Chapter 314
It is impossible for Sang Wei to open a medical clinic in this world. After all, the original owner does not have any medical skills, so she will look strong and strong to learn from, but far water cannot save near fire.

She can also continue to be a shopping guide just like the original owner. As long as it is not a big brand, she does not need a high degree of education. Who let Sang Wei have a high degree of education, but the original owner can't.However, it's okay for the original owner to have experience, but that will have to wait until the child is born and can go to kindergarten.

to film?
Forget it, with this pretty little appearance, although he has acting skills, he can only start with group acting, which doesn't have much money, and has to be on call 24 hours a day, so it's not suitable if he has a small oil bottle.

writing a novel?
Not only does it require long-term contact with computers or mobile phones, the radiation is too serious, and it was not on the shelves at the beginning, so it was not worthwhile to get paid for the manuscript.

So after much deliberation, I can only accept a few translation jobs online.

But first we need to see the difference between the foreign languages ​​of this world and those that Sang Wei learned in the previous world.

After making a general plan for the future, Sang Wei decided to go to bed early, and Xiao Shitou stopped swiping her phone. After all, radiation is not good for pregnant women.

After spending a few days at ease, Sang Wei took her own pulse and found that the slight discomfort she felt from the fright had disappeared, and she checked the information and found that the foreign language of this world is the same as that of the first world. She decided to go online and start picking up jobs, after all, she couldn't just sit and eat.

During the period, Zhu Shiwu and the others came to visit Sang Wei again, and gave her some nutritional supplements, some children's clothes, and diapers.

Nutrients Sang Wei was confiscated. After all, no one’s money came from the wind. They also had to support their families. She kept clothes and other things, and she could use them in the future. Those big boys don’t have any Child, take it back and let it go if you can’t return it.

As usual, they told Sang Wei that if they had something to contact them, Sang Wei just nodded in response and would not really look for them.

At that time, I really have something to do, and just in time for them to go on a mission, I call them again and distract them, which is a serious crime.

And I also procrastinated.

When he was leaving, Zhu Shiwu saw the changed house, he sighed and said nothing, he could only express his understanding, if he kept the captain's things outside, he would only be thinking about others by seeing things.

Looking for a job online is very smooth, and the price of some small languages ​​is very high. Sang Wei only received one and got an income, and then she chose to rest. After all, she is a pregnant woman, and she has radiation from the computer for a long time. Although she is wearing a radiation protection suit, But it's not safe.

At other times, she would take a small stone to the vegetable market for exercise, and buy some fish and vegetables, but she didn't eat these vegetables, but replaced them with products produced in the space.

After several worlds of verification, it was found that although the maturity period of the vegetables produced in the space was shortened a little, it did not cause any harm to people, and after verification by pregnant women in two worlds, these vegetables did not cause any harm to the mother and fetus. You can eat with confidence.

Regarding the practice, she doesn't plan to practice it for the time being. After all, she has a special body now. If she accidentally stretches it too much, the original owner will run out again.

Sang Wei didn't want to experience that feeling of being at a loss again.

Because the world can't help Xiaoshitou, although he was a little impatient at first, he slowly recovered under Sang Wei's enlightenment.

Since other things can't help, he decided to do his best to look after Sang Wei and the child in her belly, and not let them have the slightest difference.

Sang Wei will continue to choose her house when she is free, but there is still no suitable one.

Either the hardware facilities are not good, or the price is too high and the burden is too heavy, so this is a long-term plan.

But one time when Sang Wei exchanged the vegetables in the space with the reality, Xiaoshi gave her a suggestion

"Weiwei, there are so many things in our space, we can't finish them in several worlds, why don't we sell them? This way, we don't have to do translation jobs, reduce the radiation, and make money."

The vegetables produced in this space only taste better, not as mysterious as the novels say, and they can wash the sutras and cut the marrow and prolong life, so Xiao Shitou said so.

Two days ago, when Little Stone was free, Sang Wei took him to a night market, and found that there were quite a lot of vegetables sold at the night market, especially those that advertised as organic or home-grown. The fire, the price is quite high.

"The vegetables produced in our space are no worse than those irrigated with farmyard manure. It doesn't matter if the price is higher if the food is good."

After listening to Xiao Shitou's words for a while, her eyes lit up. She never thought about this. She has the convenience of having space, and she doesn't need to get up early to go out to wholesale. In terms of hardware, she just needs to prepare an electronic scale and a tricycle, and she can start at any time. .

You can go early if you want, and if it’s cloudy and rainy, you can stay at home, not to mention freedom, you can still make money, and you don’t have to worry about radiation all day long.

Although she wears anti-radiation clothes, and she checks herself every three days, the child is very healthy, but she still needs to pay special attention to things that cannot be seen.

That being said, this is really a very good method.

"You are so smart!"

Sang Wei held the little stone in front of her face, kissed him hard, then the eyes of the little stone flickered, and her face quickly turned red, but she couldn't see it under the fiery red feathers.

Sang Wei also has the kind of temperament to do what she says. Since she had plans in this regard, she decided to do a field trip, so she took Xiao Shitou to the night market that night.

The night market is not far from their compound, that is, more than two miles away, and the road conditions are not bad. If you ride a tricycle, it takes only 10 minutes.

The night market starts around [-]:[-] p.m., but there is no need to compete for land, and you only need to pay the monthly fee at the management office.

This is very good. Pregnant women are more sleepy. Now she has the habit of taking a nap, and she is afraid that she will not be able to get up.

There are quite a lot of vegetables in the night market. There are all kinds of local and imported southern vegetables, but if you want to grow your own gimmick, you can only sell some that can be grown by farmers, such as rape, spinach, beans, Tomatoes and the like, these can not only be grown by themselves, but also the most people like to eat them.

These don't need to be planted, she has a lot in the warehouse of her space, and there are also a lot of seasonings.

With a bowl of stinky tofu in her hand, Sang Wei walked from the south end of the night market to the north end. After getting a general idea of ​​what to prepare next, she took the little stone home.

After returning, she and Xiao Shitou have to work out the next charter, what to prepare, and how to sell it all have to be thought out in advance. This is a long-term deal, not a 3-minute heat.

You said pregnant women can't eat stinky tofu?Sang Wei said that it’s okay to eat less.

(End of this chapter)

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