Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows lightly: "Why did Mingze say that?"

Ye Mingze stared at her angrily: "You still don't admit it? Who else would it be if it wasn't you!? You clearly held a grudge against my mother a long time ago, and today you took the opportunity to ruin her face!"

Instead of showing any anger on Ye Chutang's face, he shook his head slightly.

"Mingze, I can understand that you are worried about Second Aunt, but this matter really has nothing to do with me. You said that I have a grudge against Second Aunt. I have only been back to Beijing for a few days, so why do you hate me?"

"It's not because of you—" Ye Mingze was halfway through speaking, only then did he notice Shen Yanchuan standing beside him, and the rest of the words got stuck.

He originally wanted to say that Ye Chutang must have acted out of anger for Xiao Wu, but he absolutely couldn't say that in front of outsiders!
He gritted his teeth: "Anyway, anyway, the most likely person is you!"

Ye Chutang asked back: "Oh? Since you are so sure, what about the evidence?"

Ye Mingze choked.

He was just guessing, where did the evidence come from?
Ye Chutang thought for a while, and said: "If you still think so, why don't we report it directly to the officials and ask someone to find out the truth. It just so happens that the prince is also here, so he can be a witness. If it is finally found out that I did it, then I accept any outcome. But if not..."

When Ye Chutang said this, his expression lightened a little, and his eyes were clear.

"Then please apologize to me in public and admit that what you said before was all slander."

Ye Mingze shuddered as if pouring a basin of cold water on his head, and finally woke up.


Just now he also saw his mother's face, red rashes all over, scratches, very scary.

If it gets out, it's not a good thing.

After all, his father has just been promoted to be the Shaoqing of Dali Temple...


There was a loud shout, but it was Ye Heng who hurried over when he heard the commotion here.
"What nonsense are you talking about!"

He quickly clasped his fists at Shen Yanchuan and cupped his hands: "Your Majesty laughed at me, the dog was too worried about his mother, and said nonsense on the spur of the moment, don't mind."

No matter whether this matter is related to Ye Chutang or not, in the absence of any evidence, facing her fierce accusations in front of Shen Yanchuan, where will Shen Yanchuan's face be put?
After all, he just said in front of so many people that he accepted Ye Chutang's love!

Shen Yanchuan smiled lightly: "It's normal for your son to be worried, but it's a matter of reputation, so you can't identify it out of thin air for no reason. Especially Mr. Ye is in a high position now, so you should be more cautious in your words and deeds, what do you think?"

Ye Heng wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and said repeatedly: "Yes! You are right!"

Shen Yanchuan dusted off his clothes.

"You don't have to give them away."


The Ye Mansion this night is destined not to be peaceful.

Ye Mingze was dragged back into the room by Ye Heng's ear, and ordered him not to go out and talk nonsense.

As for Gao Shi, he stayed in his own room, smashing all the mirrors like crazy, crying until his eyes were red and swollen.

Ye Shixian stayed with her for a while, then went to the small kitchen to help her decoct the medicine.

Ye Heng's mind was in a mess, he didn't want to pay attention to these things, so he simply went to the study.

"Go and check! Find out what's wrong!"

Thinking of Gao's terrifying appearance, Ye Heng felt chills down his spine, and asked Yu Hong to investigate.

But this is easy to say, but extremely difficult to do.

Because——they didn't even know what kind of poison Gao had become like this!

Imperial Physician Zhang gave an ambiguous answer, and Ye Heng wanted to ask someone to take a look again, but he was afraid that Zhang Yang would lose Ye family's face if he went out. up.

For today's banquet, he spent an indefinite amount of time and energy, who knew it would be ruined like this!
In fact, he also doubted Ye Chutang in his heart, but Ye Chutang and Dingbei Hou Shizi knew each other, so he definitely couldn't treat him as casually as before.

Finally, he thought of a way - ask Ye Chutang to help Gao see a doctor.

If she really did it, she must have a guilty conscience!


Here, Ye Chutang led Xiao Wu back to the room, and brought her another plate of pear cakes.

The meal was only half eaten, and the children were still hungry.

"Come on first, and let your fourth brother add two more dishes for you later."

Ye Yunfeng led Ma and slipped away.

After they returned to Ye Mansion, except for the first day, they have been cooking alone since then.

At the beginning, Gao Shi pretended to assign them special servants and maids, but Ye Chutang declined.

Gao Shi was naturally happy to save trouble.

Xiao Wu didn't go to eat the pear cake right away, but took out the purse from Shen Yanchuan from his bosom, ran to the drawer excitedly, dug out all the things in the old purse, counted everything, and put them away neatly Into the new purse.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chutang turned his eyes slightly, and glanced at the carved nanmu box that she had left on the table after returning.

Dingbei Hou Shizi has a profound background, even the gift box is very particular.

This box alone is worth a lot, I don't know what's inside——

Ye Chutang walked over, the box was unlocked, and she opened it with a flick of her fingertips.

Inside was a scroll.

"Sister, what did he give?" Ye Jingyan also looked over.

Ye Chutang took out the things and opened them bit by bit.


To be precise, this is a landscape painting.

The mountains are majestic, the rivers are rushing, thick ink and light ink are suitable, quiet, distant and vast.

Seeing the inscription, Ye Jingyan was surprised: "This is... the authentic work of Chen Songshi, Grand Master Chen?!"

Chen Songshi was a cabinet scholar of the current dynasty. He was well-educated, especially good at painting, and it was hard to find a painting.

This painting is probably worth more than a thousand gold.

Ye Chutang turned her head to look at him: "Like it?"

Ye Jingyan's eyes lingered on the painting for a moment, and then she nodded embarrassedly.

Ordinary people may not even have the chance to see Chen Songshi's authentic works, but now they actually have one in their hands!
I am afraid that only Dingbei Hou Shizi can give such a generous gift as soon as he makes a move.

Ye Chutang handed the painting to Ye Jingyan: "Take it if you like."

Ye Jingyan was taken aback for a moment: "But sister——"

"After all, this painting can't be resold. If I keep it in my place, it's still a collection of ashes. Why don't I give it to you?"

Ye Jingyan really liked that painting, and finally accepted it.

"Thank you sister."

Ye Chutang looked Ye Jingyan up and down a few times, and suddenly asked, "Ah Yan, you seem to have grown taller again?"

Two months ago, Ah Yan was only a little taller than her, but now he actually wanted to look up at him.

Ye Jingyan stretched her arms: "It seems to be."

These clothes are a bit small.

"I'll buy some new clothes for you and Ah Feng later." Ye Chutang glanced at the sky outside, the gray-blue clouds gradually piled up, with a somewhat depressing and stuffy atmosphere, "It may rain at night, go Collect everything in the yard."

It will be on shelves at [-] o'clock in the evening~ strive for more updates!

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