Chapter 310
It is not easy for Zixiao to cultivate to this level, because there is another soul living in his body, that is his sister who has not had time to be born.

When Zixiao's mother was giving birth, she was catching up with the enemy's family to seize the treasure. During the escape, she lost her fetal gas and only gave birth to himself. Before her sister was born, she was suffocated to death in her mother's stomach.

But the mother couldn't stand this, and used the family secret method to seal the younger sister's soul in Zixiao's body.

This matter was known to Zi Xiao when he was five years old. At that time, his mother had already run out of fuel, and she only told him before she died.

Zi Xiao has very good aptitude, he is a rare Lei Lingen in a hundred years. Naturally, his five senses are particularly sensitive since he was a child, and he can more or less feel what is in his body.

Usually, when looking at him, his mother would stroke his head and call "Zi Xiao". He didn't know the reason at that time, but now he knows.

At the same time, he also knew that his sister was in his body, and the two of them shared the same body.

However, Zixiao didn't dislike her sister because of this, and felt unhappy that half of her body belonged to her sister, but was very happy to have such a person with her, who was still her close relative.

After the mother died, only two people were left to depend on each other.

When his mother was dying, he left him a secret technique. When he cultivated to a certain level and found a suitable body, he would be able to release his sister from his body again. Otherwise, he would not have put people in his body in the body.

After her mother died, Zixiao had only one wish, and that was to practice hard so that her sister could see the sun again one day.

Although his aptitude is once in a hundred years, the spiritual power needs to be divided by two people, so the progress is very slow, but because Zi Xiao is very persistent, he has cultivated to this level, and he is one step away from ascending. At that time, he can use secret techniques to make his sister Release it.

And although the younger sister's soul in his body is a little weaker than his, it's about the same.

But here comes the problem, the younger sister has been staying in his body, and has never had a physical body, let alone how to live as a woman.He is also a pure man, who has been obsessed with cultivation for thousands of years, has never found any Taoist partner, and does not know about it, so the matter is stuck here.

But fortunately, Zi Xiao got Sang Wei's life experience by coincidence, and then entered the world where Sang Wei lived, and the characters happened to be her pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

As for how they lived in it, and what fun things they encountered, that is another story.

After living a leisurely life in Limengland for more than a month, Sang Wei fell into a deep sleep and traveled through in one morning.

"Why hasn't my sister-in-law woke up yet? I'll go see a doctor again."

"Yes, it's good to have a look."

"I'll go get some boiling water, and when my sister-in-law wakes up, there will be water to drink, and then I'll buy some fruit. The captain said at that time that my sister-in-law loves fruit the most."

"Attention Xiaotian, don't mention the captain's matter in front of sister-in-law, she..."

"Don't worry, I know. You said that the captain is such a good person, why..."

"To shut up!"


The indistinct voice came into Sang Wei's ears, and she listened carefully, as if she was trying to hold her voice down as much as possible.

Sang Wei woke up at this time, and when she opened her eyes, she was facing the white walls around her.

As a former doctor, her first reaction was, is it possible that she is a doctor again in this world?
But why does it feel different?Feeling unable to exert strength all over the body.

She turned her head and observed the surroundings carefully before realizing that she was lying on the bed.

No wonder, Sang Wei thought, just as she was about to contact Xiao Shitou, the door opened with a "squeak".

Sang Wei quickly closed her eyes, she was not sure about her situation, she should pretend to sleep, just taking advantage of this time, she could receive the memory of the original owner.

She could feel that someone was doing some simple checks for her. Fortunately, she had learned how to act with the crew in her spare time in the last world, so Sang Wei's performance was quite successful.

"The patient fell into a coma due to the stimulation. It is a stress response of the brain that he has not woken up yet. This is a good thing, and he will wake up in a short time."

The doctor put away the stethoscope, and then continued: "Don't stimulate her again after waking up, or the situation will get worse."

"Thank you, doctor, for your hard work!"

"It should, and that matter, respect her own choice."


Then there was the sound of the door knocking, and Sang Wei felt that someone had gone out, but she still chose to close her eyes.

Stimulated?The excitement of being able to enter the hospital is not small, and it happens to be relatively quiet now, and Sang Wei decided to accept the memory.

Ten minutes later, she took a long breath and slowly opened her eyes.

It turned out that the reason why she fell into a coma was because she had just learned that the original owner's husband had died in the line of duty.

That's right, the husband of the original owner died. He was a firefighter. He was hit in the back by a collapsed beam after rescuing a family of three during the fire fighting the day before, and he never came out again.

The original owner also got the news in the morning, but he couldn't catch up for a while, so he was sent to the hospital.

The original owner and her husband both came out of the same orphanage. They depended on each other since they were young. They supported each other and became partners after they became adults. They have deep feelings for each other. They are not only lovers but also relatives. So after learning of her husband's sacrifice, she couldn't bear the blow People also went with them, otherwise they wouldn't have been replaced by Sang Wei.

Sang Wei sighed, and then recited the rebirth mantra three times silently in her heart. The original owner's husband has great merits. Although the original owner does not have as many merits as him, there are some, so that they will meet in another world and live a lifetime of peace and joy.

Just as Sang Wei was about to greet Xiao Shitou, the door was quietly opened again, so she quickly shut up.

A big boy with a short hair poked his head in, and then he shouted in surprise: "Sister-in-law, you're awake!"

After so many worlds, this is the first time for Sang Wei to have the status of a sister-in-law. She didn't know what to say, so she just nodded in agreement.

Seeing Sang Wei nodding, Mao Cuntou hurriedly greeted the people behind him: "Sister-in-law is awake!"

Wula came in three or four people all at once, all of them were boys in their twenties with small crew cuts, and they stood in front of Sangwei's hospital bed with a uniform body.

Looking at them, Sang Wei's uncontrollable tears filled her eyes, they were all children.

Seeing that Sang Wei was in a bad mood, Xiaopingtou, who started talking, hurriedly put down the fruit bag in his hand, and took out an orange from it: "Sister-in-law, you can eat oranges, the captain said you like them the most..."

Before he finished speaking, he gave himself a smack on the forehead.

"Sister-in-law, Xiaotian can't talk, don't take it to heart, I'll go to the doctor when you wake up!" another older man said.

Sang Wei didn't say anything, and watched him drag the person named Xiaotian away.

After all, she was not the original owner. Although she had memories, she couldn't empathize with her. But what the doctor said after she came almost made her poke her back again.

"For the sake of the child in your womb, you have to adjust your mentality well."

(End of this chapter)

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