Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 384: Get Out of Here

Chapter 384: Get Out of Here (Part )
The forest was gloomy, and a bird flew out of the forest, flapping its wings, cutting a sharp shadow in the sky, and gradually flew away.

Shen Yanchuan raised his head and took a look, then looked away.

Lian Zhou and his companions followed behind, their footsteps falling on the dead leaves, almost silently.

After walking for a long time, I still didn't meet anyone else.

Lian Zhou looked around and asked in a low voice: "Master, the beast enclosure is just ahead. Do you want to continue?"

Shen Yanchuan nodded: "The Third Prince has not been found yet."

Lian Zhou didn't ask any more questions.

Ever since the Third Prince was chased by assassins into the depths of the forest, he has disappeared. They have been searching all the way, and their speed is not slow, but they are always a long way behind.

He thought for a moment and said, "Those assassins seem to be well prepared and have extraordinary skills."

The Third Prince Xiao Chengqi was, after all, experienced on the battlefield and had strong martial arts skills, but he was forced to this point. This shows the strength of those assassins.


"Why did the Third Prince flee into the forest?"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly.

“There is no better choice.”

Lian Zhou took a while to react and finally understood - yes! If the Third Prince led these assassins to the camp, His Majesty and others would definitely be in danger. Although there were guards, these assassins should not be underestimated. If something went wrong, no one could bear the responsibility.

In addition, perhaps the assassins deliberately led him deep into the forest.

"They seem to be quite familiar with the terrain here." Lian Zhou frowned, "I just don't know who sent them..."


A subtle sound suddenly came from the front right.

Lian Zhou and his companions became alert instantly!


As they were talking, the bowstrings in their hands were already fully drawn, and the sharp arrows were flashing coldly!
At this moment, Shen Yanchuan suddenly raised his hand and said, "Wait a minute." Lian Zhou and the others were puzzled: "Master?"

Shen Yanchuan had already looked forward, with the corner of his lips slightly raised: "Come out."

After a brief silence, two tall young figures, one in front and one behind, came into view.

Lian Zhou and the others all showed shock on their faces - the people who came were none other than the brothers Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng!
Ye Jingyan took a step forward and bowed politely: "Greetings, Prince."

Shen Yanchuan glanced at the two men and saw that there were only a few bloodstains on their clothes, but their faces and breath were normal. He quickly determined that they were not injured.

"Why are you here?"

This is already deep in the hunting grounds, and normally people would not go here.

Ye Yunfeng chuckled and said, "We are here to chase those assassins!"

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows.

Lian Zhou could no longer suppress his surprise and asked, "You mean... the group of assassins who were chasing after the Third Prince?"

"Third Prince?" Ye Yunfeng realized something and his expression slightly restrained. "We didn't know they were coming for the Third Prince. It's just that we were ambushed in the forest before and realized something was wrong, so we chased them all the way here."

In other words, they did not meet the Third Prince either.

"Could it be that the assassins acted separately?" Lian Zhou's expression suddenly froze, "Master, I'm afraid that the number of people they brought this time is more than we expected."

Judging from the current situation, they should split their forces into several groups to encircle and suppress the Third Prince.

It was just that one of the teams met Ye Yunfeng and his team, which led to them being implicated.


Shen Yanchuan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Those assassins are highly skilled in martial arts. If they encounter you, they will show no mercy."

"So, you two managed to escape from that group of people without any external help?"

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