Chapter 313
Sang Wei was lying on the hospital bed like a salted fish. The doctors and nurses in front of her looked at each other in blank dismay, and then briefly said some things to pay attention to, and the two left.

This patient was a little moody, and said for a while that she didn't want to have children, but when the operation was about to be performed, she desperately asked people to lift her down, and she still looked like this now.

Alas, but she is also a poor person. Her husband died on a mission two days ago, and the family has no relatives. It is understandable to accept the blow.They are not psychiatrists, they can only treat the disease, not the mind, and she has to come out on her own.

The doctor turned his head and said to the nurse next to him: "Pay more attention to the patients in bed 38, and then ask the gynecology department for instructions to see if there are any contraindications written in the discharge record."

The little nurse nodded again and again: "Yeah, doctor, don't worry!"

She is in her early 20s, and she has a special admiration for heroes, so she is also very concerned about Sang Wei, the military wife.

Being discharged from the hospital is a relatively big event, especially in Sang Wei's situation. She didn't tell others that she didn't have an operation, but the hospital did tell the fire brigade about it.For them, Sang Wei is a family member of a hero, and they should be more considerate, so Zhu Shiwu and the others also got the news that Sang Wei was about to be discharged from the hospital, and they also knew that Sang Wei decided to keep the child.

Especially Tian Yuan, he was the happiest. He felt that the recent period was too exciting, and his mood fluctuated a lot.Knowing that he was about to be discharged from the hospital, he was the first to run ahead, followed by Zhu Shiwu and the others.

When they arrived at the hospital, Sang Wei was packing up her things and was about to leave. These three or four big boys rushed into the ward without saying a word, and just took their luggage. Not only that, but also a A grateful little eye looked at her.

Sang Wei couldn't help shivering, her lips trembled: "..."

Sang Wei: You should not be grateful to me.

Sang Wei held back and didn't say anything. After this series of blows, the original owner's body is indeed a little weak, and she has been in the hospital since she came, and has not done any exercise. Let them hold the things, she Just carry small stones on the line.

That's right, the little stone is already outside now, and it can be regarded as a bright road.

When those people saw Sang Wei mentioning a bird, they thought she was just for their own company, and they didn't say anything.Tian Yuan, on the other hand, took heart and decided to go to his brother's unit to ask for a police dog to accompany Sang Wei. The police dog not only understands human nature, but also protects his sister-in-law and children at critical times, killing two birds with one stone.

After half an hour, Sang Wei and the others returned home, but because of the identity of the original owner's husband, they lived in the military compound. After a few big boys entered the house and put down their things, they quickly helped clean up and said a few words to Sang Wei took good care of herself, and if she had any problems, she could go to them and leave quickly.They are troops on standby at any time. Although there are a few people staying in the team, they can't stay too long.

Sang Wei knew this, so she didn't say anything. After the people left, she began to look at the house.

The house is not big, just a simple two-bedroom and one living room, but there are traces of the life of the original owner and her husband everywhere in the house. Sang Wei always felt uncomfortable, so she decided to leave this place after she settled down and everything was on the right track.

But the first thing to do now is to give myself something to eat first. The patient's food in the hospital has no taste at all, and she will vomit in the past few days.

After being away for a few days, many things in the refrigerator were unusable, and Sang Wei threw them all away.There is no need to buy vegetables in the space, but pregnant women still need to eat more meat for nutrition.After a simple change of clothes, Sang Wei was going to go shopping in the vegetable market.

In my memory, there is a vegetable market not far from their compound, and there are quite a lot of things in it. Sang Wei planned to go there to have a look. Although it was a bit late, there should be something there.

Xiao Shitou is still standing on her shoulders. Now that Sang Wei is in a special situation, he has to follow closely and not let her make any mistakes.

Now that she decided to keep the child, Sang Wei decided not to wrong herself, and chose nutritious things, not less than beef and fish.The original owner was frightened and stimulated before, so he had to make up for it.

She can't take medicine in a special period now, the best way is tonic, these are trivial to Sang Wei.

I didn't buy much, so I just bought the amount for the day and went back. Looking so close to the vegetable market, I went out for a walk every day. Not only can I digest food, but it is also good for my body.

After having a happy meal with Xiao Shitou, he started to remove some traces of the original owner and her husband.

Especially the few wedding photos on the wall, it's not that Sang Wei is afraid, but it's very awkward to see herself hanging on the wall so intimately with other men all day long.

Also put away some clothes, shoes and hats of the original owner's husband. Although he usually wears a uniform, there are still some.

These Sang Weis have been collected by them, they will not throw them away, but just seal them up, and when she leaves this world, let these things be destroyed along with the body of the original owner.

After eating and drinking enough, Sang Wei browsed the house on the Internet. Since she has decided not to stay here, she should make a plan early. The original owner still has some savings, plus the subsidy, a down payment is enough.

But because her requirements are a bit high, she can't be far from the hospital. It will be inconvenient for her to give birth alone, and there must be a school nearby, so that there is a good environment for the child to go to school, but the school district is too expensive. Wei now has enough savings in her hands, but she still needs to prepare money for milk powder for the children, and a confinement wife will also be hired by then.

Now that you have decided to give birth to a child, you must give him the best.

Sang Wei sighed and turned off the computer.

Xiao Shitiao jumped to her side and rubbed his head against her hand: "Wei Wei, what's wrong?"

"Poor." Sang Wei expressed all her thoughts in just two words.

"Why don't I write novels to support you." Xiao Shitou said happily, Sang Wei is taking care of him in every world, and he will be reversed this time.

Sang Wei looked at him amusedly: "Yes, then did your boss come along? Or maybe you can still voice input? If you can, then the world depends on you."

"The tube didn't come, but I brought the phone with me."

Xiao Shitou was very fortunate that he had the foresight, but he was afraid that this would happen in the future, so he took out the mobile phone from the previous world from the half-life space. Fortunately, time was still in the space, so he quickly turned on the phone, and there was a burst of twittering into the mobile phone.

It turned out that it was indeed a bunch of garbled characters.

He said to Sang Wei with a mournful face, "It can't be used anymore."

Sang Wei held him in her arms: "If you can't, then you can't, I'll raise you instead."

In fact, she had already expected that the writer system would disappear after the world was changed, and the mobile phone would not work accordingly.

"It's just that there may not be so many imported dried fruits for you to eat in the future."

"It's okay, just eat melon seeds and walnuts." Little Shitou didn't care, and leaned on Sang Wei's shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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