Now that the storm has passed, it would be too much if you don't let me help with this small favor."

She gets angry when this is mentioned.

Although she had long known that Ye Shixian was not a good person, she never expected that she could do such a heartless thing.

"The same goes for you. If her maid hadn't turned against her and secretly hid the evidence, you don't know how long it would take to get rid of this unnecessary stigma!"

However, Ye Chutang didn't seem to take this matter to heart. He just chuckled when he heard this: "Since she has done it, there is no way she will not leave traces. The truth will eventually come out."

"You put it lightly." Princess Qinyang curled her lips, "I haven't slept well for several nights!"

For this reason, she even made a trip to Dingbei Hou's Mansion. If she hadn't seen her brother looking calm and relaxed, she would have really taken action.

"By the way, how is she now? I heard she is crazy?"

Ye Chutang thought about it for a moment: "It's hard to say whether he's crazy or not, but his health is indeed not good."

Such a dirty environment made it extremely easy to get infected. Although the officials found a doctor for her to save her life, that was all.

For Ye Shixian, life like this is probably worse than death.

"The case is almost at trial, and it won't be long before a verdict is reached."

Princess Qinyang snorted coldly: "You will not live if you do it yourself!"

The carriage swayed forward, seeming to have left the city and started heading towards the Yaoshan Royal Hunting Ground on the outskirts.

Princess Qinyang lifted the curtain halfway and looked outside.

At the end of October, the leaves of the large forest trees in the suburbs of Beijing have turned yellow. The bleak autumn wind blows and leaves fall one after another, adding a hint of desolation to the silence.

Princess Qinyang was rarely distracted. She looked into the distance and didn't speak for a while.

Ye Chutang suddenly asked: "Princess Princess, don't you have anything else to ask?"

Princess Qinyang woke up and turned around in surprise: "What?"

Ye Chutang said after careful consideration: "I heard... Master Murong took a leave of absence during today's Qiu Hunting."

If Murong Yang doesn't come, Murong Ye will certainly not come.

Princess Qinyang reacted and twitched the corner of her mouth.

"You don't think I'm worrying about Murong Ye, do you?"

Ye Chutang spread his hands - it's not her fault. Who in the entire capital didn't know that Princess Qinyang had been in love with Murong Ye for many years. Now that things have changed and people have changed, it's only natural for people to feel emotional.

Princess Qinyang endured it, but couldn't hold it back:
"I was just blind for a moment. Do I have to bear this bad reputation for the rest of my life?"

She had long realized that Murong Ye was not a good man. Not only was he not a good man, he was also trash!

"Who hasn't fallen in love with a few scumbags when they were young?" Princess Qinyang said with a hint of contempt on her face.

"Although I don't like Ye Shixian, it's not a good thing for Murong Ye to take advantage of the opportunity. The two of them are working together, they are just like the same breed! Not to mention that after Ye Shixian had a miscarriage, Murong Ye actually didn't take any responsibility at all! I heard that that day If you hadn't stopped him, he would have run away!"

Princess Qinyang felt unlucky when she mentioned this name.

Seeing that her expression didn't look fake, Ye Chutang was a little surprised: "The leader of the group just..."

Princess Qinyang was silent for a moment and said frankly: "I just remembered that Yaoshan's roast rabbit is also quite delicious."

Ye Chutang: "..."

Little Five: "..."

She silently grasped Princess Qinyang's sleeves, raised her face, and licked her lips.

——Really, really?

She hasn’t eaten roast rabbit for a long time!

Xiao Wu thought of the past and couldn't help but look at Ye Chutang.

How pitiful! Since returning to Beijing, my sister has been very busy and has never roasted a rabbit for her to eat!

Ye Chutang: "What do you mean by looking at me like that?"

She said quietly: "The crystal elbows, roasted duck, jujube paste and chestnut cake, longan and lotus seed porridge...were they all in vain?"

Little Five: "..."

She lowered her head silently and blushed silently.

——Well, I didn’t eat so much at one time! Aren’t they all eaten separately?
Princess Qinyang: "..."

After a while, Princess Qinyang let out a long sigh: "Chu Tang, you really have nothing to say to your little five!"

She leaned forward, her eyes burning:
"Looking at our deep friendship, you will definitely be kind to me too!"

A question mark slowly appeared on Ye Chutang's head:?

Princess Qinyang geared up and showed a flattering smile;

"You promised me before that you would ask my brother to win the first place and give me a plate of roasted venison. Have you forgotten it?"

Ye Chutang was speechless for a moment, and then said: "I haven't forgotten."

Princess Qinyang immediately pointed outside: "I just saw my brother's carriage right in front! If we meet him later, go and tell him directly, okay?"

She sighed sadly.

"If it were before, I wouldn't be worried, but wasn't he injured before?"

Ye Chutang finally couldn't help it anymore: "It was seven months ago that he was injured."

Even a half-dead person needs to be fed now, not to mention that she has to go to the clinic in person!

"I know!" Princess Qinyang said confidently, "So go and tell him and tell him not to care about his body, and to come back first!"

The question mark on Ye Chutang's head turned into three:? ? ?

She calmly stepped back and said seriously:

"Princess, your former sweetheart is rotten from the root, but I still have younger brothers and sisters to support."

To be honest, she is not very willing to seek death yet.

At this moment, the carriage suddenly stopped.

Shen Yanchuan's carriage fell behind at some point and was only one carriage level away from them.

The curtain was lifted, and a face of pure beauty appeared.

"What are you talking about? I heard you from the front."

Princess Qinyang felt guilty for a moment, but she was very smart and immediately said: "'s nothing, I'm just chatting about my sweetheart!"

Ye Chutang: "..."

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