Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 305 My Family Is Really Rich

Chapter 305 My Family Is Really Rich

[Pumpkin Pie]'s Weibo undoubtedly dropped a bomb among book lovers.

The comments of book friends have everything.

"I don't mean to say that Xiao Shen's film and television company is not good, but can the current special effects technology reach this level? Don't ruin the classics in our minds."

"The Cake God is also an ordinary person. The Xiao God is so beautiful, and the fall of the Cake God is also justifiable, and the food and sex are also sexual."

"We have to look forward to it. There is no film and television drama produced by Xiaoshen's company with a score below 8. Maybe "The Great Way" will also bring us surprises. I am a fan of the two great gods, and I support them."

"It's the first time for the two great gods to join forces, let's look forward to it and have confidence."


"By the way, Xiao Shen's husband who hasn't shown up all this time can't be the cake god, right? It's not impossible."

"Probably not. God Xiao's cute pair of dragon and phoenix twins are mixed-race babies. If the Cake God is a foreigner, it is impossible for him to know so much about our ancestors. This is an Eastern cultivator, not a Western vampire werewolf."

"chirp" "charrah"

There are all kinds of comments on the Internet, and the netizens are divided into three teams about the filming of "Avenue", and the first team is skeptical because they are afraid that they will ruin the classic.

The other pair will support it no matter what.

Of course, there is also a third team, which specializes in eating melons.Yes, they ate the melons of the two great gods, but such people are in the minority.

[Pumpkin Pie] Seeing signs of crookedness in the comment section, he quickly posted another Weibo, which was about the video that Sang Wei showed him.

Originally, [Pumpkin Pie] was a bit taciturn. He seldom interacted with netizens and only immersed himself in writing his novels. Netizens saw him post another Weibo. Before they even opened it to read the specific content, they knew that he was very serious. Pay attention to this matter.

It was only after they clicked on and watched the video content that they realized that the short ten seconds brought them more than shocking words, and then their speech collectively fell to one side.



"I only hope to see it in my lifetime!"

Of course, these are all replies from book fans, and there are different voices, all asking collectively where the special effects team was found?

If there is such a team, why should their movies worry about the box office!

But [Pumpkin Pie] didn't reply to them, so they had no choice but to leave a message under Sang Wei's Weibo, or under the official account of the Xiao Group, but everything was as discussed in advance, and there was no movement.

At this time, Sang Wei had already entered the crew with [Pumpkin Pie].

This time, as long as there are people in the company who can be ranked high, Sang Wei will gather them together, and then divide them into two groups. The group is responsible for selecting roles.

The other group is led by Sang Wei, who is responsible for the construction of the scene, costumes, props, etc., but this is all on the bright side. In private, Sang Wei will make some special effects in advance when she finds time.

In order to seek realism, some sect resident Sang Wei decided not to use all special effects, such as those on the island and on the top of the mountain, she decided to use real.There are some floating in the air, and there is no other way but to use special effects, but with the blessing of Sang Wei, there is no trace at all.

As for the island or something?That's trivial, who doesn't have an island or a mountain?
And when she knew that Sang Wei was going to shoot "Avenue", those friends of the old man also provided the venue and investment, and Sang Wei didn't have to worry about these things.

This is a win-win situation, and the benefit they will bring in the later period is more than their investment. I didn’t see that Lao Zhao’s villa can’t squeeze in people who go to travel and check in. It’s limited because it provided a venue support for Sang Wei’s granddaughter. what.

Little Shitou Sangwei also arranged a role for her, which is the heroine's battle pet, a bird-shaped spirit beast, although it is not a mythical beast, but still has a trace of the blood of the mythical beast Suzaku, the prototype Sangwei already has The template is to follow her original appearance, but remove two tail feathers.

Most of the other beasts, she will follow the original shape of Li Dreamland, plus some characteristics written in the novel. If there are no such prototypes in Li Dreamland, she will rely on her own imagination, or from "Shan Hai Jing" Find inspiration in.

Weapons are even more trivial. They have traveled through so many worlds, and almost all of them have appeared in so many film and television dramas. Combining theory with descriptions in novels, there are sketches soon.

Moreover, Sang Wei spent a huge amount of money to build these weapons. They are all real materials, only lighter in weight, but they are definitely not plastic products in previous film and television dramas, which make people look very fake.

So this point has very high requirements for the actors, but I have communicated with Director Liu before, and this point must be added when selecting actors.

Although the selection of roles was quick, it took more than a month. Sang Wei only proceeded a little bit, but several important scenes had been set up, and the director took the crew into the previously built scenes to adapt.

In addition to learning more about the script in their daily life, these actors are just playing against each other. In their spare time, they will take pictures and post on Weibo to interact with their fans.

Faced with such a beautiful scene, the actors couldn't bear it, let alone the actresses.

Then the photos they took will be circulated on the Internet, and netizens and book fans will leave messages one after another.

"As expected of my product, Xiao Shen, it is excellent!"

"No, this is still without the blessing of special effects, it is exactly the same as the scene in the Valley of Doctors, just wait!"

"Just now I saw a staff member watering those flowers and plants, which means that it is true. They are so similar to those in the novel. I am even more convinced that Xiaoshen's company will make this novel live!"

"Hurry up and release it, the sea is dry and the stone is rotten!"

Sang Wei still took the route of the previous drama, and did not hide it, but chose the kind of exposure that could be exposed in front of the media.

The company's foreign affairs department will also select some photos and post them on Weibo in due course to keep the popularity going.

Netizens are very forgetful, if they are not reminded often, they will forget "The Great Way".

Netizen: We always remember it.

It took Sang Wei more than a year to prepare various scenes, including some special effects needed in the early stage.

The actors on Director Liu's side have also prepared very well, and the filming of "Avenue" has officially started.

Shooting fairy tales is the most difficult of all dramas, because there are many spell casting scenes and there are no actual shooting, but because of the sufficient preparation in the early stage, the shooting went smoothly.

Among them is fighting, because although the weight of the weapons prepared by Sang Wei has been reduced, they are still relatively heavy for the actresses, but fortunately they have been familiarized with the crew in advance, so it will be better.

In this way, after another year, the filming of "Avenue" ended and entered post-production.

(End of this chapter)

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