Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 376 Medical consultation

She opened her mouth: "The doctor you asked for turned out to be...Miss Ye Er?"

"It's her." The eldest princess mentioned Ye Chutang, her eyebrows widened, and she obviously liked her very much, "I know Chutang's medical skills best. I have been treating Lan Xi's disease for so many years, and I have visited famous doctors, but there has never been a serious illness. It’s getting better. It’s better to let Chu Tang take a look, maybe there will be some way.”

Ru Guifei couldn't refute, so she quickly smiled and nodded: "You are right."

As she spoke, she ordered the palace maid: "Why don't you quickly invite Miss Ye Er to come over?"


Ye Chutang was staying well in his tent when he suddenly received news that the eldest princess was inviting her.

When he came back just now, Ye Chutang had already seen that the eldest princess was not in the tent nearby.

She is most likely at His Majesty's place right now.

Sure enough, after following the palace maid for a while, Ye Chutang saw the most luxurious emperor's tent.

"Your Majesty, Miss Ye Er is here."

The palace maid opened the curtain, and Ye Chutang saw Emperor Mu Wu sitting in the middle at a glance.

Beside him was Concubine Ru, who was smiling and accompanying him.

The eldest princess is also there.


Ye Chutang's eyes lingered on the young woman sitting on the lower right side of Concubine Ru for a moment, and then he quickly looked away with a normal expression and stepped forward to salute.

"My daughter, Ye Chutang, has met Your Majesty, the eldest princess, and the noble concubine."

"Chu Tang doesn't have to be formal." The eldest princess smiled and waved to her, "Come and sit next to me."

Ye Chutang knew very well that there was no place for her here. She raised her eyes and saw that Emperor Mu Wu made no objection, and then came to the side of the eldest princess.

But she didn't sit down.

She didn't ask why she was suddenly called over, she just lowered her eyebrows and looked respectful.

Ru Guifei was the first to speak: "I invite you here this time mainly because I want you to feel Lan Xi's pulse. She has been very weak since she was a child and has not improved after taking medicine for many years. The eldest princess strongly recommends that you come here. I wonder what you can do?"

As if to show her kindness and generosity, she specially added: "If you can really eliminate the root cause of Lan Xi's illness, I will definitely reward you heavily."

It really sounded like he was worried about his own child.

Ye Chutang finally looked at the woman sitting opposite.

This is a girl who looks to be about seventeen or eighteen years old. She has an outstanding appearance and delicate facial features. Her almond-shaped eyes are light brown. However, if you look closely, there seems to be a hint of blue in the depths, which looks clean and mysterious.

The moment they looked at each other, she nodded slightly, a slight smile on her lips, but her cheeks seemed to be slightly red due to shyness, and her originally beautiful facial features suddenly became a bit more charming.

Anyone who looks at it will think that this is a shy and introverted little princess who is inexperienced in the world.

It is rumored that Princess Yuhe's biological mother was born in Guanling. Her ancestors had foreign blood and her blue eyes were extremely touching.

It is precisely because of this that Emperor Mu Wu summoned luck after drinking.

However, this is also the biggest reason why she is rejected - blue eyes are a unique feature of Hu people.

In the border areas, conflicts between the Hu people and the Han people continued. Some Han women were abducted by the Hu people and forcibly possessed by the Hu people, while some Hu people were defeated and brought back as slaves.

In short, these blue eyes symbolize lowliness.

Emperor Muwu prided himself on being wise and powerful, so of course he would not be willing to accept such stains on his body.

However, Princess Yu He's eyes were still a little blue. No matter how well-behaved and obedient she was, she could not win Emperor Mu Wu's favor.

Xiao Lanxi had a curious and shy smile on her face: "I have long heard that Miss Ye Er's medical skills are outstanding. Even the imperial doctor in the palace praised her. I finally saw it today." Ye Chutang's eyes moved slightly, but there was something on his face. He kept his expression low and said with a slight smile: "I don't dare to take it seriously. My daughter only knows a little bit about it."

While he was talking, a palace maid had already sent him a pulse diagnosis.

Ye Chutang stepped forward and sat down opposite Xiao Lanxi: "Third Princess, please——"

Xiao Lanxi put her wrist up obediently.

Probably inherited from her mother, who has Hu people's blood, her skin is extremely white, and you can even see the light blue blood vessels under her thin skin.

In addition, she was very thin and had a solitary frame, which looked like it would break at a moment's notice.

Ye Chutang put his fingers on it and lowered his eyelashes slightly.

When she was diagnosing her pulse, Xiao Lanxi was actually looking at her.

She had heard of this name before returning to Beijing. After returning, whether it was the palace, Prince Qi's Mansion, or the streets, this name was mentioned repeatedly, as if no one in the entire capital did not know her.

So much so that before she even met Ye Chutang in person, she had already heard too many rumors about this woman.

Not to mention, the carriage from Dingbeihou Mansion had stopped specifically for him.

Xiao Lanxi is really curious, what kind of person can make such a big noise in this huge capital city?

Now, she finally knows.

She had never seen anyone like this.

She is gentle and elegant, neither humble nor arrogant. She is obviously not wearing fancy clothes, but it cannot hide her noble temperament.

However, her smile was light and her voice was clear and calm, revealing the laziness in her bones, which just balanced the unattainable coldness.

Her complex temperament blended together to form an indescribable aura that made her easily distinguishable from others.

Such people are the center of attention wherever they are.

Especially at this time, she was sitting sideways in front of her, her calm and calm look with slightly lowered eyes was just like a begonia flower waking up from drunkenness in spring.

Xiao Lanxi pursed her lower lip, and some emotion flashed through her eyes.

"Has the third princess been poisoned before?" Ye Chutang suddenly asked.

Xiao Lanxi was startled and raised her eyes suddenly: "Ye, how do Miss Ye know?"

Emperor Mu Wu frowned, and Concubine Ru's expression also changed, and she immediately raised her voice:
"What? Lan Xi, why have you never mentioned this before!?"

Xiao Lanxi was also a little panicked and hurriedly explained: "Don't worry, mother and concubine, am I not doing well?"

She recalled it and said softly: "Actually, it happened four or five years ago. One time I went out for an outing and was accidentally bitten by a snake in the grass. I fainted at that time."

Guanling is a very remote place, so it is not surprising that such a situation would occur.

But Xiao Lanxi is a princess.

Ru Guifei looked apologetic: "It's so dangerous! What if something happens to you? Four or five years ago, wasn't that just when you first went to Guanling? There wasn't even a powerful doctor there. No, if you weren’t lucky, I’m afraid—”

Speaking of this, she already had tears in her eyes.

Emperor Mu Wu frowned even more tightly.

Xiao Lanxi curled her lips and smiled: "With the protection of my father and mother, I am naturally not afraid."

Emperor Mu Wu's expression softened a lot.

Xiao Lanxi didn't seem to notice the subtle change in his expression, and looked at Ye Chutang again:
"What Miss Ye Er means is that my body is like this...is it a disease left over from that time?" (End of Chapter)

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