Chapter 317
No wonder my child can eat this spinach, Qiu Juqin thought, this dish has the same taste as she ate when she was a child, and it is even more delicious and sweet.

Seeing that the child didn't dislike the smell of garlic at all, and ate a big bowl of rice, she felt that the money was not worth the money. Not only that, she also felt that she bought less, and bought more and put it in the refrigerator to eat more meals .

At the same time, she was also full of expectations for the tomato as a gift, but she hadn't forgotten her husband. After all, she had shared joys and sorrows for more than ten years, and left a small bowl out of her mouth, so that her husband would sip when he came back from work. Small cup of wine.

When the family ate sandwiches the next morning, the father and son praised Qiu Juqin for her improvement in cooking, which made her very happy.

Qiu Juqin also had an expression of no disappointment, as expected.

The father and son actually knew the reason, but they had high emotional intelligence, and they only praised Qiu Juqin's good cooking skills. Qiu Juqin actually knew the reason, and decided to go there again at night to see if he could meet Sang Wei
Besides, on Sang Wei's side, after Qiu Juqin left, she opened an account, and people came to inquire one after another, but many people were persuaded to leave because of the price, and some people advised her to be a little cheaper, but Sang Wei didn't care , still maintain the original price.

Sang Wei doesn't care if she can't sell. When the people who buy her food come back, there will be repeat customers. It doesn't matter if there are few sales now, she just treats it as a pastime.

Seeing another person ask the price and leave with a curled mouth, Sang Wei simply took out a tomato, rubbed it with her hands, and broke it in half. She ate half and put the other half on the tricycle for Xiaoshi to eat. .

Hey, it's the first time I'm so generous, this is asking me to shoot an advertisement, Xiao Shitou thought to himself.Then jump on the tricycle, and cooperate with Sang Wei to eat with one person and one bird.

The sweet and sour taste of the tomatoes spread out, sweet and sour, very appealing to the taste buds. Sang Wei's side is fine, but the little stone side is particularly noticeable. After all, it's unheard of for a bird to eat tomatoes .

No, someone came to the door.

"Grandma, look at a little bird, what do you think he is doing?" A four or five-year-old boy dragged an old lady in her 50s towards Sang Wei, asking as she walked.The old lady couldn't help her eldest grandson, so she had to follow him.

"Hey, this is a rare thing. Does this little bird still eat foreign persimmons? Sister, how much are your persimmons?"

Sang Wei's attire here is really old, and this old lady in her 50s has to call her big sister.

"Six yuan a catty," Sang Wei just finished eating the tomatoes, wiped her mouth with her hand, and was very careful not to wipe off the disguise, and she accepted this big sister.In terms of actual age, she is older than this old lady Daohai, and she promised to be a big sister, and the other party took advantage of it.

The price she said was also checked. There are quite a few tomatoes sold in this night market. As long as there are any Provence varieties, green and green ones are sold for five yuan, while he and she sell them for six yuan, which is not expensive.

The old lady nodded. She often comes to buy vegetables, so she knows the prices very well. Although she thinks it is a bit expensive, if the things are really good, she can accept them.

"No, seeing that your color is so red and your head is so big, it must be some ripening agent or something like that?"

The old lady picked up one and looked at it carefully. The green stalk and the red fruit are very pleasing, and the size of this tomato is as big as her fist.

"Big sister, you saw it just now. Our stone and I have eaten it just now. If I add something, I dare to eat it by myself?" Sang Wei took out another tomato from the box and broke it in half. , handed half to the old lady, and put the other half aside, intending to eat it for those who inquired. If no one ate it, he would share it with Xiao Shitou.

The old lady glanced at the little red bird eating tomatoes on the tricycle. He has buried his whole head in it now. The bird must be acting.

Xiao Shitou: There is really an element of acting in it.

The old lady then glanced at the half-cut tomatoes handed to her. The yellow seeds were inlaid in the plump flesh, and the color was beautiful. The flesh seemed to be covered with a layer of white sand, and the old lady knew it at a glance. These tomatoes are noodles, not like some watery ones.

Smelling it carefully, there was still a sweet and sour smell, which was not the kind of unfamiliar sourness, so he couldn't help but put it in his mouth and took a bite.

"Hmm!" Sure enough, what she saw was right, the tomatoes were soggy and soft in the mouth when eaten, and the sweetness and sourness were moderate, it didn't look like the kind grown in a greenhouse, it didn't have any taste, very bland, Neither can be eaten raw.

When she couldn't help but wanted to take another bite, her eldest grandson next to her couldn't help it: "Grandma, what are you eating?"

His attention was all on Xiao Shitou just now, and now he saw his grandma eating something delicious, so he hurriedly asked.

When the old lady thought about it, she almost forgot about her little grandson. She was a little embarrassed to see the tomato she had already taken a bite of. Although she was an old lady, she also knew that what she had eaten could not be given to her children.

Because she was pregnant, Sang Wei liked children very much. Seeing that the little boy was innocent and cute, she gave him the remaining half of the tomatoes.

The little boy happily took it and put it in his mouth. The tomato was too big and his mouth was too small, so the juice flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

The old lady looked at her grandson in surprise. It is true that the child likes to eat tomatoes, but he has never eaten raw ones. He did not expect to eat them so happily this time.

She is very clear about how tricky her eldest grandson's mouth is, and he spit it out a long time ago.

However, this persimmon is really delicious.

The old lady knew in her heart that if the ripening agent was used, it would not taste like this, so she ate the tomatoes in two or three bites, wiped the little boy's mouth, pinched a plastic bag and put it in.

His son and daughter-in-law are all white-collar workers, and the family is not short of money. This food is delicious raw or cooked, so buy more.

These tomatoes are a bit big, three of them weigh about two catties, and a bag can only hold seven or eight.

But the old lady is pulling the cart, and it is not a problem to pack two bags.

After paying the money happily, Sang Wei put on two more eggplants for her, and the old lady left contentedly.

She has already planned, scrambled eggs with tomatoes and rice at noon, his grandson loves this dish.

Noon was exactly as she had expected. The eldest grandson, who usually had to be fed, took the initiative to sit in his seat and ate happily with a spoon. After eating a bowl, he was not satisfied and wanted to eat. The old lady was afraid of him. The accumulation of food was stopped.

In the evening, I fried eggplant with minced meat, chopped a tomato and fried rice with fried eggs. The old man and his son and daughter-in-law ate all the vegetables when they came back from get off work.

They all praised the old lady's delicious cooking.

The old lady was very proud, and decided to go to Sangwei's to buy some other dishes next time after eating almost.

(End of this chapter)

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