Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 304 My Family Is Really Rich 38

Chapter 304 My Family Is Really Rich 38
When the two children were five years old, Sang Wei got a script, which was a big production about Eastern Cultivation.

This is a novel, which was created by the great god [Pumpkin Pie] who specializes in writing novels about cultivating immortals, and it took three years of painstaking efforts to create it.

[Pumpkin Pie] After the master finished writing this novel, he immediately closed his pen.

If you read it: there are love between children in the novel, killing and seizing treasures, love and hatred, but more of it is the struggle of all living beings against fate and the way of heaven in order to live forever. There are all kinds of non-human beings such as spirits, elves, monsters, spirit beasts, and weapon spirits.

What's more, there are demons, monsters, and ghost cultivators, not only that, but also various secret realms and sects of cultivating immortals, each of which has its own different costumes and the like.

This is different from martial arts novels. When filming, it is enough to find a mountain, find a grassland and build some buildings, but the sects in Xiuxian's novels are different. They are either floating in the sky, or It's not just a separate island, there are really not many normal places.

This is only a place for humans, and the place where demons, ghost cultivators, and monsters live is even more distinctive.

This novel can be said to be the originator of Xiuxian novels.

Comments on this "The Great Dao" novel on the Internet are that this is the "originator" of the world of cultivating immortals, and it is a mountain that cannot be crossed.

It is not that no one has written wonderful novels about cultivating immortals in the later period, but there will be more or less shadows of "The Great Dao".

Just because it is so good, it is not that no film and television company has thought of making it into a TV series, but they are afraid to start with this novel, for fear of ruining this classic.

And the reason why Sang Wei got the script this time was because [Pumpkin Pie] God personally handed it to her.

Their [Ming Yan] film and television group has now developed into one of the best film and television groups, because Xiao Shitian Group is backed by it, and compared with those ten or twenty years ago, it is not far behind.

Sang Wei has also read the novel "The Great Dao", and it is indeed very exciting. She admires Pumpkin very much. He is not good-looking, but he has a particularly rich imagination, not only rich, but also well-founded, as if he has seen it personally What does the world of cultivating immortals look like.

In fact, it's almost the same. Their dreamland is equivalent to a branch of the world of cultivating immortals. 80% of the "Avenue" written by [Pumpkin Pie] has similar scenes to the dreamland.

Therefore, Sang Wei admired him very much. He had never been there, and he could only describe him like this in his dreams. He felt that this person might be the reincarnation of someone from the world of cultivating immortals in this life?

She even suspected that the Pumpkin God might be her clan. By chance, the two appeared in the same world to experience life, but he checked with secret methods, and this person was not her clan.

Sang Wei thought about it, and decided to take over the show. Others may not be able to shoot the magnificent scenes in the novel, but these are not difficult for her.

If there are some things that cannot be photographed, they can also be shown through post-production special effects. With her current technology, these are not problems.

So when he was about to shoot the novel "The Great Dao" and told it at the meeting, everyone was half happy and half worried. They were happy because the original author of the novel trusted them so much. If the novel was filmed well, it would definitely be a milestone. But if the filming is not good, their brand will definitely be smashed.

"I don't think there is any problem in other aspects, but there is only one point. Our domestic special effects cannot meet the current requirements."

"That's right, the cost of special effects is calculated in seconds, or if you hire a foreign team, most of the money you earn will be spent on it, which is too inappropriate."

"I want to say that book fans should understand this, and they should be able to understand me. Not to mention the special effects, as long as we restore the plot and hire reliable actors, they can understand. After all, the current market is like this. Foreign special effects artists, you can reach the heights in their minds."

"Anyway, no matter if the filming of this drama is good or it doesn't meet their expectations, our company will definitely become popular."

"However, now our company is linked to the word "excellent". Although we are famous, we can't smash our own brand name."

The atmosphere of the meeting was very warm, but in the final analysis, there are still two words, that is special effects
"If the special effects are left aside, can we do the best for the rest?"

"That's for sure"

"Just relying on the word Mingyan, that's the best!"

"Just don't worry about it."

"That's fine, this one will pass. I will prepare for the special effects. I know the masters in this field. You can just prepare for the rest."

"Boss, do you want to think about it again?"

"Yes, boss, don't be impulsive"

"Don't worry, I'll let him make a short special effect for everyone to see, if you think it's not good, we won't shoot it."

These people are a little dubious, but after all, they are the boss, and they can only wait and see.

The time was limited, and the things she chose were not too complicated. She only made a video of the main character fighting a monster, and it took two days for this video alone.

When everyone saw the [-]-second video in the conference room, they only said one word

"As long as the post-production special effects are like this, this show must be a milestone textbook!"

"Boss, where did you find this master of special effects? We must recruit him to our company!"

"It's a pity, boss, why do you want to shoot a TV series, this special effect is applied to a movie, it is absolutely shocking! Boss, let's enter the film industry."

"Boss, let's introduce this special effects master to everyone!"

When Sang Wei heard what others said, she just looked at everyone with a smile on her face.

Everyone looked at Sang Wei and just smiled and didn't speak. At first, they wondered why the boss didn't introduce him to them?Then Fuzhi thought to himself, could that person be the boss's husband who has never shown his face?

This is absolutely possible, and only such capable people can be worthy of their boss.

The boss is protecting her husband. Everyone laughed ambiguously. They only patted their chests and issued a military order to keep it. As long as the rest of the special effects are of this level, they can shoot the TV well, or else they will come to see him !
Satisfied, Sang Wei sent this video to [Pumpkin Pie] God to see if he had any comments. As a result, someone from the other side came to the company directly, crying pitifully at Sang Wei, and said that as long as If the filming is done, he has no objections.

Sang Wei can generally understand the mood of [Pumpkin Pie], her hard work has not been ruined, and it is probably like this.

After calming down, [Pumpkin Pie] posted a message on his Weibo and book friend circle, saying that his "Avenue" was handed over to Mingyan Film and Television Company for filming, and he was looking forward to it.

〔Pumpkin Pie〕The breakup caused a huge storm on the Internet.

(End of this chapter)

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