Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 62 Dowry (5 more)

Chapter 62 Dowry (Fifth Watch)
Shen Yanchuan went all the way in and came to the Huxin Pavilion.

The housekeeper excitedly announced: "The prince is here!"

The eldest princess, who was sitting in the pavilion feeding the fish, didn't seem to hear, and threw fish food into the pond.

Shen Yanchuan went over to salute: "Grandmother, grandson is late."

The eldest princess then turned her head to look.

This eldest princess who fought in the battlefield and made great contributions to protecting the country is almost sixty years old, but her eyes are clear and her spirit is hale and hearty. Her gray hair is combed neatly. Although there are wrinkles on her face, it is not difficult to see how heroic she was when she was young Sassy, ​​the color of the city.

"It's hard for you to remember me as an old woman." The eldest princess said slowly, "Is the injury healed?"

The corners of Shen Yanchuan's lips curved slightly: "Thank you for your grandmother's concern, everything is fine with my grandson."

The eldest princess snorted coldly, "If I don't urge you today, when do you plan to come? You don't know how to return after leaving Beijing for several years!"

Shen Yanchuan was silent for a moment: "...Didn't you just go to Huizhou two months ago?"

The eldest princess came over with a cane: "You still say! As soon as my front foot left, your back foot was beaten half to death, good luck!"

Shen Yanchuan didn't dodge or dodge, let the crutch hit him, and said with a smile: "Isn't grandson all right?"

In the end, the eldest princess relented.

Ever since she received the news of Shen Yanchuan's injury, she was extremely worried in the capital, and finally waited until he returned to the capital, and waited and waited without coming.

Although he guessed that he said that recuperation was just an excuse, but he didn't see anyone for a day, and he still couldn't let go of this hanging heart.

It wasn't until I really looked at people at this time that I finally felt at ease.

Shen Yanchuan took the fish food and accompanied the eldest princess to feed the fish.

But the eldest princess didn't really ask him to come over to do these things.

"Yanchuan, you are already weak this year, and you are old enough to marry a wife and start a family." The eldest princess quickly got to the point, "I mentioned it to you twice before, but you refused, but now that you have returned to the capital, Finally, you can pick and choose, right?"

Shen Yanchuan was not interested.

Seeing his nonchalant appearance, the eldest princess knew that he didn't take her words seriously.

"Your father knows to be busy with his affairs on weekdays, and he doesn't know how to worry about it. Is it possible that he really has to procrastinate?"

The eldest princess was heartbroken.

Her precious grandson has been born well since she was a child. When she was a teenager, she attracted the favor of many noble girls in the capital.

However, he himself has never paid much attention to this matter. In addition, he went to the north a few years ago, which delayed a lot of time.

"You go and see the sons and young masters who are about the same age as you in the capital. Even if you don't have a wife, there are people around to serve you, how about you?" The eldest princess was very disgusted.

Shen Yanchuan was unmoved.

The eldest princess thought of something, lowered her voice and asked: "Tell grandma the truth, did you go to the Ye mansion yesterday because of the girl from the Ye family?"

Shen Yanchuan's eyelashes moved slightly, but he didn't deny it for a while.

The Eldest Princess showed a "sure enough" expression.

"I knew it! It's said that the girl from the Ye family was born with a beautiful face and a beautiful face, and she was educated and sensible. Although her background is a bit lower, but if you like it, then—"

Shen Yanchuan felt wrong: "Who are you talking about?"

The eldest princess was stunned: "The elder sister of the twins of the Ye family! It seems to be called Ye Shixian?"

Shen Yanchuan frowned slightly: "It has nothing to do with her, I don't know her."

The eldest princess was a little surprised: "Then you made a special trip to Ye Mansion yesterday?"

She knows her grandson too well. She is extremely intelligent by nature, but she is also quite lazy and never does meaningless things.

She didn't believe that Ye Heng could please him with such face.

Shen Yanchuan pondered for a moment, "The doctor who saw me before is the second young lady who was just found by the Ye family. I will go to the door to thank you."

The eldest princess really didn't know about this, and was very surprised: "The one who saved you was a girl?"

Shen Yanchuan nodded.

The eldest princess murmured: "That's really a bit of a skill..."

Shen Yanchuan said: "The medical skills are indeed excellent."

The eldest princess took another look at him: "It's rare to hear you praise someone so much. If you have a chance someday, you must see it with your own eyes."

She was a little disappointed again.

"It's really useless to worry about when you finally have a woman you like..."

For some reason, a gentle and beautiful face suddenly appeared in Shen Yanchuan's mind.


As soon as Ye Heng returned to the mansion, Ye Chutang came to find him.

He frowned, unable to figure out why Ye Chutang came to him at this time, but he still invited him into the study.

"Chutang, what do you need from me?"

Ye Chutang bowed his head and saluted: "There is indeed something I want to ask my second uncle for help."

Ye Heng said: "You say."

Ye Chutang pondered for a moment, then said: "I remember that in addition to this house, my father had more than a dozen shops and hundreds of acres of land in the capital. I wonder if these land deeds are in the hands of my second uncle?"

Ye Heng's eyelids twitched - here we come!
Ever since Ye Chutang and the others came back, he knew that there would be such a question!
It's just that Ye Chutang was quite calm and waited until now.

He nodded: "Not bad."

Ye Chutang looked at him: "Second Uncle, to be honest, I'm a little short of money now, so I don't know these things, can you return them to me?"

Ye Heng was taken aback: "Lack of money? Why?"

When Ye Chutang and the others came back, although they seemed to have average food and clothing expenses, they didn't look very poor.

Why does it suddenly say that you are short of money?
Ye Chutang sighed: "You don't know, before I took A Yan, A Feng and Xiao Wu with me, and I couldn't make a living for a while, so I borrowed money from someone. Although I opened a medical clinic later, I couldn't make ends meet. day. And—"

She paused, seemingly helpless.

"Besides, you also understand that Ah Feng is impulsive. He often causes troubles on weekdays and loses a lot of money. After three years, there is really a big hole that needs to be filled."

Ye Yunfeng, who was punching in the courtyard, had an itchy nose, raised his head and sneezed loudly.


He rubbed his face, turned his head and asked Ye Jingyan: "Third brother, you said that sister is alone, can you get back all the money from your parents?"

Ye Jingyan didn't raise her head, she turned over a page of the book: "Of course."

"That was ours."


After listening to Ye Chutang's words, Ye Heng gradually frowned.

With his hands behind his back, he paced back and forth for two steps, and finally let out a long sigh.

"Chutang, you don't know that those shops don't actually make much money, and the harvest is not good, so some of the money was confiscated. In this way, if you are short, just tell me the number, and Second Uncle will take it for you!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly, almost wanting to applaud.

Really generous.

Seeing that Ye Chutang didn't speak, Ye Heng added: "But don't worry, these things are still yours. The second uncle is just keeping them for you now! Ah Yan and Ah Feng are still young, and you are a girl's family. I will leave these to you It’s really a lot of trouble and effort. When they grow up in a few years, these will naturally be returned to them!”

He smiled and said: "At that time, I will choose some of them as your dowry, and the second uncle will add makeup to you, so as to protect your beauty and family!"

Ye Chutang raised his eyebrows slightly.


As soon as she came back, she planned to drive her out?

 After being put on the shelves, there are two daily updates, and the update time is at [-]:[-] noon or [-]:[-] pm~
  Thank you so much for your company along the way!
  Happy Dragon Boat Festival!

(End of this chapter)

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