There was an assassination incident in the royal hunting ground, which was really shocking.

Emperor Muwu was furious and immediately ordered the Imperial Army to divide into three groups and search deep into the mountains and forests to capture the assassin.

"Where's the second child!?" Emperor Mu Wu looked around and didn't see Xiao Chengxuan.

A military general immediately stepped forward: "Back to Your Majesty, His Royal Highness King Qi is still in the forest, and the minister has sent someone to meet him."

Concubine Ru frowned, feeling uneasy: "I heard that there are more than ten assassins, and they are all highly skilled in martial arts. If Cheng Xuan encounters them head-on, what should he do?"

Emperor Mu Wu's face was cold: "He is a prince! If he doesn't even have the courage to face the enemy, what's the point!"

Concubine Ru was shocked to realize that she had said the wrong thing and hurriedly said: "I made a mistake, I hope your majesty will forgive me!"

Emperor Mu Wu didn't have time to worry about this at this time.

"Where is the person in charge of the hunting ground? He actually let the assassin in. How did he do it?"

Everyone knelt down one after another.

The eldest princess advised: "Now is not the time to hold people accountable. It will not be too late to deal with these people when Yanchuan and the others come back."

In the corner, Ye Chutang also frowned.

——A Feng and A Yan haven’t come back yet.

This hunting ground is very large, with several mountain peaks and dense forests. If something unexpected happens, it will take a long time just to find someone.

The cuff of his sleeve was suddenly tugged gently.

Ye Chutang turned his head and saw Xiao Wu looking at her with worry.

——Three brothers, fourth brothers, they will be okay, right?

Ye Chutang touched her head: "Don't worry, they should be back soon."

This wait lasted until the afternoon.

The people who had gone into the forest to hunt before came back one after another, and most of them didn't know what happened.

However, as time passed, brothers Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng still disappeared.

Of course, the third prince, Shen Yanchuan and others also never came back.

After a long time, there was another sound from the woods that had been quiet for a long time, and everyone looked in that direction.


Xiao Chengxuan came on horseback, with his entourage dragging many prey behind him.

Xiao Chengxuan gained a lot from this trip and returned home with a full load. He was in a very good mood along the way, thinking that he would definitely come out on top.

But before he even got off his horse, he realized that something was not right about the atmosphere.

The Forbidden Army strictly guarded the surrounding area in a solemn and solemn manner.

He frowned: "This is..."


When the imperial concubine saw him, she immediately stepped forward happily and hurriedly looked at him from top to bottom.
"Are you okay? Are you injured?"

Xiao Chengxuan looked puzzled: "My son is fine, why do you ask like that?"

Concubine Ru was relieved and said with a worried expression: "You still don't know that Cheng Qi has been assassinated!"

Xiao Chengxuan was shocked: "What?"

Ru Guifei quickly told him the story.

"…The prince of Dingbei led his men to chase after them. When your father heard about it, he also sent out several groups of troops, but there has been no news until now."

Xiao Chengxuan finally understood.

He immediately said: "I'll take someone there right now -"

"What are you going to do?" A low and solemn voice came. Emperor Mu Wu came out of the tent at some point and was looking at him solemnly.

Xiao Chengxuan hurriedly met with Li and explained: "Father, this hunting ground is too big. I will bring more people there. Maybe we can find the third brother and the others earlier -" Emperor Mu Wu interrupted him: "Yanchuan has already gone after him. Okay, the Imperial Guard has also arrived, you don’t need to cause any more trouble, just wait here.”

His tone was calm, but it carried the unquestionable majesty of the heavenly family!
Xiao Chengxuan's heart skipped a beat, and he finally realized something was wrong.

Could it be that...father is suspecting that all this is his handiwork?
Xiao Chengxuan opened his mouth to speak, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Concubine Ru Gui looking at him warningly, so he swallowed back the rest of his words.

"...I will obey my father's orders."


"Chu Tang, do you think this matter has anything to do with His Highness the Second Highness?" After returning to the tent, Princess Qinyang thought about the scene just now, thoughtfully.

Ye Chutang shook his head: "I don't know either."

Princess Qinyang put her chin on her hand and narrowed her eyes slightly: "The way he acted just now didn't seem like an actor. It seems to have nothing to do with him, but... who knows."

This is not Ye Chutang's biggest concern. She only cares about one thing now: A Yan and A Feng haven't come back yet.

Ah Feng didn't say anything, but Ah Yan had always been measured. At this time, it was time to return no matter what.

Ye Chutang felt uneasy and could not completely settle down.

She rarely does this.

Finally, she said: "I have to go out."

Princess Qinyang didn't react at first. When she saw Ye Chutang lifting her legs and walking out, she was stunned and quickly stepped forward to stop her.

"Wait! Where are you going?"

Ye Chutang said frankly: "Ayan and Afeng haven't returned home for a long time, I'll go take a look."

Go and have a look?
Doesn’t that mean going into the forest?
Princess Qinyang's first reaction was not to agree: "How can this be possible? This hunting ground is so big, how can you find it?"

"I have my own way."

"No -" Princess Qinyang had a headache. "Now that the Forbidden Army has gone to find them, there may be news soon. Wouldn't it be best for you to wait here? If they come back later, you What should I do if I haven’t come back yet? Besides, those assassins haven’t been caught yet, so they are really dangerous!”

But Ye Chutang was very persistent: "Don't worry, I know it well. Where is your horse?"

"My horse is... wrong!" Princess Qinyang was almost surrounded by her. Seeing that Ye Chutang would not change her mind, she simply gritted her teeth and said, "You can go, I'll go with you!"

Ye Chutang nodded: "Okay."

Princess Qinyang breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then I'll find another horse for you."

She knew that if brothers Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng didn't come back for a moment, Ye Chutang would not be able to relax.

It would be too unkind for her to insist on blocking him.

"There has been no news about my brother and the others. I don't know what the situation is now."

The longer time goes on, the more uneasy it becomes.

Later, Princess Qinyang accompanied Ye Chutang to send Xiao Wu to the eldest princess' tent.

Knowing that the two of them were going into the forest, the eldest princess just frowned and agreed directly.

"Take your guards with you and be back before dark."

Others would definitely not agree, but the eldest princess has also fought on the battlefield, and there are no cumbersome rules about what women can and cannot do.

In addition, she also specially lent her horse to Ye Chutang.

That's a war horse.

Although the eldest princess is old, she still has the horses that used to follow her in the mansion.

Compared with ordinary horses, their speed, strength and agility are much superior.

Ye Chutang bowed and thanked her seriously, and then planned to head into the forest with Princess Qinyang.

However, the servant had just brought the horse over, and before she could get on the horse, she heard a familiar voice hurriedly coming:
"Sister Chutang!" (End of this chapter)

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