Chapter 382 Beast Circle (Update )
Ye Chutang said, "We started from the same place where they came in, and we took the same route. There are traces of people passing by on the leaves and trunks here, which are probably left by them."

Princess Qinyang widened her eyes slightly.

"Is this okay?"

She followed Ye Chutang's gaze and saw some broken branches, with the marks still fresh.

“You even understand this…”

Princess Qinyang showed some admiration in her eyes.

Such meticulous observation skills are not possessed by ordinary people.

Ye Chutang felt like a fish in water in this forest and understood everything clearly.

Of course Ye Chutang would not say that in addition to these, she had also made an agreement with A Yan and A Feng that whenever they passed such places, they would leave secret and special symbols.

This way, even if you get lost, you can still find each other through the clues left behind.

Ye Chutang continued to move forward.

Time passed slowly, and except for a few hares that occasionally jumped out, they didn't encounter anyone.

"This place is really too big." Princess Qinyang's forehead was already covered with a thin layer of sweat, and her brows gradually furrowed. "This is already deep in the forest. How could they have gone all the way here?"

Xu Rongqing pondered and said, "Perhaps they encountered prey they wanted to hunt, so they chased them here?"

"should be."

Ye Chutang suddenly spoke, stared at the ground in front of him, and then turned over and got off the horse.

Princess Qinyang was stunned: "Chu Tang?"

Ye Chutang took a few steps forward, leaned over to observe for a while, then picked up a piece of broken leaf and put it to his nose to smell it.

"There is blood here, it should be deer blood."

Princess Qinyang then noticed the residual blood on the leaf. If she didn't look carefully, she would definitely not be able to find it.


How come Ye Chutang could even smell deer blood?
After thinking about it, Princess Qinyang could only explain that Ye Chutang dealt with all kinds of medicinal herbs all day and was very familiar with all kinds of smells, so it was normal for him to recognize this. Ye Chutang looked around, his expression slightly condensed.

Judging from the bloodstains left here, it should be a young deer that ran over.

But after Afeng and his friends shot the deer, it still escaped. Perhaps that was why they continued to go inside.

Ye Chutang got back on his horse and pointed to the left front: "Over there."

Princess Qinyang's expression changed slightly: "Chu Tang, you can't go there!"

Ye Chutang turned back: "Why?"

Princess Qinyang frowned and explained, "That's the animal pen. There are many wild animals that have just been delivered. These animals are wild and untamed, so they are usually trained for a period of time before being released."

If I go there now, I will really put myself in danger!
Ye Chutang understood, and his heart sank.

"I must go."

She is now certain that something must have happened to Ayan and Afeng!
If Afeng is impulsive, he would definitely continue to pursue if he encountered such a situation, but Ayan is different.

He has always been cautious, and even if he didn't know that there was a beast pen over there, he would still think twice.

What's more, most of the people traveling with them are from wealthy families, and they will definitely tell them about the dangers of the beast circle.

Ah Yan had no reason to agree to Ah Feng continuing to take risks. It was very likely that something unexpected had happened, so that -

"I'll accompany you there."

Xu Rongqing rode his horse forward, his tone calm but his expression firm.

Princess Qinyang said immediately: "Okay! Let's go together! The beast pen is nothing special, how can this princess be afraid of it!"

Ye Chutang got back on the horse.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, her pupils suddenly shrank.

Right in front of him, a young man was lying on the ground covered in blood!

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