"This wine is delicious. The kind that has an endless aftertaste."

And the aroma of the wine lingers for a long time.

Very top notch.

"This is the wine prepared by Miss Li and Mr. Fu themselves," the director said with a smile.

Ersha immediately looked at Li Xingwan. It's like nothing happened just now. “The wines produced by the two-digit wines can be ranked among the top ranks in the world.”

Li Xingwan was also polite. "As long as Miss Erza likes it."

Ersha sat down again and tasted the last group of wines, which belonged to Lin Fangyu and Ren Yunlin.

Also very nice looking.

Including Celia and the others.


"I think the best bartenders are Miss Li and Miss Lin."

She announced the result. The whole internet is kind of blown up.

"So, there will be cooperation between Li Xingwan, Lin Damei and Ersha later?"


"The collaboration between the three of them must be very eye-catching."

"looking forward to!"

The director also spoke out. "Walking on the catwalk is an opportunity for everyone. But there can only be two groups who can work with Ersa. Congratulations to our Miss Li and Miss Lin. Please go backstage to change clothes."

"So, we're going to be in for a treat soon?"

"Ahh! We have seen Lin Yunxuan before. She went to the catwalks of major brands. But Xingwan is definitely the first time we have seen her!"

"Looking forward to her performance!"

As soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted the attention of countless people in charge in the industry. Including the person in charge of the LUXE show venue.

They also saw the scene where Li Xingwan was arguing with Ersa just now.

Those two photos were even more stunning to them.

Li Xingwan and Lin Yunxuan went backstage to change clothes. Fu Chengzhou turned around and answered the phone.

The clothes Li Xingwan changed into were a flowing dress, full of luxury. It is also the first to be worn in the world. Her slender, white legs are vaguely exposed from the side, showing her excellent body proportions.

Like a princess emerging from the night, she is also a queen.

Walk forward leisurely. Right next to Erza.

The cheers from the audience could not be suppressed from the moment they came out.

What was most overwhelming to Ersha was Li Xingwan’s powerful aura and dazzling presence.

Her confidence is almost impossible to crush.

Even the slightest discomfort will make her feel inferior. This made Ersha sweat a little.

It is also the most competitive catwalk show.

Fu Chengzhou was answering the phone on stage. When his eyes touched Li Xingwan, he couldn't move away.

He couldn't help but take out a cigarette from the cigarette case and bite it on his mouth.

The successful people watching the show in the audience were also deeply attracted and shocked by her.

"Xingwan! Xingwan!!"


There were screams.

The two walked back quickly.

Next is Lin Yunxuan and Ersha. She is a famous beauty, so naturally she will not lose to others. Each has its own beauty, each has its own merits.

The moment she stepped onto the catwalk, she looked so feminine and natural. It makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Not only men will drool when they see it, but even women will drool when they see it.

"Lin Yunxuan! Lin Yunxuan!"



The screams at the scene almost reached the sky.

Ersa seemed to have met two major opponents today. When I walked backstage, I took off my shoes.

"I promised the program team that I would cooperate with you once. It was really a wrong decision."

Her career was nearly ruined.

Li Xingwan and Lin Yunxuan stood next to them. I haven't changed out of my clothes yet. "We are very happy to be able to cooperate with Miss Erza."

Erza looked at them.

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