Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 307 My Family Is Really Rich 41

Chapter 307 My Family Is Really Rich 41
The two younger ones are indeed human beings, and they settled down those parents and children who wanted to get close in a few strokes.

Of course, there are also teachers among them, but after all, they are role models, and they don't show it so obviously, so the two villains just pretend that they don't know anything.

After a long time, these people all knew that they would not get any benefit or news from them, so they stopped wasting energy, just let their children pay more attention, or don't provoke them.

After all, no matter what the competition is, there is no way to compare with the two of them. If you win a fight, you can't afford to pay for it. If you win a fight, you will be compensated, but you will feel distressed.

But a child is a child, it would be great if he could listen to adults, so it goes in one ear and out the other.

The dragon and phoenix twins are particularly likable, and children are willing to play with them. They have been taught very well since childhood, and they don't have some bad tempers that show off and look down on others, so they have made a few good friends.

However, because the identities of the two were exposed, there are naturally those who want to "once and for all" and those with malicious intentions who want to do some tricks and spend a lot of money, but the end result is that they all went where they should go, eating Had a free lunch.

You must know that the two children are now 6 years old, and they have already completed the first level of physical training and are moving towards the second level of physical training. A few kidnappers are really a trivial matter.Even if the kidnappers were carrying hot weapons, the two of them would still have bodyguards by their side, there were plenty of them both openly and secretly.And since Sang Wei dared to let the two go to school by themselves, it must be something to rely on.

So no matter how many you come, you will eventually be sent away.

Later, everyone on the road knew that the two of them were hard bones, they couldn't chew on them at all, and that one of them might break his own teeth, so they all dismissed their attention.

For this reason, the two children also feel that life is a little less fun.

Since the success of "The Great Way", Sang Wei couldn't bear the prayers of netizens, book fans and moviegoers, and decided to shoot the movie version of "The Great Way".

Of course, the length of the movie is limited, and we can only select some plots from it, but because the preparations for the TV series are particularly well prepared, it becomes much easier to shoot a movie.

It was still the original cast, and Sang Wei didn't invite actors who had made many movies. [Pumpkin Pie] personally adapted some of the classic plots, and the movie "Ask for Love" started shooting.

Everyone has cooperated many times, and they all have a general understanding of the plot, so the most difficult thing to compare is the changes in the lines of the script and the performance style of the actors.

It's impossible for a movie to have the same lines as a TV series, right?

Moreover, movies need to be more explosive, infectious, and expressive, unlike when they are acting in TV dramas, they need to be collected.

When everyone was preparing, Sang Wei was also making preparations. One was for the special effects in the early stage, and the other was for costumes and props. After all, it was going to be played on the big screen, and the screen would be magnified many times. It is more refined and exquisite than that of the TV series.

After all, it is only a 100-minute movie, so the preparation is much easier than when I was filming a TV series. It only took Sang Wei more than a month and nine months to get everything in place, and the filming started.

This time, the actors had to let go more freely than when shooting TV dramas before. At the beginning, they were a little uncomfortable. After all, everyone is used to filming TV dramas, but this shows the importance of having a good director.There are directors to teach and these actors really have acting skills. After only NGing a few times, they began to get better.

The filming of this film only took more than half a year, plus the production review and theater screening time, it took a total of less than ten months. In the words of netizens, it was not as long as I was pregnant with a child.

Because this is the first movie of Mingyan Film and Television Company, the old man was worried about his poor grades, so he spent his own money to buy two theaters and two theaters. At that time, other movies will not be shown, but this "" "Avenue of Inquiry".

In fact, the old man was completely worried for nothing. Although it was the first time for Mingyan Film and Television to make a movie, her previous reputation was really good. Although she was a little worried about whether this would work, the bosses of the theater were still willing to believe in Mingyan’s production. It is a boutique.

Of course, they will also be more conservative and arrange a few games first.

But after the ticket booking channel opened, the owner of the movie theater began to increase the number of shows after seeing that the tickets had been booked in a short time.

Those movies that are not good can just be removed from the shelves, and quickly make way for "Avenues of Love", even at midnight.

Especially after the premiere, when the comments from fans were all comments such as "It's a worthwhile trip", "Lifetime series", "Death with no regrets", "I plan to do N", the owner of the cinema was very prescient and not only The number of scenes was added, and two lines were added, so that in the end, half of the direct films were all "Avenues of Love".

It means that from the time when the cinema opens at 8:12 in the morning to when it closes at [-]:[-] in the evening, the movie is played on a loop in those screening halls, just like a private show.

There are even more extreme movie fans who directly buy a one-day ticket and sit on a stool to watch movies except for going to the toilet.

The two movie theaters that the old man bought at the beginning were also famous because they only played Sang Wei's movies. Fans had to queue up there in order to check in. In just three or four days, they just Earn back the money to buy the movie theater.

The film has been released for nearly a month, and the popularity has slowly dropped.

This box office is heading straight for 50 billion away.

Regardless of costs and taxes, let's divide it up in all aspects, and Sang Wei will divide it into 2/3.

No wonder it is said that making movies is the most lucrative and profitable.

Then netizens and movie fans began to leave messages under Sang Wei and the company's Weibo, unanimously hoping that she can make another "Avenue" series of movies.

The scenes in "Avenue" have gone to sea, and it is a great movie just to take out a few trips to secret lands, so dissatisfied fans started again.

Let's do it, then respond to the requests of movie fans and book fans, and why not make money if you have money?Then continue shooting.

So "A Dao Wen Tian" was produced under such circumstances.

Next is the whole Dao series such as "Ask the Land", "Ask Me", "Ask the Sword" and so on.

Continuing the excellent filming of the first film, each of these films is better than the other, and the fans are also very satisfied.

They all said that they spent money for the "Avenue" series, and they were willing to spend as much money as they wanted.

The same is true for Sang Wei, her status has already changed, she is no longer the heir to a family property of tens of billions, but it has been multiplied by more than ten times, becoming hundreds of billions.

And that financial magazine has already been replaced by her cover.

The actors who followed her to film the entire series have all become movie kings and queens, and their net worth has skyrocketed.

(End of this chapter)

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