Chapter 311
The doctor's words, like a thunderbolt from the blue, split Sang Wei's skin, which was burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.


These two words kept echoing in her ears.

This is retribution!This is retribution!

Sang Wei was lying on the hospital bed in a daze.

But the group of soldiers were very happy, and it was the talkative Xiao Tian who spoke first.

"Sister-in-law, you must take good care of your body, our captain..." There is a future!

Before he finished speaking, he saw that Sang Wei's expression was not normal, and then realized that their captain had just died the day before, and now those who remained were orphans and widows.

Although he is quick-spoken, it's not that he doesn't understand the situation. If he keeps the child, he knows very well what will happen in the future, but he hopes that Sang Wei can keep the child.

"No matter what, sister-in-law, you will always be our sister-in-law, and you don't have to worry about us raising him together. If... We will all support your decision."

Another big boy who looked more stable said something. They didn't know about this before, and they were also shocked, but this was the only flesh and blood left by their captain. Of course, they hoped that Sang Wei could give birth to the child.

However, they are also very aware that a single woman will have difficulty raising children in the future, so they decided to listen to Sang Wei's opinion.

The two people waiting on the side also wanted to say something, but before they could say anything, the phone rang in the ward.

The more stable one answered the phone with a hmm, and then quickly hung up: "A mission!"

The sound of these three words resounded powerfully in the ward.

The expressions of these four big boys became extremely serious in an instant. After tidying up their appearance, they ran out quickly. When they reached the door, Xiaotian turned his head and said, "Sister-in-law, you must take care of yourself. Doctor, my sister-in-law will leave it to you."

Then ran away without looking back.

Sang Wei still watched their figures disappear out of her sight without blinking.

The doctor at the side didn't know what to say, so he just asked the nurse to take care of her and left.Some things are difficult for them to say as outsiders, and they can only wait for the patients to figure it out.

Seeing the silence in the ward, Sang Wei then contacted the little stone in the sea of ​​consciousness: "Shitou, do you think this is retribution? In my previous life, twins were born in that way, so this world punishes me personally. Pregnant and have a baby?"

The two of them had discussed before that they didn't know what was going on in the world, so they would let Xiaoshi stay in the sea of ​​consciousness first, but now because of the surveillance in the ward, she couldn't let Xiaoshi out, so they could only contact like this.

"Maybe! No one can tell the cause and effect, otherwise it would not be such a coincidence."

Little Shitou couldn't tell clearly, but he felt that it should be like this. After thinking about it, he continued, "What do you plan to do? To stay or not?"

"I'm not the Holy Mother. The original owner has already left. I and the original owner are two people. Why leave him behind? Besides, the original owner is an orphan. Let's not talk about other things, just say that it will take me to give birth to a child. Who will take care of it?"

She knows how tiring it is to take care of the children. After all, she has witnessed the birth of two children. Although the nanny is responsible, she is very clear about the children's fuss.

Sang Wei is telling the truth. The original owner and her husband belong to the same orphanage. They have known each other since they were young. However, the original owner’s grades are not good, and she only graduated from a junior college. This diploma is not easy to use, so she has been in As a shopping guide in the mall.

Although there is a certain income, after this pregnancy, she can't stand at the counter with a big belly. The mall will definitely not want her again. Now that her husband has sacrificed, the life of the mother and wife will become a problem in the future.

Some people think that the original owner's husband is a firefighter, and now he sacrificed his life to save others, leaving only such a little flesh and blood, and Sang Wei is obliged to give birth to the offspring of the hero after transmigrating to the original owner.

But Sang Wei didn't think so, she was her, the original owner was the original owner, the original owner had followed her husband away, but she had nothing to do with the original owner's husband.

If the child is already born, she can raise the child, no problem.But now that she is still a child for less than two months, she has the final say on the matter of her body, and she has the right to decide this matter.

If she gave birth to the child and raised it, it would be a righteous sentence at most, and there would be no more for the rest of the article.

Some trolls will definitely say that the other half of the hero should not remarry again, and this child will be relied on for the rest of his life.

Go aside, when is this, maybe some people are like this, but Sang Wei is definitely not this kind of person, although she really won't remarry.

Those keyboard warrior headlines want to spray, let them spray!Are they able to help raise the children or take care of them?

That's right, she believed what the big boys said just now, they would be responsible for the birth of the child, but in the future they would have their own family, their own children to raise, and the elderly on both sides were their responsibility.

Everyone knows how much it costs to raise a child now.

Even if Sang Wei has so many skills, she will be able to support this child in the future, but she is not ready.

Although she admires those retrogrades very much, this is not the reason for her to keep the child.

So no matter what it was for, Sang Wei didn't want this child.

"No matter what decision you make, I will support you." Even if everyone persuaded her to give birth to this child, Xiaoshi was the only one who was willing to support Sang Wei.

So during the rounds at night, Sang Wei told the doctor about her decision.

Although it was a pity for the doctor, he was not the person involved, and he did not have the right to make a decision for Sang Wei. He just confirmed that Sang Wei's decision would not be changed, and then notified the obstetrics department for consultation.

But he still told the matter to that serious face, Zhu Shiwu, that they sent him to the hospital, and they should know.

Moreover, there must be someone on the operating table. Although the patient has no family members, there must be someone to take care of him.

Zhu Shiwu, who had just finished his mission and returned to the fire brigade, changed his clothes when he received a call from the hospital and rushed to the hospital without eating a bite.

He first went to the doctor's office to understand the situation before going to the ward.

Looking at Sang Wei who was sitting on the bed expressionless (wandering), Zhu Shiwu swallowed his dissuading words.

The most uncomfortable person right now is none other than the person sitting on the hospital bed. What face does he have now asking a poor person to give birth to the child?Will it make her think of her sacrificed husband whenever she sees a child in the future?
Zhu Shiwu felt that they were a little cruel.

So he adjusted his mentality and expression, knocked on the door and entered the ward.

Sang Wei looked at the man in front of her without any emotion in her eyes. If this man came to persuade her, she would turn back.

Don't persuade others without suffering from others.

"Sister-in-law, I have nothing to say. I just want to tell you that no matter what you decide, we will not interfere, and if there is anything in the future, we will definitely help. You will always be our sister-in-law in the future."

After Zhu Shiwu saluted, he left.

(End of this chapter)

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