Chapter 312
Sang Wei raised her eyebrows, but still watched people leave without making a sound.

This person is not bad, so that she has no chance to say those hateful words.

But the matter of taking care of her is probably not going to happen. She decided to leave the city after the operation, and just find a place to start a new life with Xiao Shitou.

In fact, she could go to the pharmacy to prescribe a medicine to remove the child by herself after she was discharged from the hospital, but she still decided to let everyone know that if she did it herself, it would be unreasonable.

Zhu Shiwu answered the phone and left. The people in the team could probably guess the reason, so as soon as he went back, Tian Yuan chased after him and asked, "Is it a call from the hospital? What did you say?"

"No, sister-in-law decided not to have this child." Zhu Shiwu tried his best to speak lightly.

"How can this be? It was left by the captain. He didn't even know it when he died. He..."

Tian Yuan couldn't help but opened his mouth and said, then Zhu Shiwu glared at him.

"What right do we have to ask my sister-in-law to give birth to this child? Do you know how much effort it takes to raise a child? Before going to school, this child can't live without people! This is a decision made by my sister-in-law. We have no right to interfere. If the captain is still there, he is not willing to let his sister-in-law suffer, otherwise the two of them have been married for so many years, and it is not until now..."

Zhu Shiwu didn't go on, they were not the parties after all, and they didn't have the right to make decisions for others.

"I'm just..." Tian Yuan's eyes were filled with tears, he couldn't speak, and walked aside to hold his head.

Since he has been in the fire brigade for the shortest time and is the youngest in the team, the captain usually takes good care of him. When he was on his first mission, if the captain hadn't rescued him, he would have been half disabled if not dead.So when he learned of the captain's sacrifice, he felt very uncomfortable. When he knew that Sang Wei was pregnant, he very much hoped that Sang Wei could give birth to the child.

But things are already like this, and he can't change anything, and what Zhu Shiwu said is right, others have no right to ask sister-in-law to give birth to this child.

Zhu Shiwu stepped forward and patted Tian Yuan's head: "No matter what decision my sister-in-law makes, we must understand him. She and the captain are both orphans and have no relatives. We are now his relatives. Think about it in our shoes. If the other party is your elder sister or younger sister, would you like her to give birth to a child and spend the rest of her life like this?"

Zhu Shiwu took a deep breath and suppressed the tears in his eyes: "If we can't, then why should we ask my sister-in-law to do this? The doctor said that my sister-in-law can undergo surgery after she is emotionally stable. We don't want to bother her during this time." , When my sister-in-law is out of the hospital, we will go to the family to visit him together."

Zhu Shiwu's words made the group of big boys fall into deep thought, Tian Yuan also stopped twitching, but looking carefully, the wiped away tears are still flowing.

Sang Wei made an appointment for three days later, and she only had to make sure that she had no emotional problems during these three days. She also took advantage of these three days when others were not paying attention, and released the small stone, saying to the outside world that it was a lost dog. little bird.

three days later.

Sang Wei lay on the operating table with a calm expression, looking at the shadowless lamp above her head, because the little stone could not enter the operating room, but she was worried about Sang Wei, so she still entered her sea of ​​consciousness.

Hearing the sound of doctors counting surgical instruments, Sang Wei suddenly became flustered. She tried to calm herself down, but she felt that her body was out of her control.

Then suddenly she felt a force pushing herself out, but she was floating in the air, and saw something controlling her body to negotiate with the doctor, and after signing something, He was lifted off the operating table by others.

But no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get into that body, as if someone ripped his foreign soul out.

But Sang Wei is very clear. After she came to this world, she had Xiaoshi do a test. In this world, she can't practice, and even body training is very difficult, so she can only do some movements to strengthen her body. Someone with great ability dragged her out?
You must know that her current spirit is very powerful, and ordinary people can't touch her.

All this was beyond his imagination, Sang Wei didn't know what to do, so she had to contact Xiao Shitou to see if he could do anything, but in the end she couldn't even get in touch with Xiao Shitou.

Like a soul, she floated above the operating table, and then watched the nurses push their bodies into the ward, and she couldn't control herself, and followed into the ward as if being pulled.

After all the nurses left, a suction force came from the original owner's body, and she flew back uncontrollably? .

Then she saw a figure in front of her, who looked very familiar to Sang Wei, and it was the original owner.

The original owner stared at Sang Wei closely, then smiled at her lightly, bowed to her again, and disappeared.

Sang Wei moved her fingers and found that she could control her body, and immediately contacted Xiao Shitou: "Shitou, what happened just now? I can't even contact you. What happened to you just now?"

"I don't know either. I was unconscious just now, and I didn't wake up until you called me." Xiao Shitou was a little terrified, and this was the first time he encountered such a situation.

"I should have been squeezed out by the original owner's remnants just now, and I didn't regain control until now. I suspect that the original owner hadn't left this body when we came. He didn't come out until he knew I didn't intend to have this child." Sang Wei guessed.

"Then do you have any injuries? Is the original owner still there?" Xiao Shitou was very anxious, he didn't care about others, he was only worried about Sang Wei's problem?
"She should have gone into hiding. I don't know where. She controlled her body. After she came down from the operating table, she bowed to me and disappeared."

Sang Wei's guess was right, it was the original owner's soul that drove her out of her body. She was going to meet her original husband because of the passing away curse that Sang Wei recited, but because Sang Wei wanted to kill her Their child had no choice but to come out and control the body to get off the operating table in order to keep the child.

She knew that this was a bit embarrassing for Sang Wei, so she bowed to Sang Wei to express her apology.

"Then what should we do? Do you still want this child?" Little Shitou didn't know what to do.

"I don't know either. I'm afraid that when she is lying on the operating table again, she will kick me out again. Then she will not be so polite."

Although cultivation is not allowed in this world, any unreal scene has already happened, and he can't guarantee it.

In fact, what he didn't know was that after the original owner bowed to her, he completely disappeared.

It was originally a remnant soul, although it was solidified a lot because of the Rebirth Curse, but after knowing that Sang Wei was going to kill the child, she came out at the risk.

(End of this chapter)

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