Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 40 Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 40 Don't Be Afraid, Go Home With Sister

Xie Anbai is a well-known devil king in the capital, he doesn't do any serious business, but he is good at eating, drinking and having fun.

He is well-connected, well-connected, and well-informed.

Since these words came out of his mouth, people couldn't help but think a little more.

"You know him?" Shen Yanchuan raised his eyebrows and asked.

Xie Anbai touched his chin and thought for a while, but frowned and shook his head: "No. If I have seen someone who looks like this, I will definitely have an impression."

The first time I saw Ye Chutang before was at night, the sky was dark, and there was still a distance, so he couldn't take a closer look.

At that time, I just thought it was a rare beauty, but now I looked at it again, and found that the appearance standing by the door with raised lips and smiling was inexplicably familiar, as if I had seen it somewhere.

But Xie Anbai thought for a while, but he didn't even try to understand where this inexplicable feeling of familiarity came from.

"Maybe I misread it!" Xie Anbai simply gave up, "Maybe I have seen it from afar in the capital before. After all, the capital is so big, it is normal for many people not to see the second side. Besides, it's not that they are brothers and sisters. Did a few flee from the north three years ago? I guess they were no longer in the capital by then."

Shen Yanchuan's phoenix eyes dimmed: "Really."

Xie Anbai had stayed in the capital longer than him, and he knew it better. If even he said that, it would be hard to check.

He pondered for a moment, then asked: "By the way, I heard that Beijing and China are not very peaceful recently?"

This is a polite question.

Xie Anbai snorted and laughed: "Not only that! It's a big mess! Last time, the ink corruption case on the Tongzhou river embankment involved a lot of people, and a lot of positions were vacated, especially the vacancy of the left servant of the Ministry of Officials. Several people were eyeing it. Bleeding!"

If he didn't want to avoid this trouble, he wouldn't have run out so simply.

"There is still no conclusion on this matter, but another matter is certain - Xu Fengchi has made merit this time, and he will go up."

Xie Anbai couldn't help chuckling,

"If you get promoted again, the left deputy of the third grade will be the censor. It is not something that ordinary people can achieve at this age."

Shen Yanchuan picked up a chess piece, stared at the chessboard for a moment, and slowly dropped the piece.

This was expected, and he wasn't surprised.

"Indeed." He nodded lightly, "Without a family background, without external help, it is indeed rare to be able to win this position."

Xie Anbai glanced at him with some surprise: "It's really rare that you would take the initiative to praise others? I remember that you don't know this person very well? Why are you starting to care about these things now?"

Shen Yanchuan's thin lips lifted slightly, and a faint smile flashed across.

"Since I have decided to go back, I should know more about it and be prepared."


The case of Cao's father and son was judged quickly, and they were all beheaded.

In addition, Liu Yiyi has used Yang Zhen's name to do a lot of unscrupulous things in the past few years. She was reduced to a lowly status and exiled in Xijiang.

Everyone knows what this means. It is almost impossible for a pretty woman to survive.

Yang Zhen was also implicated, was deprived of his official position, and was detained for examination.

In short, overnight, everything that was once dreamed disappeared.

For several days, people in the streets and alleys of Jiangling were discussing these topics enthusiastically.

On a sunny morning, a carriage left the Ye's Medical Center and left the city through the west gate.

Aunt Yang was the first to notice this abnormality.

"Huh? Doctor Ye, where's your family?"

Aunt Yang looked around the yard a few times and couldn't help asking.

Ye Chutang naturally knew who she was talking about, and said, "Mr. Shen has recovered from his injuries and has already left."

"Huh? Just leave like this?" Aunt Yang showed a bit of pity on her face.

Although that Mr. Shen is not in good health, but that face is really not to be picked on, even if you just stay here and look at it every day, it is good!
"Originally, I said, let's make peace with you! I think Xiao Wu seems to be very close to him? If you really don't want to marry Dr. Ye, you can find him as a companion!"

Aunt Yang looked melancholy: "But why did you leave so soon, what a pity!"

Ye Chutang: "..."

It's really unexpected that after so long, Aunt Yang still remembers this matter.

"Don't worry about me, I'll take Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu away tomorrow." Ye Chutang said, and brought some medicines prepared in advance, "Here are the medicines I made from my own recipe. If you usually have a headache and brain fever, just use it."

Aunt Yang opened her eyes wide and asked incredulously, "What? You guys are leaving too!?"

"Yes." Ye Chutang smiled, "I happened to contact a distant relative a few days ago."

Aunt Yang understood in an instant, excited and sad at the same time, her eyes turned red.

Her lips moved a few times, as if she wanted to say a lot, but in the end she only patted Ye Chutang's hand.

"Good! Good! Someone will take care of you, so you don't have to work so hard anymore, do you?"

She really felt sorry for Ye Chutang, so now that she heard that they were leaving, although she was reluctant to part with her, she was more happy for them.

"Then wait! I'll get you some food, you're on the way—"

She was about to get up, but Ye Chutang persuaded her: "You don't have to worry about it, Afeng and the others have already packed the things, we will leave early tomorrow morning, today is to say goodbye to you."

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips were slightly curved, and his eyes were sincere: "Thank you for taking care of me these few years."

Aunt Yang seemed to have something surging in her chest, but she couldn't say anything when she got to her mouth. Finally, she choked up and said, "Thank you! I should thank you! This yard is still here, if you live there If you are not happy, just bring Xiao Wu and the others back anytime!"

Ye Chutang rolled his eyes.

"it is good."


On the second day, Ye Chutang got up just as the sky turned white.

She fished Xiao Wu out of the bed, who was half asleep and half awake, and Xiao Wu fell into a drowsy sleep, stretched out two small arms to wrap around Ye Chutang's neck, and rubbed against Ye Chutang's arms.

The carriage was parked outside the door, Ye Jingyan stood aside, and Ye Yunfeng was in front, responsible for driving.

They didn't bring many things with them. The collection of books had been burned under Ye Chutang's order the day before, and they only brought some change of clothes and gold and silver, which were light and simple.

Ye Chutang carried Xiao Wu to the front of the carriage, and Ye Jingyan helped to open the curtain.

However, just as Ye Chutang stepped into the carriage, Xiao Wu in her arms suddenly moved, her little hands involuntarily hugged Ye Chutang tightly, and buried her tightly in Ye Chutang's arms with her eyes closed.

Her small body was trembling extremely slightly.

Ye Chutang's eyes drooped slightly, he hugged her even tighter, and gently patted the little milk ball.

"Don't be afraid, Xiao Wu."

she whispered,

"Go home with sister."

(End of this chapter)

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