Chapter 380 An Outsider (Part )
Ye Chutang turned his head and saw Xu Rongqing walking towards him nervously.

Ye Chutang pulled the reins and asked, "Why did Mr. Xu come to me?"

Xu Rongqing frowned: "You, are you going to find it yourself?"

He just heard the servants say that the eldest princess had given her horse to Ye Chutang, and she felt bad about it, so he rushed over immediately.

Ye Chutang nodded: "Yes."

"That's too dangerous!" Xu Rongqing was very worried, "How can you go alone? What if you encounter-"

"Xu Rongqing?"

While Princess Qinyang was holding the horse, she saw someone standing in front of Ye Chutang, a gentle and handsome young man, and an alarm suddenly sounded in her head.

She stood in front of Ye Chutang calmly and looked Xu Rongqing up and down.

There were many children from the aristocratic family in Beijing, but she only liked a few of them. Although Xu Rongqing was not good at fighting, he was a good writer. Even her father said that Xu Rongqing, the son of Xu Fengchi, was a rare talent.

Coupled with his good looks, he attracted many rich ladies to secretly fall in love with him.

But Xu Rongqing has never married a wife.

Looking at it now, what else don’t you understand?
He is obviously interested in her sister-in-law!
Seeing her coming, Xu Rongqing greeted her politely: "I have met Princess Qinyang."

Princess Qinyang laughed and raised her voice: "With me accompanying you, where can Chutang go? Xu Rongqing, what you say is too belittling."

Only then did Xu Rongqing see several guards following her, obviously traveling with them.

He felt relieved a little, but still felt uneasy: "I just don't have anything else to do, so I'll go with you. More people give us more strength. Sister Chutang, what do you think?"

Princess Qinyang choked.

This was done out of good intentions, how could she still say no?

Sure enough, Ye Chutang agreed without much hesitation: "Then I'll thank Mr. Xu first."

Xu Rongqing breathed a long sigh of relief, with a smile on his face: "You're welcome. Ayan and Afeng haven't come back for a long time, and I'm quite worried."

Princess Qinyang was even more displeased with him. She took a step forward with her horse's belly between her legs, and forced herself between the two of them, blocking Xu Rongqing's sight.

"Okay, time is tight, let's go now!"

Ye Chutang didn't pay attention to her little thoughts and nodded gently.

Xu Rongqing's sight was blocked and she could only turn sideways: "Sister Chutang, this is a war horse. It is taller and stronger than ordinary horses. It is difficult to control. Otherwise -"

Before he finished speaking, Ye Chutang had already stepped on the stirrup, held the reins with both hands, and jumped onto the horse with great grace!

The whole movement is flowing, elegant and agile.

Xu Rongqing was speechless and opened his eyes slightly, with shock flashing in his eyes.

In my memory, that weak and always quiet girl actually...

"Sister Chutang, when did you...when did you learn to ride a horse?"

Especially the riding skills are so good, even the classmates and friends he has seen before who are always proud of their superb riding and shooting skills may not be better than this.

Ye Chutang paused and smiled: "Brother taught me before, but I always didn't want to learn. Later I found it more convenient, so I learned it."

Xu Rongqing's chest felt tight.

More convenient?
How can it be considered more convenient?

During those three years of arduous escape and displacement, how much hardship did she endure before she could raise her younger brother Yaomei safely and bring them back to the capital?
Princess Qinyang was also looking at Ye Chutang.

At first, she was a little worried that this war horse had a strong temper, and Ye Chutang was afraid that it would be difficult to control. However, she did not expect that in Ye Chutang's hands, it would turn out to be extremely well-behaved and obedient. Without any hesitation, Ye Chutang tightened his grip on the reins and looked at the forest ahead.



"What? Ye Chutang and Princess Qinyang went into the forest together?"

Xiao Chengxuan, who had just sat down to rest in his tent, frowned.

The entourage said respectfully: "Yes, I also brought eight guards. It is said that the eldest princess agreed. In addition, Xu Fengnian's son Xu Rongqing is also with us."

Ru Guifei was also there at this time, and a trace of ridicule flashed across her face when she heard this.

"Does she really think she is omnipotent?"

This is a royal hunting ground, not a field where she can run wild!

There are all kinds of birds and animals roaming freely in the forest, and their lives are in danger at any time. Ye Chutang, a woman, really overestimates her capabilities!

"His Majesty has dispatched the imperial army, and she is still so brave. Does this mean she feels that she has not gained enough limelight?"

Xiao Lanxi, who was sitting aside, poured hot tea for Concubine Ru and Xiao Chengxuan, then hesitantly said: "It seems because her two younger brothers haven't come back yet? My father ordered us to search for the third brother and the eldest son, but he didn't mention anything else. people."

With their status here, those people will definitely give their all, and as for the others... they will naturally not get much attention.

Without a family background, even if he could come to this hunting ground like others, it would still be different.

——When something really happens, no one will care about their life or death.

Except for their own loved ones.

Xiao Chengxuan was very unhappy when he heard this: "The eldest princess is really so conniving, and even sent a bodyguard to follow her?"

Xiao Lanxi said: "She once saved the eldest princess's life. It is normal for the eldest princess to treat her so kindly."

"Who knows how she coaxed the eldest princess." Ru Guifei disagreed.

What kind of status is the eldest princess? People who are willing to die for her come one after another. If seeing a doctor for her can be considered life-saving, then those people at the Tai Hospital have been her benefactors in these years!
I don't see the eldest princess treating anyone differently.

Only this Ye Chutang——

"I heard that she would go to the princess's mansion every once in a while to take care of the eldest princess's health. The eldest princess has no children except Shen Yanchuan, and she only goes there for a month, which makes her feel lonely."

Like a noble concubine disdainfully sneering,
"Speaking of it, this Ye Chutang is also smart enough. He often goes to the eldest princess's house to accompany her under the pretext of seeing a doctor. Naturally, it is easy for the eldest princess to like her."

Xiao Lanxi lowered her eyebrows and looked at her tea cup quietly, but what she was thinking in her mind was different from that of Concubine Ru.

She saw the eldest princess and Ye Chutang getting along in the tent today, they were natural and close.

The eldest princess's joy and pampering almost overflowed.

That was definitely not a pretense, and with her status as the eldest princess, there was no need for her to pretend on such a matter.

Especially...the eldest princess even invited Ye Chutang to see her in front of His Majesty.

In fact, now that she has returned to Beijing, when will she not be able to do this? However, the eldest princess chose today.

On the surface, it seemed to be for her health, but in fact, she wanted Ye Chutang to show her face in front of His Majesty, right?
Both their father and brother are dead, and they have no foundation. It is said that the life of Ye Chutang and his brothers in the capital should be difficult.

However, no.

Everyone, including His Majesty, knew that she had superb medical skills and looked up to her.

What on earth does the eldest princess think about being so considerate to an outsider?

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