Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 306 My Family Is Really Rich 40

Chapter 306 My Family Is Really Rich 40
In the early stage, Sang Wei has already done more than half of the special effects production, and it will be much easier in the later stage. It took more than two months to complete all the effects.

After finishing and before going through the trial, in order to appease everyone, she directly gathered the main actors and crew members and showed them the finished film.

After leaving the screening hall, there was an expression on everyone's face, that was a dream.

That's right, it's a dream.

Especially [Pumpkin Pie], there is not only a dreamy expression on his face, but also dizziness in his eyes, which looks like a glass heart.

Sang Wei could only laugh and express her understanding.

The review process of the film was very fast, and the relevant departments hoped that the film would be released sooner than it was shocking.

Amidst the long-awaited calls of many netizens, "Avenue", which took two years to film, met with everyone.

The film still continued the previous broadcast order, first the TV station and then the Internet.

The first episode of the film is the scene where the hero fights with the monster, which directly increased the ratings by almost 10 points.

After the first episode ended, netizens and book fans said that they were not disappointed. This is the best TV series they have ever watched, bar none.

"Before I was worried about whether the special effects were used in the promotional video. Now I know that I was completely wrong. I want to apologize to Xiao Shen, I'm sorry Xiao Shen!"

"Xiao Shen, you are my idol for life, and so is Cake God!"

"When will the movie be made, it will be amazing if this special effect is used in the movie, just wait for the movie!"

"Wait for the movie!"

"Wait in my lifetime!"


A large number of positive comments flooded Sang Wei's Weibo.

Those individuals who had the foresight to invest in advance are also silently counting their money.

On Sang Wei's side, she took her family with her, changed her contact information, and went on vacation.

She is a little annoyed right now, her phone is full of people asking her to get acquainted with the special effects master, and they all want to poach people into her own film and television company. , It can be regarded as a kind of incense.

Sang Wei decided to agree to the film and television groups that she was familiar with and had worked with, but she refused to those who were unfamiliar with them, but some people just didn’t know how to write the word “rejection” Harassing her, so she simply changed her contact information and took the whole family out to play.

The dragon and phoenix twins are about to become first-grade elementary school students, and it can be regarded as taking them to celebrate that the beast is about to enter the cage.

There was also an episode during the vacation, that is, because of their family's outstanding appearance, especially the two children, they were spotted by scouts while they were playing, and they hoped that they would make cameo appearances in TV dramas.

How could this scout know that the person in front of him is a big shot in the film and television industry.

Sang Wei thought it was quite funny, and didn't expose her identity. After obtaining the consent of the two children, she let them play.

Since they were young, they often hung out with Sang Wei in the crew, so they were still very interested in filming, but because of their young age, most of Sang Wei's films were costume dramas and the like, and there were some blond and blue-eyed characters in them. It's not suitable, so the two rarely have the opportunity to show themselves.

The next thing is to go to school, and Sang Wei also said that they can only get in touch with these during the winter and summer vacations, so after the two get this opportunity, they are determined to participate.

I was a little worried that this might be a liar, so I took my child to the set.

Although the sparrow is small, it has all the internal organs. Although the crew is small, the equipment and staff are relatively complete, and it can also be regarded as professional.

The two children are not very interested in the other ones. After all, they have seen more high-end ones than this one, and they are only interested in the next film.

After knowing what they needed to act, the two of them stayed aside and muttered to each other.

After all, the two of them have been exposed to each other since childhood, and they are also smart, so they can be regarded as selfless and self-taught in how to act. Although they are not as good as those professional actors, they are much more reliable than those actors who can only stare and move their facial features.

The director was very satisfied with the performance of the two of them. After their scenes were over, he specially wrapped a big red envelope.

This experience seems to be a small episode. After two days of heated discussions, the siblings will devote themselves to the novelty of elementary school life. When the TV series is released, they will become famous in the school.

Then the identity cannot be concealed.

Sang Wei did not put the two children in noble schools. In addition to the high prices, those schools may have good teachers, but the atmosphere of comparison is particularly serious. Although the two children are smart, Sang Wei does not want to Let the two of them get in touch with this too early, and they don't have enough self-control, so they found a public school with relatively good teachers and sent them to it.

The siblings did not disclose their identities to the public, and the school teachers and other parents just thought that their families were richer.

There are many rich people here, which is not unusual.

But after the TV series they filmed was released, the identities of the two were revealed by omnipotent netizens.

Although the two of them were only one year old, the old man introduced them to the media as the future heirs of the Xiao Group. Later, because they protected their children well, everything about them was rarely exposed, and the children grew up together. In this way, the mass media also forgot what the two looked like.

But this time when they appeared on TV, they were still such a recognizable pair of old phoenix twins, which made people recognize them.

Only then did the school find out their identities, and it turned out that they were not the children of ordinary rich families.

Those students and their parents hurriedly reflected on themselves, whether they had shown their face on some things that they even neglected.

As for the teachers, they didn't make any moves. The teachers in this school are very good, and the teachers don't have the kind of situation of stepping on the high and flattering the low. This is why Sang Wei chose this school.

When the director who filmed the brothers and sisters knew about this, he slapped his own thigh angrily. How could he not know Taishan at the beginning, and didn't realize that the brothers and sisters are so big.

But now there is still time to stop the loss. He and the investor made a plan together and found the navy to operate behind him. The original TV series, which was somewhat dull, became popular because of the two brothers and sisters.

Sang Wei knew about these things, but she didn't stop them. She wanted to see how the brothers and sisters dealt with them.

But fortunately, Sang Wei was quite satisfied with the performance of the two of them.

After all, he is a child, no matter how high his IQ is, he needs to practice his sophistication.

The two of them were indeed happy for a while because their classmates and parents complimented them, and their classmates also made them happy for a while, but later they understood why they did this, and they were able to quickly adjust themselves. Sang Wei thinks that they are very good .

Sang Wei thought about whether to change schools for the two of them, but they refused. These trivial matters should not bother adults.

(End of this chapter)

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