Chapter 381 Judgment (Update )
Xiao Chengxuan didn't care too much about these things. He was worried about other things.

"The third brother hasn't come back yet, who knows what's going on!"

Concubine Ru collected her thoughts and glanced at him.

Xiao Lanxi said tactfully, "Mother, Brother, I'll go ask outside. If the Third Brother is back, we can know about it as soon as possible."

Concubine Ru nodded, and Xiao Lanxi got up and went out.

After she left, the smile on Concubine Ru's face gradually disappeared, and she stared at Xiao Chengxuan seriously.

"Chengxuan, tell me the truth. Did you do what happened today?"

Xiao Chengxuan was furious: "Mother! It's ok that my father doubted me, but why do you not trust your son? In today's situation, I must have been crazy to do such a thing!"

Concubine Ru's heart finally settled down: "It's not you? That's good, that's good... You have to know that you have just been released from the ban, and so many eyes in the court are staring at you! If they find any evidence against you, all your efforts will be wasted!"

She had gone to great lengths to finally get Xiao Chengxuan out of trouble this time, and she couldn't make any mistakes at this time!
But soon, she frowned again: "If it's not you, who else could it be?"

This is what Xiao Chengxuan is worried about.

"How should I know?! Maybe Xiao Chengqi offended someone before and was retaliated against. Who knows?"

He didn't care where those assassins came from, what he cared about was that the blame was about to be put on his head!

"If this matter is not investigated thoroughly, Father will definitely think that I did it!"

When Xiao Chengxuan thought of his father's dignified and scrutinizing look when he came back, he felt a chill on his back.

He did dislike Xiao Chengqi, but he had plenty of ways to deal with him, so why use such an extreme and dangerous method!

Concubine Ru couldn't figure it out either, so she could only say, "Forget it, let's wait and see what happens! If it wasn't you who did it, how can it be blamed on you?"


Ye Chutang and his group went deeper into the forest. The forest was dense and thick with fallen leaves piled on the ground.

However, Ye Chutang rode his horse as if it were flat ground.

Princess Qinyang followed beside her and became more and more shocked the more she watched.

Ye Chutang, who usually looks gentle and peaceful, and has a bit of laziness in his bones, actually has such a skill!
What on earth can't she do?

Princess Qinyang couldn't help but move closer and asked in a low voice: "Chu Tang, Ah Yan and Ah Feng's horseback archery...could it be that you taught them?"

Ye Chutang smiled and said, "No, my brother taught me. Mr. Xu also knows this."

Xu Rongqing, who was suddenly called out, was still immersed in surprise and emotion. He suddenly woke up when he heard the voice, glanced at Ye Chutang's smiling face, and nodded.


This is not false. In the past, Ayan and Afeng always followed Ye Xiting.

However, what he didn't expect was that after three years, the two brothers, especially Ye Yunfeng, had made such amazing progress in this area.

Princess Qinyang said with emotion: "You have learned very well!"

Ye Chutang did not continue discussing the matter. After looking around, he pulled the reins and drove the horse in another direction.

"This way."

Princess Qinyang was amazed.

"No, do you really know where they went?"

This forest is so densely wooded that it's hard to tell the direction. How does Ye Chutang determine which way to go?

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