Chapter 318
Afterwards, Sang Wei sold some things sporadically, but she no longer had a big family like the old lady.

I earned less than 200 yuan this night, which is already very bad. After more than ten days, the cost will be earned back, which shows that this way of buying vegetables works.

Seeing that it was past 8 o'clock, the pregnant woman's biological clock had also arrived, and there were not many dishes left in the tricycle, so Sang Wei decided to close the stall and go home.

There were obviously fewer cars on the road at this point, and Sang Wei also let go of her horsepower a little bit. The speed in the afternoon was really amazing.

As usual, the small stone is grasped on the handlebar, and it is a bird of breaking wind, but compared to the afternoon, it can relax a little bit.

Even if the speed increased a little, it was still more than 08:30 when we got home. Sang Wei asked Xiao Shitou to monitor the surroundings, and put the rest of the things in the space without any problem. As for the tricycle, it can be placed downstairs. Things are too big, although they can be put down in the space, but the target is too conspicuous when put away. Now that the sky eye is so powerful, it might be photographed if one is not careful.

And this is a compound, don't worry about being stolen.

If someone asked who owned the tricycle, Sang Wei would say it belonged to the auntie at the orphanage, and they wouldn't really go to the orphanage to ask, no way.

Sang Wei had already had a simple meal before she left the stall in the afternoon, but pregnant women are prone to hunger, and since it’s not too early, Sang Wei didn’t plan to do anything complicated, just grab a few green vegetables, put some shrimp skins and cook a pot of noodles, and then Cut a small plate of stewed vegetables, although not all the flavors are marinated, but it is still very rare and delicious.

One person and one bird ate a small pot like this, and then simply washed and went to bed.

However, before going to bed, the unit had a routine checkup, and I took my own pulse, and found that my body and the child were in good health, so I went to sleep with peace of mind.

If it's normal, it's fine to have the same check every two or three days, but this time she rode the electric bike twice, and the road was a bit bumpy. Although she didn't feel any discomfort, she still had to take a pulse to feel relieved.
Her mentality now is completely different from before, and her mentality has changed a lot. She didn't want this child before, but after nearly a month, she can feel the changes in her body, and she has already forgotten what she said at the beginning.

She can even sometimes feel the baby in her belly still moving, just like a goldfish spitting bubbles.

This slap in the face came so fast.

Little Shitou: It's less than three months now, it's really a problem if the child can move.

The next day Sang Wei rarely got up early, there was no way, this day was the day of the maternity checkup.

Although the people in the fire brigade said that they would accompany Sang Wei on days like this, she still decided to go by herself.

In the late pregnancy, she will be checked almost every week. She can't find someone to accompany her every week, let alone other things. At that time, she will be accompanied by a different man every week. If she knows the reason, it's okay to say, then How should I talk about her if I don't know?
Although Sang Wei doesn't care about this, what if the child hears it?Prenatal education is very important.

And she wasn't so weak that she needed someone to accompany her. Even if she needed it, she only needed a small stone.

Everything was normal during the examination, but the hospital prescribed some iron and vitamin supplements, which every pregnant woman took, and Sang Wei also took a little less.

In fact, she eats well and rests well, she doesn't lack these at all, and the best thing is food supplements, but for the sake of the child, she decides to supplement everything, is it good for the child?

When she was leaving, Sang Wei also saw the doctor who was going to operate on her. The doctor greeted Sang Wei warmly when she saw the report. After reading the report, she told Sang Wei that the child was very healthy and told her to take a good rest.

Sang Wei thanked him very happily. His current psychology is that as long as people praise her child well, she will be very happy.

The doctor looked at the figure walking away, sighed a few words, and was taken away by the nurse

Of course, this is just an interlude.

All indicators of the child's health are normal, plus he didn't eat breakfast in the morning to draw blood, so he decided to eat something good at noon.

Now she has a bigger appetite, and with the bottomless pit of small stones, she cooked four dishes and stuffed a small pot of rice, which was solved by both of them.

It was easy to rest after dinner, and Sang Wei fell asleep with a small stone in her arms.

As a result, because she got up early in the morning, she slept a little too much this afternoon. If Zhu Shiwu and Xiaotian hadn't knocked on the door, she wouldn't have gotten up yet.

So because of snoozing, I missed the time to open the stall, but it doesn't matter, it's just a rest.

Zhu Shiwu remembered the day when Sang Wei was going to have a maternity checkup, but in the morning, he added a firefighting lecture. After being busy for most of the morning, this matter was over.

When he finished his work, he called Sang Wei. At that time, Sang Wei was sleeping, so he turned off the phone directly. He was worried and called Xiao Tian to take a look.

Although this is in the compound, it is necessary to avoid suspicion.

The two felt relieved when they saw that Sang Wei was fine and didn't answer the phone because she was sleeping.

Sang Wei also expressed her understanding. After all, they are a standby force. She wants them to rest for 24 hours, but there are some things that cannot be left to them.

The two simply entered the room and talked for a while, then offered to leave, but Sang Wei did not keep them.

Zhu Shiwu is a more careful person. Since the death of the original owner's husband, he has become the new captain. Before leaving, he saw several foam boxes on Sang Wei's balcony, two of which had a finger sticking out of them. When the green shoots came, he took it to heart.

On the second day, he took the time to bring a lot of rice noodles and meat dishes to Sang Wei.He thinks that Sang Wei grows her own vegetables on the balcony because she is pregnant and inconvenient to go out.

Sang Wei also couldn't explain anything, but she couldn't hold back Zhu Shiwu, so she left the things. However, when someone sent something, she couldn't leave empty-handed, which was a bit inappropriate.So Sang Wei found two disposable packaging boxes, and picked up two boxes of braised vegetables for Zhu Shiwu to take back.

At noon that day, the two boxes of stewed vegetables appeared in the cafeteria of the fire brigade, and everyone cooked two large pots of rice.

They all said that Sang Wei's fat loss is great.The food I made before was delicious, and now it is even better.

Tian Yuan playfully snatched the last piece of lotus root slices in his hand, while chewing, he thought about what method he would use or go to Sang Wei's place to have a look. Eat sparingly and never let others find out.

Sometimes when he came back from a mission, he would have nothing to eat in the cafeteria, and he would vomit after eating instant noodles. If he put two pieces of lotus root slices and radishes on it, he would be fine again.

In short, he racked his brains in order to have something to eat.

When the smell of the last bit of lo-mei was gone, Tian Yuan also thought of it.

That's right, he thought of a way, a way he had thought of before.

(End of this chapter)

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