Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 39 I Look, She Looks So Familiar

Chapter 39 I Look, She Looks So Familiar

Lian Zhou stepped back and turned sideways to make way: "Please, Doctor Ye."

Ye Chutang nodded slightly.

She is still very principled, since she has accepted money from others, she must try her best to satisfy the other party's requirements.

When Ye Chutang came to the inner room, Shen Yanchuan had a pair of broken chess pieces in front of him. Hearing the sound, he looked up and smiled slightly: "It's troublesome."

Ye Chutang sat down on the seat opposite him, with a gentle smile: "Young Master Shen is polite, you should."

It's hard to imagine that they were in the same dark alley before, threatening and guarding against each other with such calm and harmonious appearance.

Ye Chutang helped Shen Yanchuan feel the pulse again.

Shen Yanchuan suppressed his inner breath calmly, looked at Ye Chutang: "Doctor Ye, how are you?"

Ye Chutang's eyelashes trembled slightly, he withdrew his hand, and said in a warm voice: "Mr. Shen's injury was quite serious before. Although he has recovered [-]% now, his vitality is seriously injured, so he still needs to take care of it. Fortunately, there is no need to use any medicine in the future. Just think about resting."

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's lips curved slightly: "Thank you."

Ye Chutang looked at him, knowing that the other party's mental strategy was not simple, and he didn't bother to beat around the bush.

"To be honest, our family is planning to leave Jiangling in a few days, and this medical clinic will not continue to open. So—"

The meaning of driving away the customers could not be more obvious.

Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if a little surprised: "Leave? I don't know where Doctor Ye plans to go?"

Ye Chutang sighed lightly: "A lot of things have happened during this period, and there are many disputes. I don't know when the turmoil will subside. Besides, we are not from Jiangling in the first place. After much deliberation, we decided to join our distant relatives."

"Distant relatives?" Shen Yanchuan's eyes were fixed, his eyes fixed on her face, never letting go of the slightest fluctuation in her expression.

If I remember correctly, the Ye Chutang brothers and sisters fled from the north all the way back then, how could there be so-called distant relatives?

Ye Chutang seemed to know what he wanted to ask, nodded slightly, with a faint smile on his lips, and explained: "We didn't know about it before, but it was a coincidence that we got in touch with them recently."

These days, it is indeed very difficult for a 17-year-old woman with three younger siblings, and it is only normal for her to go to relatives and friends.

But——this person is Ye Chutang, but he is full of strangeness everywhere.

Although the two had known each other for only a month, Shen Yanchuan already knew very well that the girl in front of him was definitely not as gentle and harmless as she appeared on the surface.

Going to a distant relative... This is a good reason.

Shen Yanchuan smiled, and said: "So that's the case. That's fine, but it's a pity that Dr. Ye is very skilled in medicine. It may not be easy to see you again in the future."

Ye Chutang half-jokingly and half-seriously said: "I'm a doctor, seeing me is not a good thing, I hope Mr. Shen will be healthy in the future, and never see each other again."

Saying that, she stood up and blessed her body, without looking at Shen Yanchuan's expression, she turned and left.

Lian Zhou quickly raised his head to look at his master, then quickly lowered his head, and couldn't help giving Ye Chutang a thumbs up in his heart.

If you don't want to drive people away, you can still speak so ugly!It's almost like throwing their things out, and telling them to get out of here!

With his master's demeanor and appearance, any woman would blush for a long time when she saw her, but when she came to Ye Chutang, she seemed to avoid him as if she was afraid of getting anything to do with him, even he could see the disgust!What's more, master?
Seriously speaking, this is really the first time the master has been treated so coldly by the woman, right?

When the cold voice came, Lian Zhou immediately trembled: "This subordinate is here!"

Shen Yanchuan glanced at him: "Didn't you hear what Doctor Ye said? Go and pack your things, so as not to delay him later."

His tone was as calm as ever, but for some reason, Lian Zhou inexplicably felt a chill on the back of his neck.

He quickly clasped his fists in response: "Yes!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately raised his legs and walked out, unexpectedly bumping into Xie Anbai head-on.

"Huh? You're in such a hurry, what are you going to do?" Xie Anbai asked strangely.

Lian Zhou saluted him: "Mr. Xie, my subordinates are going to prepare the car."

Xie Anbai was stunned, realized something, turned to look at Shen Yanchuan: "You want to go?"

Shen Yanchuan didn't reply to his words, just looked at the chessboard, wondering what he was thinking.

Xie Anbai strode over: "Hey, why is it so sudden? You haven't flirted with Dr. Ye yet, so you're leaving in a hurry? Then you'll have to catch up with him!"

Shen Yanchuan felt that Xie Anbai was extremely noisy today.

He didn't lift his head: "Your father wrote me a letter, asking where you are now."

As soon as Xie Anbai's butt touched the chair, he immediately bounced up when he heard the words: "You didn't tell him!? Brother, don't betray me!"

Shen Yanchuan was noncommittal.

Xie Anbai was in a hurry: "Okay, okay! You can do whatever you want! I just asked, is it okay? If you want to go back to Beijing, you can go back by yourself, I won't go back!"

Shen Yanchuan didn't care whether he went back to the capital or not, what he cared about was another person: "She is going back to Beijing."

"Who?" Xie Anbai reacted for a moment, "Doctor Ye? Did she tell you just now?"

Just now when he just arrived, he saw Ye Chutang coming out of Shen Yanchuan's room, and he co-authored it just to talk about it?

"She didn't say it, I guessed it." Shen Yanchuan said.

Although Ye Chutang didn't reveal it, he had a strong intuition that she wanted to return to the capital.

He raised his eyes slightly, and said, "Last time, you said that you happened to hear her brother mention the red date and chestnut cakes in Fuyuelou, so you concluded that they came from the capital. Besides, did you hear anything else?"

Xie Anbai put his folding fan on his chin and thought for a while, then shook his head.

"No. That's what I overheard her fourth brother coaxing that little doll when I was about to leave that day, and I didn't say much else."

Fuyuelou is a well-known snack shop in the capital, and the price is not cheap. They can afford the red dates and chestnut cakes there, which proves that their family was in good condition in the past.

But how could such a family leave the capital inexplicably and flee famine?

That year, there was heavy snow in the north and severe famine, but it did not affect the capital.

The room fell silent for a while.

Suddenly, there was a burst of giggling outside, but a little milk ball was holding the purse tightly and rushed into Ye Chutang's arms.

Her fleshy little hands were raised high.

— Sister!My purse is packed!
Ye Chutang smiled at the heavy purse, and nodded her nose.

"Xiao Wu is the best. I'll go and have a look later. If there's anything I want to bring, tell your third brother."

The little milk group nodded vigorously.

Shen Yanchuan quietly watched this scene.

The sun was shining, and the profile of the woman standing under the porch was smooth and delicate, and there was a star-like smile in her dark and moist eyes.

It was completely different from the alienation and indifference when he was driving people away.

Suddenly, Xie Anbai who was next to him said, "Eh? I looked at this Doctor Ye...why does it look familiar?"

Shen Yanchuan's eyebrows twitched slightly, and he asked softly with his side eyes:


(End of this chapter)

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