Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 383 She Doesn't Care

Chapter 383 She Doesn’t Care (Part )
Princess Qinyang's expression changed slightly: "Yao Gai!?"

She immediately dismounted and rushed over. The unconscious boy on the ground had blood all over his face and a scratch on his right thigh. The blood had soaked through his clothes, and he looked very miserable.

"Yao Gai! Wake up!"

Princess Qinyang called out several times, but there was still no response. She couldn't help but become anxious and turned to look at Ye Chutang for help.

"Chu Tang! Come and take a look! He seems to be seriously injured!"

The first time Ye Chutang saw him, he knew something must have happened. Without any hesitation, he quickly stepped forward to check.

"It looks like he was injured by a wild beast and lost too much blood, which is why he passed out."

Ye Chutang took out a white jade bottle from his sleeve and sprinkled the powder in it evenly on Yao Gai's wound to stop the bleeding.

Xu Rongqing also rushed over. Seeing this, he frowned and asked worriedly, "Isn't this Ah Yan and Ah Feng's classmate in the Imperial College? I remember they entered the forest together before. Why is he the only one here now?"

As he spoke, he looked up and around, trying to search for the other people.

Ye Chutang fed Yao Gai another pill to keep him alive.

Princess Qinyang watched as Yao Gai's wound gradually stopped bleeding and his originally weak breathing became even and long, and she finally felt relieved.

Yao Gai's father, Yao Feng, was once a general under the King of Yannan, so she and Yao Gai were familiar with each other.

"Yao Gai was a good archer, how could he end up like this?" Princess Qinyang was still terrified. "Where did the others who were with him go?"

At this time, Yao Gai finally woke up and opened his eyes with difficulty.

Princess Qinyang was delighted: "Yao Gai! Are you awake?"

Yao Gai's mind was still a little confused at first, but when he heard the voice of Princess Qinyang, he gradually regained his senses.

"Princess, Princess..."

His voice was weak, and Princess Qinyang became anxious: "Where are Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng? Didn't you come together?"

Yao Gai opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but blood flowed from the corner of his mouth again.

A clear and calm female voice suddenly flowed into my ears like a spring:

"Don't talk yet. Your chest has been hit hard. Your ribs must be broken. If you are jolted again and pierce your lungs, it will be even more troublesome."

Yao Gai turned his head and was surprised to find Ye Chutang beside him.

She was lowering her head slightly, calmly bandaging his wound.

With skillful movements and light techniques, he quickly tied a perfect knot.

Not only did he not feel too much pain, even the heart-wrenching tearing pain before he fell into coma was much alleviated.

Ye Chutang... By the way, there have always been rumors in Beijing that she has excellent medical skills.

Like many people, Yao Gai was skeptical about this matter before, but when he saw it with his own eyes, he knew that what was said was true.

At first glance, she looked like someone who had treated countless people with such experience and skill.

"I'll ask a few questions and you just need to nod or shake your head."

Ye Chutang finished the first aid and temporarily stopped what he was doing. He looked at Yao Gai and asked:

"You, Ayan and Afeng were hunting a young deer before. You chased them all the way to the depths of the forest, but were shot by a hidden arrow. Afeng continued to chase deeper into the forest, and Ayan asked you to return to the camp to report that an assassin was attacking."

"On your way back, you encountered a ferocious beast and were injured. Your horse must have been frightened and threw you off in a panic. You were seriously injured and passed out until we arrived."

"As for Ah Yan and Ah Feng, they should be chasing in the direction of the beast's enclosure. You were separated from them, and now you don't know where they are or what their situation is."

"Yes or no?"

As she spoke these words, everyone around her was stunned.

This, she directly deduced the whole process! ?
Yao Gai also slowly opened his eyes, his eye sockets were slightly red when he heard the last sentence, and he nodded with difficulty and force.

--Yes Yes!

He raised his hand with difficulty and pointed in the direction of the forest, his eyes full of anxiety.

"Save, save..."

Ye Chutang nodded: "Don't worry, we will go and rescue them. But you are seriously injured now, there is no time to delay, you have to go back immediately."

As she spoke, she turned around and looked at the accompanying guards, and pointed at two of them. "You take him back to the camp first."

As she spoke, she had already climbed onto the horse again.

"The rest of you keep going."

Princess Qinyang quickly grabbed the reins: "Chu Tang! How did you guess it was an assassin——"

"I understand Ah Yan."

Ye Chutang was brief and to the point, without giving any further explanation.

The fact that he is willing to go on an adventure with Afeng says a lot.

There is no other possibility except encountering an assassin.

Princess Qinyang was shocked.

Ye Chutang actually guessed the whole story accurately based on the subtle traces along the way, and even roughly deduced the process!
Whether it is the observation of the external environment or the insight into people's hearts, it is truly unique.

Even though she had been taught by her father himself, she could not compare with Ye Chutang in this regard.


Looking at that calm and composed face, Princess Qinyang nodded vigorously: "Okay! I'll do as you say!"

Xu Rongqing frowned, and became more worried about this trip: "So, they also encountered the group of assassins? The enemy situation is unclear. It would be dangerous to go forward rashly. It would be better to send more people to report back as soon as possible and ask for reinforcements to come quickly."

There is certainly nothing wrong with what he said, but the key point is that time waits for no one.

They can wait as long as this goes on, but A Yan and A Feng may not be able to wait as long as this.

Ye Chutang looked up at the sky.

If it is late at night, the mountains will be even more dangerous.

Must be fast!

She pulled the reins and said, "Go!"

Princess Qinyang quickly caught up: "Chu Tang, wait for me!"

Xu Rongqing was in a dilemma. He immediately told a guard to go back to the camp for help, while he quickly rode his horse to chase after them.


The deeper you go, the denser the forest becomes.

The branches are slanting and the leaves are rustling, almost covering the sky and the sun.

The light became dimmer and even the wind started to pick up a chill.

Princess Qinyang frowned and said, "What on earth were those assassins thinking? Why did they have to come to this beast pen when they could go anywhere else?"

Ye Chutang was not surprised and said, "It's a place with few people, so it's very convenient to kill someone and hide the body."

A chill suddenly crept up Princess Qinyang's back.

She suddenly realized something: "You mean - they are familiar with the terrain here and deliberately chose to lead people to the beast circle!?"

Ye Chutang was noncommittal.

Princess Qinyang looked solemn.

"The Third Prince was also assassinated. These people should be in the same group. Could it be... that Ah Yan and Ah Feng happened to run into them?"

She thought about it and decided that the two brothers would not have offended anyone to invite such revenge.

Those who can sneak into the royal hunting grounds quietly are definitely not simple people. They are most likely those who were unfortunately swept in.


Ye Chutang spoke in a calm voice.

She doesn't care about the reasons and the process, she only cares about the results.

——She will kill anyone who touches A Yan and A Feng!

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