Chapter 315
After eating and drinking at the night market, they packed some things and went home for supper.

Pregnant women tend to be hungry, nothing wrong with it!

This night's observation has yielded a lot. After returning home, Sang Wei took out her notebook and sat on the sofa, and began to record one by one, while Xiaoshi was beside her to help check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

"First of all, the tools must be prepared, and the tricycle electronic scales are indispensable."

"I still need to prepare some plastic bags. Do I need to prepare some tasting boxes and toothpicks when we sell the fruit?" Xiaoshi added beside him.

"That's fine, but let's wait for the vegetables to be sold for a while. The number of vegetables doesn't need to be too many, just the ones you usually eat. The most important thing is to be in season. If the whole ones are too tall, I guess people will not even ask. There are few, this is not a big shopping mall, and if you grow it yourself, you won’t be able to grow it.”

You can only grow and write simple ones at home.

"That can also be planted less, can't we digest it internally." Xiao Shitou flattered Sang Wei, if he had eyebrows, his eyebrows would definitely be raised now!
"There is another important thing. We need to find a source for these vegetables. If someone asks us, can we tell where we got them?"

"I planted it myself! Don't they all use this as a gimmick now?"

"Where to plant? How to plant without land? I can't tell others that I have space." Sang Wei put down the pen and rested her chin with her hand

Little Stone also fell silent, and after 2 minutes, his eyes lit up: "Let's go get some incubators, take out some soil from the space and put them in the boxes, and then move some of the vegetables out, not all are much better now." Do you grow vegetables like this at home? In the later stage, we can find a place to rent a piece of land."

Xiao Shitou looked at Sang Wei with bright eyes, and the more he talked, the more feasible he felt.

"Stone, I found that since you wrote novels in the last world, your mind has become a lot brighter! You can come up with this method."

After Sang Wei finished speaking, she quickly wrote down 4-5 foam boxes in her notebook.

"What else is needed, let's think about it together."

It is said that she was stupid for three years after she was pregnant. Now she has just been pregnant for two years, and she has started to be stupid. She can't think of any way in her mind.

Xiao Shitou tilted his head and pondered for a while, then shook his head: "I can't think of it for the time being, we will know when we meet later, but there is something I don't know if I should say it or not."

When it comes to this, Xiaoshi is still a little bit awkward.

Sang Wei looked at him amusedly, Xiao Shitou didn't usually look like this, but now he is doing this just to make himself happy, he knows that pregnant women are emotionally unstable, so he has been trying his best to help himself adjust.

"Is there anything else we can't say? Just say it."

"Isn't it that in that space, didn't we put so much marinade in that big tank? Can we consider adding something to the marinade? I haven't had a chance to eat it in the last century. I have been hungry for a long time. It's time."

The marinade in that big vat is no longer the original marinade. Not only has it passed through more than two worlds, it is particularly mellow, and Sang Wei will put some special products in each world, even the things from the dreamland of Li.

In the last world, she didn't have to cook, so she never had a chance to take it out, and she was too busy to forget it, so she put the big tank in the warehouse, and if she didn't mention the little stone, she couldn't remember it.

"When you say it, I can't help my saliva. You said there are a lot of things in it, but it's okay for pregnant women to eat less, so let's arrange a few more jars for stewed vegetables."

Sang Wei took a pen and wrote 4 jars in her notebook.

The two of them checked again from the beginning to the end, and couldn't think of anything to add for the time being: "It should be almost the same now, just as you said, just add whatever you think of temporarily, as long as the most important thing is there."

Sang Wei checked it again carefully, fearing that her memory was not good, so she put the notebook in the drawer, then finished the supper with Xiao Shitou and fell asleep.

Thinking day by day, dreaming at night, Sang Wei dreamed of setting up a stall that night.

In the howling cold wind, he and Xiao Shishi sat on a small bench and shivered with the baskets of vegetables in front of them, but there were no customers.

When she woke up, she shook her body a little, and told Xiao Shitou about her dream. Xiao Shitou hurriedly comforted her: "Dreams are always reversed. We will definitely attract visitors like a cloud and become famous at home and abroad. But you remind me It’s okay, write on the small bench quickly!”

"You're right, with the taste of our vegetables, there will definitely be a lot of customers."

Sang Wei got up while talking, wrote the bench in the notebook, and then remembered the shivering situation in the dream, and wrote the word "keep warm". Although it is summer, pregnant women are still hot, but just in case it is not .

Affected by the dream, Sang Wei decided to make some delicious snacks for herself. After eating and drinking, she should prepare the things she needs.

There is no large tank, but some glass bottles for pickling pickles are also available.

The market next to the foam box compound has them. It is good to order them together with the glass bottles, and order a few more and have them delivered to your door.

Although Sang Wei can move it, it's not a special period, so you still have to pay attention.

Take the things home, put the foam box on the balcony to remove the smell, then boil a large pot of hot water, after it cools down, soak every part of the bottle in it, brush it clean, and then air dry it.

While waiting, I deal with the things that need to be marinated. Vegetables are fine. Except for lotus root, which needs to be bought separately, there are other spaces in it. Take it out and simply wash, cut, cut and dry it.

I also bought meat when I went to the market to order things. Pork was not very tasty when it was marinated. Sang Wei only ordered beef and mutton, and the rest were all offal.

Don't think it's disgusting to go into the water, but it's chewy when marinated, and Sang Wei and Xiao Shitou like it very much.

Of course, the eggs are also indispensable.

It took an afternoon to process the ingredients, and then tidy up a place in the kitchen. Sang Wei secretly poured the marinade into the bottle, put the ingredients in, labeled it, and it was done.

After a simple meal, the smell of the box had almost disappeared in the afternoon, so Sang Wei went out to shovel a few bags of soil pretendingly.

When you meet someone you know acquaintance on the road, say hello, and just say something.

Almost everyone in the compound knew about her situation, and they didn't say anything, just thinking that she was going to pass the time and help Sang Wei.

Sang Wei: Actually, I really don’t need it, I’m just pretending.

All right, Sang Wei also accepted their favor and let the box be filled to the same size.

After the people left, Sang Wei replaced half of the soil in the two boxes with the soil in the space, and used the space for the rest.

It was a bit of a miscalculation when I planned to use all the space soil at that time. There may be people from this family in the future, which is a bit unreasonable.

It is not only the soil that needs attention, but also the seeds. If you can’t use all the space, you have to mix it together.

(End of this chapter)

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