Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 373 Long time no see

Chapter 373 Long time no see (first update)
Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows with interest: "Oh?"

His eyes stayed on Ye Chutang's face for a moment.

This is the first time they have met since they parted ways in Shiluan City.

She seems to have lost some weight, but she was in a lot of trouble some time ago, and it was really hard to deal with it.

However, she has an oval face and is three points thin, which makes her look even more refined.

Ye Chutang also looked over, his dark and clear eyes slightly curved, and nodded:

"Your Majesty, you are well."

A small head also poked out of the carriage, and a pair of big black grape-like eyes that were very similar to hers appeared, looking over with watery eyes.

——Brother Prince!
Shen Yanchuan's thin lips curled up slightly: "Miss Ye Er, Xiao Wu, long time no see."

Princess Qinyang inexplicably felt that she was a bit redundant.

But fortunately, Shen Yanchuan did not forget her, and quickly greeted her again: "Are you talking about Murong Ye?"

Princess Qinyang: "..."

It’s better not to talk!

Don’t worry about it!
She looked at him resentfully and said deliberately: "That's more than that!"

They also talked about Ye Chutang's younger brothers and sisters!

Ye Chutang didn't know what was there to argue about. Fortunately, the motorcade in front started moving again. She nodded lightly: "Your Majesty, please go first."

Shen Yanchuan finally looked away.

The carriage moved forward again, but Princess Qinyang was still worried: "What's going on between you and my brother? Are you laughing at me together? Are you better off with me or with him?"

Ye Chutang felt that her question was strange, but he didn't pursue it carefully. He said, "I will ask for help from others later, so I have to build a good relationship with them."

Princess Qinyang was easily coaxed again.

"I knew you were the best to me! My brother is unreliable, so it has to be you!"

At least she can sit in her carriage now!
She thought for a while, then raised the curtain and asked deliberately: "By the way, why did the carriage from Dingbei Hou's Mansion come here just now?"

The accompanying guard explained: "Back to the princess, it seems that the carriage in front of the imperial concubine broke down, so we were delayed."

Princess Qinyang was stunned: "Oh?"

It turned out to be the case.

But if her brother didn't slow down on purpose, she would never believe it.

"Has the carriage of Imperial Concubine Ru been repaired?"

"It's not a big problem, it should be fine."

The detective of Princess Qinyang craned her neck to look ahead, sat back in the carriage, and then snorted softly and said: "It's a bad start. With her temper, one of the servants may be in trouble again."

Ye Chutang smiled: "Not necessarily. His Highness is here today too. She is in a good mood, so why should she care about such trivial matters."

Even if she was just pretending, she would not make a fussy gesture in front of the ministers during the autumn hunting.

Princess Qinyang thought the same thing.

"King Qi made such a big mistake, yet he was released after just one month of house arrest! Concubine Ru is still favored after all... But, I seemed to have seen Xiao Lanxi just now?"

Ye Chutang quickly reacted: "Princess Yuhe?"

"That's her." Princess Qinyang shrugged, "She has been away from the capital for some years. I heard that it was her contribution that King Qi was able to be released from the ban so smoothly this time!"

Princess Qinyang would know almost everything about the palace if she wanted to inquire about it.

Including this jade and princess. Ye Chutang had never heard of this before, and was a little surprised: "Really? Didn't you say...she is not favored?"

"She is not favored, but she can give gifts!" Princess Qinyang told her about the auspicious gift. "In addition, she has a noble concubine behind her, so this matter becomes even more logical."

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows: "So, this Princess Yuhe is extremely smart and smart."

Princess Qinyang disagreed and said casually: "If she is not smart, how can she survive in the deep palace?"

Ye Chutang glanced at her.

Others thought that Princess Qinyang had an impulsive and reckless personality and only made trouble all day long, but in fact she saw many things very clearly.

"She has worked hard enough to come up with such a way to help King Qi out of trouble."

Xiao Lanxi has no support from her mother's family, so the best way out is to stick to the Concubine Ru camp.

"In addition, she is now at the age where she should discuss marriage. I guess there is a reason why she returned to Beijing this time."

No matter how much His Majesty dislikes this daughter, he cannot leave her alone for the rest of her life without caring about her.

"As long as the noble concubine makes the decision for her, the one she can marry is much better than the one she can choose herself."

Ye Chutang nodded clearly.

In this case, it is not difficult to understand that Princess Yuhe would do this.


Ye Chutang looked at Princess Qinyang's expression and said thoughtfully, "You don't seem to like her very much?"

"It's hard to talk about it. I just feel that I can't get close to this person." Princess Qinyang thought of something and frowned, "Her temperament... seems to have no temper, you know? I was with her when I was a child. After playing with her a few times, we really couldn’t stand her character. After she left Beijing, we never saw her again.”

When she said this, she curled her lips: "However, it's probably because she lost her mother when she was a child, and His Majesty doesn't like her either. The eldest princess is quite fond of her."

It is not difficult to explain why the eldest princess had specifically mentioned to Ye Chutang before and asked her to take Xiao Lanxi's pulse.


"Is that the carriage of Princess Qinyang?"

While the carriage was being repaired, Xiao Lanxi, who was sitting in the carriage, raised the curtain and looked back, and happened to see the very luxurious carriage. The "Li" on it showed the identity of the carriage owner.

She smiled and said:
"After so many years, her relationship with Prince Dingbei is still as close as ever."

For example, the imperial concubine was unhappy because of a problem with the carriage. She always felt that such an accident before arriving at the hunting ground was not a good sign.

Hearing what Xiao Lanxi said, she lazily said: "She is just a wild girl. If she didn't have a good father, how many people in the capital would give her face?"

She had always looked down upon the wild and untamed Princess Qinyang.

The smile on Xiao Lanxi's face faded a bit and she lowered her eyes.

She doesn't understand this truth, but - there are no ifs in the world.

King Yan Nan only had this precious daughter, so naturally he loved her to no end.

But this emotion only passed by for a moment. When she raised her eyes again, her expression had returned to its usual timid and innocent look.

"I heard someone else's voice in her carriage, it seemed...a young woman?"

Speaking of this, Concubine Ru's expression was even more subtle.

She twitched her lips:

"The person sitting there is Ye Chutang."

Xiao Lanxi paused for a moment, then said in surprise, seemingly unintentionally: "No wonder."

No wonder the carriage of Dingbei Hou Mansion deliberately slowed down just to say a word to that woman.

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