Chapter 316
Since we want to be safe, we need to think about all aspects, so we need to wait for the stall, at least until the vegetables in the boxes sprout.

Sang Wei didn't want to get up early to go wholesale vegetables, that's all she could do.

But fortunately, it won't take long, and she still has something to do during this period, that is, to buy the tricycle back and get familiar with how to use it.

Seriously, even though Sang Wei has traveled through so many worlds, she has driven a car, ridden a bicycle, and even ridden a horse, but she has never ridden this electric car, so she has to get familiar with it first.

But it's not difficult, the gas pedal will run away, just pay attention not to press the brake with your right hand, otherwise you will habitually gas the gas pedal.

Don't ask how you know it, it's all based on experience.

Everything is ready, even though the first batch of dishes in the box has just emerged, but Sang Wei can't help but want to try.

It was still the dreamer, she wanted to experiment.

So she disguised herself, and secretly took out some vegetables from the space in the tricycle with a small stone monitoring, and then set off on the bike she had just learned.

Xiaoshi stayed quietly on the handlebar, just like the Pofeng Duck next to him. Looking carefully, his paws were tightly grasping the handlebar.

Little Stone: I'm nervous.

He is not only nervous, but also monitors the situation on the side of the road at all times, so that he can react as quickly as possible to protect Sang Wei when something happens.

Sang Wei is not nervous at all. Although she has just learned how to ride a bike, the three wheels are very stable, but the speed is a bit worrying, and people on bicycles can catch up.

In any case, she arrived at the destination without any risk.

When I came out late, many people had already set up street stalls, and Sang Wei didn't care, after all, she was just testing the waters, and didn't pay the management office, so she just found a corner and parked the car. Put it, the basket sat there without moving it down.

Now when setting up a stall, you don't have to shout like you used to. It's clear at a glance where things are placed.

So Sang Wei didn't have any extra words here, she just stroked the feathers of the small stone with one hand, and her mind was distracted.

"Auntie, how do you sell your spinach?"

A woman in her 30s asked, flipping through the pages while asking.

It may be that Sang Wei's dress is very successful, especially like a rural aunt in her 60s, or her koi physique played a role. The hair of this little stone has not been stroked twice, so someone came to ask.

"Oh, this is 4 yuan a catty." Sang Wei didn't sell much after speaking. It was really the first time for her to do this, so she couldn't say it.

Sang Wei had inquired about vegetable prices before, and although there are more vegetables now, the price is still not very cheap. Sang Wei raised the price because the food produced in the space is particularly delicious.

"Why is it so expensive?" When the woman heard the price, she quickly put down the vegetables in her bag. When she saw the vegetables just now, she felt that the vegetables were very green and juicy, and she couldn't help but want to put them in the bag. I didn't expect the price to be so high

"Ah! I grow it at home, and it doesn't contain anything." Sang Wei didn't say much, and now I say, "I grow it at home" is better than anything else.

The woman let out a "woo" and didn't say anything else. She just looked like she was having an inner struggle.

"There is also an old lady over there who sells her own homegrown, but she has everything, and she doesn't look good. You can see it so neatly, it doesn't look like something I planted by myself."

When Sang Wei visited the night market two days ago, she saw the vegetables that were said to be grown by her own family. Not only were they of different sizes and shapes, but they were also mixed with weeds. The same kind.

"I serve more attentively, and I keep all the bad-looking ones. You can see that I just stretch half the frame."

"That's fine, buy two catties. If it's not good, I'll come back to you." The more the woman looked at these dishes, the more she liked them.

Because she heard the price, she picked them carefully, but because they were produced by Space, they all looked the same, and there were no defective products, so she could only grab two.

"Is the ten yuan one okay?" Sang Wei finally came, put it on the scale, and looked up at the woman.

"It's only two vegetables for half a catty, not bad for those two," the woman said and paid for it.

Sang Wei took a tomato from the basket next to her and stuffed it in her bag: "You are my first customer. I just opened an account and gave it to you. Come back after eating."

It was the first time for Sang Wei to do this kind of business at first glance. The customers who want to benefit from this are usually customers, and no merchants have ever offered to offer them.

The woman was in pain because she bought some spinach for ten yuan and went home. As soon as Sang Wei put the tomatoes, her mood changed immediately: "I'll come back when I'm done eating, and I'll give you a promotion of."

What I said is not like a person with a temperature of more than 30 degrees.

Sang Wei only smiled at her, and then sat on the saddle again, quietly rubbing his little rock, but this time, they laughed happily and made money.

After the woman returned home, she put the tomatoes aside first, and then prepared half of the spinach to make soup. This food is high in iron and rich in nutrition, and it is just right for the child to eat after returning from school care.

It's just that tomato, just one is not enough for everything. I will make a sandwich for the child in the morning, cut two slices and add it.

While washing the vegetables, the woman was still sighing, this dish looks like it was printed out of a mold, it can't be some special seeds, right?I wanted to throw it away but was reluctant, so I decided to use Chinese cabbage to make soup, and I can eat it myself after a little mixing.

The meal was ready, and the child came home. The first thing he did was to run to the kitchen, and he saw the small plate of green spinach. People who usually don’t like spinach were attracted, so they unconsciously picked up their chopsticks and took a bite. .

Qiu Juqin was busy packing things at that time, and didn't pay attention to his son's movements. When he saw his son coming out of the kitchen with a vegetable leaf in the corner of his mouth, he just wanted to stop his son from speaking.
"Mom, did you put sugar in the cold salad tonight? It tastes good and not astringent, but also a little sweet. It's really delicious, but there is a little bit, and there is a little bit less. I took most of it without eating two bites."

The son was a little embarrassed.

"Delicious? Doesn't it have a strange smell?" Her son is not very fond of green leafy vegetables. He has mixed them with other things since he was a snack. This is the first time that he has actively said that spinach is delicious.

The woman couldn't believe it, she took a piece of chopsticks and put it in her mouth, her eyes widened instantly.

Regardless of her son's obstruction, she picked up another large chopstick. The spinach tasted the same as when she was a child.

"Mom, you ate it up for me." The son was a little unhappy and pouted.

"Mom will do it again, there's more to it."

The woman hurried into the kitchen and blanched the remaining half of the spinach. Since the son likes it, he can eat as much as he can.

As for the fact that his husband also likes to eat cold salad, he should have already forgotten it.

(End of this chapter)

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