Chapter 49 Dumb
As night falls, the capital city in May already has wisps of heat in the evening wind.

Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng stayed in Brother A's room, while Ye Chutang took Xiao Wu back to the original residence.

No one has touched her here, and after the servants cleaned it, it was no different from before.

Ye Chutang hung a small sachet by the bed, and the light scent of herbs wafted out.

Xiao Wu looked around for a while, then sat on the bed and obediently took out the purse, counted the contents again, and then showed a happy smile.

——The fourth brother said before that the capital is very expensive, and everything is expensive, and she is ready to take out the pocket money she saved!As a result, at the end of the day, even a tael of silver was not spent!

Seeing this, Ye Chutang squeezed her little face.

"Xiao Wu, do you like this place?"

Xiao Wu tilted his head and thought for a while, shook his head, and nodded again.

——She didn't like those people she saw today, and she didn't like living in the same place with them, but she could tell that Sister Ai cared a lot about this place.When she went to brother's room today, she was in a daze for a long time.

There are also the third and fourth brothers, who obviously have the same idea as sister.

Since they cared, she cared too!

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curved slightly: "Don't worry, this will always be our home, and no one can take it away."

Xiao Wu was a little confused, but still nodded vigorously.

——She believed everything my sister said!

The full moon hangs high, and the bright moonlight shines down.

Xu House.

Xu Fengchi, who was processing the file at the table, looked at the letter in his hand and let out a long sigh.

"She actually... actually came back!"

Before, he had repeatedly instructed Ye Chutang not to return to the capital, and he was in charge of the affairs here.

But I didn't expect that she would come back anyway, and the letter was obviously delayed until today.

When he saw it, they had already arrived in the capital, and even went back to Ye Mansion directly!

"I guess someone won't be able to sleep tonight..."

Xu Fengchi murmured softly.

His gaze swept to the letter again, and Ye Chutang briefly wrote down what happened in Jiangling, but in just a few words, it is not difficult to imagine the twists and turns.

She was a girl of no more than seventeen, she was helpless there, don't get involved in the disputes, and she was able to retreat in the end... Even he was deeply shocked.

It seems that too many things have happened in the past three years, which even honed her out.

Xu Fengchi thought for a moment, lit the letter on the candle, and then called someone.

"Go back up the gift, I will take it to Ye Mansion another day."

The entourage was a little strange: "Master, do you want to go in person?"

Xu Fengchi worked in the Metropolitan Procuratorate, with a noble personality, and rarely had too much contact with other courtiers.

Ye Heng is a slick and sophisticated person who forms cliques, exactly the kind of person Xu Fengchi hates the most.

Why did it suddenly—

Xu Fengchi was about to nod his head when there was a sound of hurried footsteps outside.

A tall young man in an indigo brocade robe ran in.

Elegant and handsome, with a rare bookish look in his eyebrows and eyes, as gentle as jade.


He spoke, still gasping with excitement.

Xu Fengchi was surprised: "Rong Qing, what's wrong?"

Xu Rongqing managed to suppress the turmoil in his heart, but his tone still revealed his eagerness.

"I heard that sister Chutang and the others are not dead?! And they have already returned to the capital today!?"

Xu Fengchi understood, and nodded: "That's right."

This matter has been spread, there is no need to deny it.

Xu Rongqing's hanging heart finally fell to the ground, his brows and eyes stretched, and he smiled sincerely.

"That's great... that's great! I thought they were—"

Xu Fengchi and Ye Chutang have never told anyone else about the connection between Xu Fengchi and Ye Chutang, not even his own son.

He and Ye Zheng are brothers who love each other with sincerity. The two families were very close back then, and the children knew each other well when they were young. It is normal for Rong Qing to react like this.

Thinking of this, Xu Fengchi's expression softened a lot, and he asked with a smile:

"It's also because of their fate that they managed to survive. I'm going to Ye Mansion in the future. You may not see them for a long time. Are you together?"


This night, some people are happy and some are worried.

Ye Chutang had a rare good night's sleep holding Xiao Wu in his arms.

I have been on the road for a month, although the schedule is not too rushed, but after all, it is hard work, and now I can finally lie down and have a good rest.

In my impression, except for the time when I took Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu to flee south, I have never been so tired.

It was the servant girl who knocked on the door, and Ye Chutang woke up.

"Second Miss, it's time to get up, the master and wife are waiting for you!"

Only then did Ye Chutang lazily open his eyes. Xiao Wu was lying in her arms, blinking a pair of big black grape-like eyes, flickering.

"Wake up so early?" As soon as Ye Chutang opened his mouth, Xiao Wu's stomach grumbled.

Ye Chutang: "..." He woke up from hunger.

Xiao Wu blushed instantly, and buried herself in her arms embarrassingly.

Ye Chutang sat up and pressed the space between his eyebrows.

"Xiao Wu, it's been hard work for you to follow sister these few years."

Not to mention the ups and downs since she was a child, it was often because she couldn't eat on time.

Xiao Wu quickly shook his head.

--certainly not!It's been a lot of hard work for my elder sister to support the third brother, fourth brother and her alone!
Ye Chutang picked her up to wash, and changed her clothes.

Last night, Ye Heng wanted to hold a banquet for them, but Ye Chutang refused.

Go back to your own home, so why bother?
In the end, Ye Heng had no choice but to ask his servants to deliver the food to their room, and used it briefly, saying that the first day was too tiring to come back, so we can wait until tomorrow.

Oh, that's today.

After tidying up, she took Xiao Wu out the door.

"Go, sister will take you to dinner."


Here, Ye Heng, Gao Shi and Ye Shixian have been waiting for a long time.

There was a hearty breakfast on the dining table, and the servants served the surroundings, but no one moved their chopsticks.

Gao became impatient waiting, and couldn't help but said: "What's the matter with these people? Do you know a little etiquette? What time is it, and you don't even know it! Do you want us to wait here for them all the time?" !"

Ye Heng gave her a dissatisfied look: "They are all juniors of our own family, what are you so fussy about!"

There are servants around, so you can't pay attention to what you say!
Gao was even more dissatisfied by him, and smiled coldly: "It is the junior who knows, and whoever doesn't know, what kind of distinguished guest! Who dares the junior to make the elder wait like this?"

At this time, a clear and clean girl's voice suddenly came from outside: "Why did Second Aunt say that?"

Several people in the room looked up together, and saw Ye Chutang leading Xiao Wu in.

She didn't wear makeup, but she was still touching, with a faint smile on her lips.

"After traveling all the way, I finally returned to my home, so I thought I could sleep a little longer. Unexpectedly, my second uncle and aunt were waiting here early in the morning."

Ye Heng hurriedly smoothed things over: "You should take more rest, sit down!"

Gao Shi finally came back to his senses, and reluctantly moved his eyes away from Ye Chutang's face, the handkerchief in his hand was already clenched tightly.

This Ye Chutang, who hadn't seen him for three years, actually turned out like this?

Ye Chutang looked at Gao, and said, "I didn't see Second Aunt yesterday, so don't mind Second Aunt. Ah Yan, A Feng, Xiao Wu, just come and see Second Aunt."

Although the two brothers were unhappy, they still greeted each other.

"Second aunt."

Xiao Wu blinked, but didn't make a sound.

Gao's eyes widened slightly, and he asked in surprise, "Why is this child dumb?"

As soon as the voice fell, the air in the room froze instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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