Hou Ye's palm heart is a black lotus

Chapter 63 Ledger (1 more)

Ye Heng nodded, showing great concern on his face: "That's right. I remember that you are seventeen this year, right? It's also the age where you can say goodbye. In the past, you lived abroad and suffered a lot. Now that you have returned to Beijing with great difficulty, Second Uncle naturally You have to check carefully and choose a good in-law for you!"

Talking inside and outside, he really regarded himself as an elder with the right to speak seriously.

Ye Chutang's expression was calm, and she didn't have the shyness of ordinary daughters when they mentioned life-long events.

"Second Uncle, I haven't thought about it."

Ye Heng was taken aback: "What?"

The corners of Ye Chutang's lips curled up, but his eyes were clear and lingling.

"In the past few years, I have brought Ayan, Afeng and Xiaowu with me, and I am used to the warmth and coldness of people. Now that I finally come back, I only have one thought in my heart: to raise them well. Apart from this, there is nothing else. beg."

Hearing that her tone was not a joke, Ye Heng suddenly became a little anxious: "But, but you are a woman, how can you do it without getting married? I have already started looking for candidates these days, and I just want to help you choose a good one. You— —”

Ye Chutang paused, and said, "Thank you, Second Uncle, for your kindness, but I know my situation in my heart. I am afraid that many people will have resentment over the past three years' experience abroad. It is better to be free and at ease alone than to compromise."


Ye Heng never thought that Ye Chutang would say such a thing, that she didn't plan to get married anymore! ?
Wouldn't that mean that he would have to depend on Ye's family for the rest of his life!
Ye Heng took a deep breath, and tried his best to persuade him: "Chutang, your parents are gone now, and the second uncle has to worry about you. Otherwise, how can I have the face to meet them in the future? If they know about it in the dark, it depends on you. If you have no one to rely on, you will be uneasy!"

Ye Chutang laughed.

"Second Uncle's words are wrong. My parents used to love me the most. The only thing they want is my health and safety. How can you be unhappy because of this kind of thing?"

Ye Heng choked, looking at the girl in front of him, he was a little dazed for a moment.

In my impression, his niece has been weak since she was a child, and her temper is also soft and quiet, almost like a clay figurine that can be manipulated by others.

But I haven't seen you for three years, why does it seem like a different person?

When she said these words, she had a light smile and was gentle and pure, but she never backed down in every word.

It's like a sword hidden in a sheath, and the sharp and bright blade will be exposed at any time, reaching the throat!
With one hand behind his back, Ye Heng paced back and forth, with a troubled expression on his face: "But, but you..."

He didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

Ye Chutang said: "My father, mother and brother are not here, so naturally I, the elder sister, should take the responsibility. Ayan and Afeng are going to study at the Imperial College soon, and there are still a lot of things that need to be spent in the future. I can't always come to you . What do you say?"

Ye Heng's face suddenly changed.

"This... Chutang, there is something I haven't had time to tell you. I'm afraid Ah Yan and Ah Feng won't be able to go to the Imperial College for the time being."

Ye Chutang paused, and raised his long eyelashes slightly: "Why?"

Ye Hengwei said: "You may not be very clear. At the beginning, the big brother happened on the way to be demoted. At that time, he accidentally offended Long Yan, and many people avoided him. Three years later, big brother Now that they are gone, it will not be easy for Ah Yan and A Feng to enter the Imperial College again."

These words are actually very clear. Ye Zheng is dead, and Ye Chutang and his siblings have become helpless orphans. In addition, Ye Zheng was demoted because he offended the Holy Majesty, which is even more troublesome.

No one is willing to take the risk to help them.

Who knows if this matter will be used as a fuss in the future?

Ye Heng sighed: "Although I try my best to fight for it, my ability is limited. I'm afraid it's..."

Dali Temple Shaoqing, this official position is not big or small.

Putting it in other places may be able to be domineering, but this is the capital, and he is a fourth-rank, after all, it still depends on people's faces.

Ye Chutang lowered his eyes and did not speak.

Ye Heng quickly added: "But don't worry! Even if you really can't get into the Imperial College in the end, you can go to other academies!"

No matter how good an academy is, how can it be compared with Guozijian?
He just didn't want Ah Yan and A Feng to enter the Imperial College naturally.

Ye Chutang pondered for a while, and finally said: "Since this is the case, then we can't force it."

Ye Heng was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, the next moment, Ye Chutang continued: "If you can't get into the Imperial College, you have to think about the future of A Yan and A Feng. I want to see the account books of those shops over the past few years, as well as the lease of the land. It’s better to plan for them early. What does Second Uncle think?”

Ye Heng's face froze.


In mid-May, the weather in Beijing has gradually heated up.

The time was approaching noon, the sun was scorching, and the room was very boring.

Ye Yunfeng set up a small bamboo bed in the yard and spread mats, and the shade of the trees blocked most of the sunlight and cast shade.

Xiao Wu lay on the bamboo bed and fell asleep in a daze.

Ye Jingyan was at the side, fanning Xiao Wu while reading a book.

When Ye Chutang came back, he saw such a scene.

Ye Yunfeng was the first to see her: "Sister! You're back—huh? What are those?"

Ye Chutang was followed by two servants, each holding a wooden box in their arms, which looked quite heavy.

Hearing the sound, Ye Jingyan also raised his head and looked over, narrowing his eyes slightly.

Ye Chutang directed the servants to deliver the wooden box to the house, and when they left, he explained: "The account books of the shop that my parents left behind, and the income and expenditure booklets of the land lease."

As if hearing them talking, Xiao Wu, who was sleeping soundly, groaned, rubbed his eyes with his fleshy little hands, and woke up.

She turned over and sat up, her face flushed from sleep, when she looked up and saw Ye Chutang, before her eyes were fully opened, she stretched out her two small arms to hug her.

Ye Chutang leaned over and hugged her in a soft ball.

Xiao Wu put his arms around her neck and rubbed against her neck affectionately.

Ye Jingyan frowned slightly: "Account book? Isn't it a land deed?"

Ye Chutang straightened Xiao Wu's messy sleeping hair, and smiled lightly: "How can it be so easy to spit out something that has already been eaten?"

Ye Yunfeng was stunned, unbelievable: "What do you mean? Sister, you went to ask for it yourself, but he didn't give it!?"

Those are their things!

In fact, Ye Chutang had expected this matter long ago, so she didn't ask for a land deed at all when she went today.

As long as Ye Heng has that self-consciousness, it is impossible for him to occupy their house and refuse to return it, without even mentioning it.

It seems that all things can be prevaricated by saying "A Yan A Feng is still young".

"It doesn't matter. I will go through the account book later, and I will know what to do before I can act."

As soon as the words fell, a small head poked out, and the big black grape-like eyes looked at her brightly.

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