Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 308 My Family Is Really Rich 42

Chapter 308 My Family Is Really Rich 42
From the filming of "Avenue", Sang Wei discovered the direction of the future. She decided to divide Mingyan Film and Television Company into two departments, one dedicated to filming TV series and one dedicated to filming.

Both departments have their own heads, who are in charge of all the daily affairs, and when there is something that cannot be decided, it will be handled by Sang Wei.

Sang Wei has more time now, so she can be busy with other things.

She has learned a lot about filming and acting, and she just waited for time to verify it, so she decided to return to the Xiao Group.

As the old man got older and older, he was gradually unable to do what he wanted.

Because although Sang Wei is recuperating his body at any time, the aging of body organs cannot be changed by anyone.

In addition, the old man sent his son and daughter-in-law away one after another. Although he survived at that time, after all, the root was injured. No matter how much he adjusted and maintained later, it would be useless.

The old man knew this very well, so he wanted to bring Sang Wei with him. How could Sang Wei not see this because of her superb medical skills, so he divided the company into two parts and she withdrew by herself.

Although she has not been in this world for ten years, although she has experienced a lot of life, old age, sickness and death, her heart has already been as firm as a rock, but she has already regarded the old man as her relative, and she also wants to spend more time in the last time of her life. Accompany him and let him enjoy family happiness more.

The two little ones have reached their current level of cultivation, and they can feel something. They matured a lot earlier than their peers, so they naturally know what it means. After knowing that their mother has nothing to do, all they can do is to spend more time with the old man.

However, the three of them cooperated very well, and the old man didn't feel this.

The entertainment industry is like a dye vat. Sang Wei can manage a film and television company in an orderly manner. Naturally, she has a way to handle other companies well, so in less than half a year, the Xiao Group is already under her control. Down.

In fact, with Xiao's current status and her status in the company, there is no need for her to decide everything. What do the middle-level leaders in the group do?What do those professional managers do?

So only when some important decisions require Sang Wei to make a decision, Sang Wei will make a move.

Some people said, so you won't be afraid that other people will unite to make Sang Wei empty?Or maybe the old employees in the group rebelled against Sang Wei's discipline?

In fact, Sang Wei has already rectified these problems as soon as she took over the company.

The reason why people rebel is nothing more than two points. One is that the money given to them is too small. This is very easy. Isn’t it enough to give them the best money in the industry?

One person has fewer things to do, and this will give them more things to do. This person will not only have more money when he is busy, but also have no time to think about miscellaneous things.

The last point is to let them know the consequences of betraying themselves and the Xiao Group. You must know that many projects of the Xiao Group are in cooperation with the state, and many of them have signed confidentiality agreements. impossible.

Combining these three points, there are really few double-minded people in this group. Even if there are one or two, they are all small shrimps and small fishes. If the water is clear, there will be no fish. Sang Wei understands this very well. And she still wants to keep this little fish and shrimp for great use.

What effect?Just like Qianlong kept Heshen.

So all of this is under Sang Wei's control, even if she has only studied business knowledge for a few years, it's not a problem.

She is an old monster who has traveled through so many worlds, so she still can't figure out such a thing?
Sang Wei also has real materials. Under the leadership of Sang Wei, the Xiao Group's market value has doubled.

The old man was very pleased with this, so he simply let go and enjoyed the family happiness at home.

Although the mood is good, relatively speaking, the life time will be longer, but after all, at that age, even though the old man is in a better mood and happier later, he only lived for an extra two years.

Two years later, the old man passed away with a smile on his face.

After Sang Wei sent people away, she was negative for a few days and then returned to work.

It's not that she doesn't have feelings for the old man, but she knows that all of this is life, old age, sickness and death, the laws of nature, and no one can change it.

And just like what I said before, she has traveled through so many worlds, seen many births, old ages, sicknesses and deaths, and personally sent many of them away, so she has already made preparations for the old man.

There is no need for Sang Wei to worry about the company. Although it has been almost two years since she took over the company, and although the news of the old man's absence has already spread in the news, because of her escort, the Xiao family has no ups and downs.

Xiao Shitou is also quite sad. The old man often takes it out for a walk with birds, and prepares bird nests and various imported dried fruits for him. He also likes the old man very much. Once the old man leaves, no one will take it with him from now on. He went out for a walk.

The same goes for the two children. They already know what it means to die, but life has to go on. After being sad for a while, they return to school again.

However, Little Stone didn't stay passive for a long time, and the writer system diverted his attention and asked him to write a new novel.

The subject of the novel is the doomsday theme that he has never been exposed to.

This theme has become quite popular on the Internet recently. Most of the routines are stories in which the protagonist is accidentally betrayed, and then the time and space go back to the past, and then he obtains a supernatural power or space, and then kills the Quartet.

But Xiaoshi doesn't like this very much. Rebirth is the biggest golden finger. If you have this condition, you have to arrange for them with heaven-defying abilities and space for planting or cultivation. This is too partial to them. up

And even with these conditions, he is often fascinated by a man or a woman.Sang Wei and Xiao Shitou felt that this was such a good golden finger.

So the protagonist of Little Stone is different from these.

The protagonist of the novel, just like ordinary people, has no kung fu, so it is difficult to survive.

But the protagonist is very self-motivated. Although he has no superpowers and doesn't know much about kung fu, he dares to do his best to go out to find out news by himself.

But then the protagonist changed a lot, that is, every time he confronted zombies, he recorded all the moves he had used, and now in his mind, he rearranged the moves and made a set of kung fu, This is his brilliance.

Different protagonists bring different life experiences to others.

Because she doesn't have any golden fingers, just like the general public, many book fans have a sense of substitution, feeling like the protagonist.

After all, it is the end of the world, not everyone can awaken supernatural powers, there are still many ordinary people, this novel is to tell you how ordinary people live.

(End of this chapter)

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