Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 58 Ye Mansion Haunted (1 more)

Chapter 58
In the afternoon, Ye Chutang took Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu out to buy new clothes and boots.

As soon as he returned to the mansion, Yu Hong hurried over with an eager look.

"Second Miss, you are back! Madam's condition is still not good, master please go and take a look!"

Ye Chutang raised her eyebrows slightly: "Of course there's nothing wrong with me, but Second Aunt seems to be..."

Everyone present heard clearly what Gao said about her at the banquet. She made it clear that she did not believe in Ye Chutang's medical skills, and she might not be willing to let her see him at this time.

Yu Hong looked embarrassed: "The master said, you can even look after the eldest son, maybe there is a cure for Madam's illness!"

Ye Chutang smiled slightly: "Second aunt is sick, and I'm also very worried, so it doesn't hurt to go and have a look."

Half a quarter of an hour later, Ye Chutang came outside Gao's door, and Yu Hong hurriedly informed, "Master! Ma'am! Second Miss is back!"

Gao Shi was crying, but when she heard this, she immediately grabbed a vase on the table and threw it out.

The vase shattered and scattered the pieces.

"Who will let her see it!"

If not, she will die directly in Ye Chutang's hands!

I don't know why, but Gao believes that it is Ye Chutang's fault that he became what he is now!
How could she agree to let Ye Chutang show it to her?

Ye Chutang's eyes drooped slightly, looking at the sharp fragments scattered on the ground, his eyes were calm, as if he had expected such a situation.

Ye Heng rushed over and was annoyed when he saw this scene.

He had already told Gao to cooperate to see if there was something wrong with Ye Chutang, but Gao didn't listen to a word!
"Chutang." Ye Heng suppressed his anger with a sincere expression, "Your second aunt is emotional at the moment, don't take it to heart."

Ye Chutang's brows and eyes were gentle: "I understand. It's just that Second Aunt is like this... I don't think we should force it."


"Dr. Zhang has already seen my second aunt. Although I know a little bit of medical theory, I can't compare with Dr. Zhang. Don't worry too much about my second uncle. Maybe my second aunt will be fine in two days."

Ye Heng still didn't give up: "That's not what you said, you see that you can even take care of your son's injury—"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curled up: "Actually, I hit it by mistake. My son is blessed, so what kind of ailment can't be overcome? I have never seen the situation of my second aunt before. If I see a doctor rashly, if there is a mistake, then I will It's really—"

Having said that, Ye Heng also knew that this plan would not work, so he had to let Ye Chutang go back.

It was already late at this time, we will see how Gao's situation will be tomorrow, if it is still not good, we can only invite other people to come to see him.


In the evening, dark clouds of crow blue swept across the sky.

The wind was blowing wildly, the branches in the yard were shaking wildly, and the air was filled with the damp smell before the heavy rain.

Ye Chutang stood by the window, lowered the window and closed it tightly.

pat, pat.

Bean-sized raindrops fell rapidly, and the ground was quickly wet.

The wind and the rain drifted down, and soon the rain was gurgling between the sky and the earth, and a layer of faint water mist stirred up on the ground.


It was completely dark, with heavy rain, lightning and thunder.

Ye Mingze didn't go to Chunfenglou again that night, and lay on the bed aggrieved, tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep.

When he thought of Ye Chutang and the others occupying his house, he felt very unhappy!
In the past, my father's official position was not as good as my uncle's, and it was fine for the whole family to stay low and small, but now it's different!

Ye Chutang and his parents and elder brother have all become dead souls, with no one to protect them. They thought they could finally feel proud, but who knew they would end up with such useless anger!
Thinking of this, Ye Mingze felt extremely depressed.

Suddenly there was a strange noise outside the window, as if someone was knocking on the door.

Ye Mingze said impatiently: "What are you arguing about!"

No one answered outside.

However, after a while, the strange sound came again.


dong dong.

Ye Mingze was so irritable that he threw off the quilt and cursed in the direction of the door: "My young master is going to sleep! Who is making noise!"

It's fine for his father to teach him a lesson, but now even these servant girls dare to be so slack! ?
He rushed over angrily and opened the door: "What are you doing—"

There was no one outside the door.

The heavy rain was pouring down, and the humidity was blowing towards his face. A few drops of cold rain flew in with the wind and hit his face, bringing a little bit of coolness.

Ye Mingze frowned, did he hear it wrong just now?
He closed the door again, intending to go back to sleep, but just after taking two steps, when he looked up, he inadvertently saw a black shadow flashing past the window.

That is……

Ye Mingze shuddered inexplicably.

He swallowed his saliva, and scolded sternly: "Who! Sneaky! Get out if you have the ability!"

Suddenly there was a chuckle in my ear, as if it came from a distant place, crushed in the sound of heavy rain, it seemed real and unreal.

"I go back to my own home, how can I be sneaky?"

Ye Mingze's eyes widened instantly, and a deep shock flashed across his eyes!

"Ye, ye—Ye Xiting!?"

The wind and rain were violent, beating violently on the window, and the thunder came suddenly, and the glaring light tore through the darkness, outlining a thin and tall figure of a young man.

His face could not be seen through the window, but a ghostly shadow was burned on the window.

He seemed to laugh.

"Mingze, have you enjoyed living here for the past three years?"

Ye Mingze's mind was blank!
A strong fear welled up in his heart, making him tremble all over.

Almost without thinking, he turned around and ran out the door!But he didn't want to just open the door and accidentally fall to the ground when he crossed the threshold.

The pain hit, and it seemed that a warm, fishy and sweet liquid was slowly flowing down from his head.

Ye Mingze could no longer care about these things, and screamed and crawled outside.

"Ghost! Ghost!"

Hearing the movement, the boy who had been sleeping lazily during the night watch woke up suddenly and ran towards this side in a hurry.

As soon as he arrived here, he saw Ye Mingze crawling out in panic, his face was covered with blood.

The boy was startled: "Second young master!"

He hurried forward and was about to help Ye Mingze up, but Ye Mingze opened it and screamed in terror.

"Don't touch me! Get out! Get out! Get out of here! This is my home! This is my home!"

He repeated these words over and over in his mouth, holding his head in his hands, shivering all over, the rain was mixed with blood, and he was in extreme embarrassment.

The boy noticed that he was timid and did not dare to look up, so he glanced into the room, but saw nothing.

"Second young master, what's the matter with you? What happened?"

Ye Mingze's eyes were absent-minded, his lips were pale, as if his soul had been sucked out.

After that, he rolled his eyelids and passed out just like that.

The servant suddenly panicked: "Second Young Master! Second Young Master! Come quickly! Second Young Master is not good!"


On the second day, a secret rumor spread in the streets and alleys of the capital, which attracted many people's discussions.

——Ye Mansion is haunted!

(End of this chapter)

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