Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 50 Anti-General 1 Army

Chapter 50 Anti-General Army

Ye Yunfeng's face turned cold instantly: "Xiao Wu is not dumb!"

In front of the servants, Gao's face couldn't hold back when a 12-year-old boy talked back like this.

"That's what I said, she doesn't understand as a child. Besides, she really can't speak when she looks like this!"

Whose child can't call at the age of four?

This Ye Lingzhi clearly has a problem, why not let him talk about it?
Ye Chutang's expression faded a little, and there was no emotion in his eyes: "Second Aunt, although Xiao Wu is young, she can understand these words. Even though her parents are not here now, she is still our family's beloved. Son, in this Ye Mansion, there is absolutely no reason for people to point at her and bully her. You are an elder, we don't ask you to treat Xiao Wu like your own daughter, but we also ask you to do good deeds."

Gao's face turned red and white.

What's the matter with these people?One and two are eloquent!
She was about to have a fit when she caught a glimpse of Ye Heng's disapproving expression from the corner of her eye, swallowed the breath again, and forced a smile: "Chutang, you really misunderstood Second Aunt. Aren't I also thinking of Xiao Wu? If she really has a problem, she has to ask the doctor to take a look!"

Xiao Wu grabbed Ye Chutang's hand, feeling a little unhappy when he heard it.

Looking for a doctor?Elder Sister is the most powerful doctor in the world, why do you want to hire someone else?

Ye Chutang squeezed her little hand reassuringly, and then said softly to Gao: "Thank you for your kindness, Second Aunt, but we know Xiaowu's situation well, so we don't need to call a doctor."

"How can this be done? It's too late to turn around, and when someone sees her, they will say that your second uncle didn't do his best." Gao's face showed a bit of arrogance, "Besides, the doctors in the capital are not those who can't get in." The quack doctors on the table are comparable. Let your second uncle invite an imperial doctor from the imperial hospital later, maybe there will be a solution!"

Hearing the sound, Ye Heng also nodded in agreement: "That's right. It just so happens that Doctor Zhang will come to the mansion tomorrow, so I can invite him to take a look."

Ye Chutang became a little impatient.

It would be okay if they asked Chu Qiyuan to come over, at least he was upright and level.

But it's not a waste of time to invite someone who is a waste of his ancestors to get into the Tai Hospital.

But she was too lazy to waste words, Ye Heng was eager to show, so let him show it.

"Okay. Then thank the second uncle first."

Ye Chutang saluted politely, and took a few people to sit down.

Ye Shixian glanced at Xiao Wu a few times, and asked proactively, "Would you like to let Nanny Li serve Xiao Wu for dinner?"

Ye Chutang brought some food for Xiao Wu, and smiled lightly: "That's not necessary. She has done her own business very well."

Ye Shixian looked at it for a while, and found that although Xiao Wu couldn't speak, he really didn't need someone to take care of things like eating and drinking.

That's right, I've lived outside since I was a child, so I guess it's good to be able to eat enough, how can I compare with the noble and precious children raised by the aristocratic families in the capital.

Thinking of this, a bit of disdain and contempt floated in her heart.

A meal with different thoughts was finally finished.

Ye Heng pondered for most of the night, and finally decided to ask at this moment.

"Chutang, you came back suddenly yesterday. I didn't ask too many questions because you were tired from the journey. But now, can you tell me how you have come here in the past three years?"

He sighed: "After my eldest brother and sister-in-law had an accident, I searched for you for a long time, but unfortunately found nothing. In the past few years, you have suffered a lot, right?"

He couldn't figure it out, how did Ye Chutang, a fourteen-year-old girl, survive with three younger siblings?

Ye Shixian also looked towards Ye Chutang.

Ye Chutang's tone was calm.

"By chance, on the way we were fleeing, we met an old doctor. He was running out of time and worried that he would have no successor, so he taught me some simple medical principles." Following Ah Yan and the others, they found a place to stay, opened a small medical clinic, and made a living by collecting herbs and treating patients on weekdays."

"What, what?" Ye Heng was shocked, "You mean you, you opened a medical clinic?!"

Ye Chutang knew why he was so shocked. Although the current dynasty is enlightened, it is still rare for women to stand on their own.

Ye Shixian's eyes were also full of surprise, the way she looked at Ye Chutang was different.

——how can you say that she is also a noble lady from an official family, how can she lower her status like this?
She pressed the corners of her lips with a veil, and lowered her eyes to hide the mocking smile in her eyes.

Seeing Ye Chutang for the first time yesterday, she still felt a faint sense of crisis in her heart, but hearing this now, she felt that her worries were superfluous.

A woman who once showed her face and worked hard to make a living is no longer qualified to be compared with her.

Ye Chutang didn't care about their attitudes, and only said softly: "I'm ashamed to say it. As a sister, I failed to provide better conditions for Ah Yan and Ah Feng, and I can only provide them with the cheapest academy. In the past few years It’s really embarrassing for them.”

Ye Jingyan's brows moved slightly: "Sister——"

Ye Yunfeng scratched his head, feeling guilty in his heart: "Sister, why blame yourself! It's me who caused you a lot of trouble!"

Ye Chutang turned his head slightly to look at the two of them, and said softly, "My parents and elder brother are not here. I am elder sister, so I naturally have to take this responsibility. It's good to let people know that the children of our Ye family are not unattended. on."

Ye Heng couldn't sit still after hearing this.
"Chutang, speaking of this, I was just about to discuss it with you. Ah Yan and A Feng are now in the grades they should be in. In the past, you were living outside, so I didn't know, but now that you have returned to the capital, then As my second uncle, it is my duty to do so!"

He said: "I have already started to help Ah Yan and Ah Feng contact a suitable academy. After a few days when everything at home is settled down, I can send them to study!"

Ye Chutang lifted his eyelids slightly, and a slight smile appeared on his lips.

"Second Uncle's arrangement is naturally the best. I was worried that Ming Ze was in the Imperial College, and A Yan and A Feng went there, and they would have conflicts again. It is Second Uncle's consideration. In this way, the three of them will I can continue to study with peace of mind.”

Ye Heng's face froze.

Only then did he realize that he had sent his son to the Imperial College, and now that his two nephews came back, if he sent them to another academy, outsiders would know about it, but they didn't know how bad it would be!

He hurriedly said: "I didn't think carefully before, but now that I think about it, it would be better for the three of them to go together! The Imperial College gathers talents, so we must go! I will also be responsible for their board and lodging, so you don't have to worry about it! "

Immediately, Gao was unwilling, and said in a strange way: "Master, you have to be careful! After all, the Imperial College—it's not just a matter of entering."

How much did the brothers spend in the past?Besides, it's not just about money.

She scanned Ye Jingyan and Ye Yunfeng brothers up and down.

"Has your homework been wasted for the past three years? Even if your second uncle can recommend you to go in, it will be just as troublesome to be inferior to others there. Why not go to a smaller academy, at least you can keep up."

(End of this chapter)

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