Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 377 Granted Marriage

Ye Chutang nodded, but narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at her.

Xiao Lanxi was inexplicably flustered by this sight: "What, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing, it's just... Judging from the pulse, the princess has been poisoned, even deep into her lungs, which is extremely dangerous. But for some reason, the princess's body has no other obvious symptoms except for being a little weak."

Ye Chutang paused and smiled slightly.

"It must be the princess's deep blessings that saved her life."

Ru Guifei listened for a long time and finally understood: "...You mean, she is like this now, which is a blessing in misfortune?"

Ye Chutang nodded: "If it were anyone else, maybe she wouldn't be able to hold on anymore. What medicine did the princess take at that time?"

Xiao Lanxi was a little confused: "W-I...I don't know. I only took two maids and two guards with me that day. When I passed out, there happened to be a local farmer nearby. He picked some herbs and fed them to me. , My maid and guard were unwilling at first, but there was no other way but to let him try. It turned out fine."

In desolate and remote places, there are countless types of snakes, insects, rats, and ants. Whether they are poisonous or not, and how to treat them if they are poisoned, the local people who have lived there for many years often know best.

It seems that she is indeed very lucky.

Ye Chutang retracted his hand: "The princess's health is not serious, there is no need to worry. I will write a prescription for replenishing blood and replenishing qi. The princess will improve after taking it for a month."

Xiao Lanxi was surprised and happy: "Really? Thank you so much!"

Ru Guifei also felt relieved: "That's good, that's good...Lan Xi, you are really too dangerous! You can save a life once, but what about twice? What about three times?"

Xiao Lanxi showed a cute and naughty smile: "Mother, my daughter has returned to the capital now, how could something like this happen again?"

Ru Guifei still looked frightened, patted her chest gently, and said angrily: "You are just too worried!"

She turned to look at Emperor Mu Wu and begged softly: "Your Majesty, Guanling is still too remote and too dangerous! I really can't worry about it. Lan Xi is seventeen years old and it's time to get married. Why don't you do it for her? What do you think about giving her a marriage and keeping her in the capital to accompany her as a concubine?"

The palace maid had already brought a pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Ye Chutang lowered his eyes and wrote the prescription with concentration, as if he didn't hear what Concubine Ru was saying at all.

Emperor Mu Wu glanced at Xiao Lanxi thoughtfully.

Xiao Lanxi didn't seem to expect that Ru Guifei would suddenly mention this matter, and her cheeks turned red all of a sudden.

"Mother, mother-in-law..."

Emperor Mu Wu really didn't like this daughter, but he hadn't seen her for many years. The little girl in his memory was now tall and graceful, especially when he just heard her talk about being poisoned in the past and almost died. It was obvious that he had no trouble in his heart. Not possible either.

There was a rare hint of guilt in his eyes. Although it was very shallow, it was enough.

After a long silence, Emperor Mu Wu finally said: "Okay."

Xiao Lanxi opened her eyes slightly in astonishment, but Ru Guifei reacted very quickly, and immediately said with a smile: "Lan Xi, why don't you thank your father quickly!"

Xiao Lanxi stood up and came to the middle, kowtow.

"My son, I thank my father for his grace. Long live my father."

Although her steps were hurried, her every move was never rude.

Emperor Mu Wu looked at it, feeling even more satisfied with this daughter whom he had not cared about for several years.

He smiled and asked: "What do you think Mei'er thinks, among the many young talents in the capital, which one should be the best to marry Lan Xi?"

Ru Guifei rolled her eyes and said with a smile: "The second son of Marquis Zhongyong is in his prime this year. In addition, he is handsome and handsome, and has excellent talent and appearance. He is a perfect match for Lan Xi. I think he is the most suitable one."

Ye Chutang paused with his pen tip.

Oh, Xie Anbai.

That young master even deliberately claimed to be sick and didn't come today, and he didn't know where he would be happy at the moment. But he probably didn't expect that if he didn't come, this incredible wealth would still be on his head.

Hey, if a person is blessed, nothing can stop him. The eldest princess frowned, seeming to disapprove: "That boy is naughty, how can he be a good choice?"

Who in the entire capital doesn't know about the Xie family, the devil incarnate?

No family that loves their daughter would be willing to marry their daughter to him.

Ru Guifei smiled and said: "The eldest princess is too worried. Young people are unstable and like to have fun, which is not a big deal. When they get married, they will naturally become stable and down-to-earth."

The eldest princess still didn't let go.

Xie Anbai and Shen Yanchuan are close friends. She understands her grandson and she also understands Xie Anbai.

This marriage is definitely not granted.

"There are countless young talents in Beijing. Lan Xi has just returned to Beijing. She is not in a hurry. She can choose slowly." The eldest princess said calmly.

Ru Guifei's face looked a little ugly.

The eldest princess's attitude is so clear, I'm afraid your majesty won't agree.

Sure enough, the next moment Emperor Mu Wu spoke: "That's right. That boy's character is not yet mature. The Xie family is in a state of chaos all day long. Except for Xie Pei's little grandson, he is the one. Even if he is tied up, he can He ran away in the middle of the night. Why bother."

The smile on the corners of the imperial concubine's lips completely condensed.

But she quickly returned to normal and said softly: "I am not thinking clearly."

"It's okay. Lan Xi will live in the palace from now on, so you can just make more choices for her."

The matter was left alone.

When the eldest princess saw Ye Chutang stop writing, she asked, "Chutang, have you finished writing the prescription?"


Ye Chutang nodded, handed over the prescription, and gave some instructions on how to prepare the medicine.

The eldest princess smiled and said: "This tent is stuffy and there is nothing interesting about it. Besides, you have been out for a while. If Xiaowu can't find you, he probably misses you a lot, so you should go back first."

Ye Chutang bowed and then withdrew.

When leaving the tent, I heard the faint laughter of a royal concubine coming from inside: "They have been in the forest for a while, and they will probably be back soon."

It didn't sound like he was bothered at all by what happened just now.

It seemed like that was such a casual mention.

Ye Chutang looked calm and walked forward.

Princess Qinyang was playing with Xiao Wu. When Ye Chutang got closer, he discovered that Xiao Wu was holding a small slingshot.

She suddenly had a headache.

Ah Feng finally left, why did another one come?
Do they have any obsession with teaching Xiao Wu to be a little bastard?

However, Xiaowu was very considerate, perhaps because of the foundation laid by her fourth brother. She casually hit a stone and flew out to a fallen leaf in front of her.

"Xiao Wu, are you so powerful?" Princess Qinyang's eyes suddenly lit up.

When Xiao Wu was praised, he also raised his little face and smiled happily.

When she heard the noise, she turned back first. When she saw Ye Chutang, she immediately threw away the slingshot in her hand and ran over with her legs wide open.

——Sister! (End of chapter)

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