Fast Transmigration Life Experiencer

Chapter 321 Your Modern Baby Raising Routine 12

Chapter 321 Your Modern Baby Raising Routine 12
"Yuanyuan, what did I see you bulging in your arms just now? Could it be that Auntie sent you some special products?"

Zhu Shiwu leaned on the door frame and said to Tian Yuan who just got up after hiding his things.

"You know all the rules in our team. If you get together from all over the world, you have to share something good."

Like a cat about to catch a mouse, Zhu Shiwu didn't try to expose Tian Yuan, but wanted to play tricks on him.

Tian Yuan turned his body around, his eyes rolled around, but he didn't look at Zhu Shiwu: "Didn't I divide up the bacon that my mother sent two days ago? I'm gone a long time ago. I was cleaning up the housework just now."

As he said that, he unconsciously moved his body to the hiding place: "Captain! Why didn't you eat the cake I brought back just now? It's so cheap for others."

"Well, it's not like you don't know that I don't like sweets. I saw you hiding things just now." When Zhu Shiwu said this, he strode forward and started looking behind Tian Yuan.

"Alas!" Seeing that it was too late to stop Tian Yuan, he shouted anxiously, but seeing Zhu Shiwu's movements, he stopped immediately and felt relieved.

"Captain, what are you doing? We don't like this! Are you going to wash my socks?"

Zhu Shiwu tossed back and forth twice, but found nothing, except for two pairs of smelly socks.

He threw the socks aside in distaste, and looked at Tian Yuan wonderingly, she had clearly seen that this kid hid things here just now, and when he was guilty just now, he glanced at it, it was obvious that there was no silver 300 here Two, why didn't I find it myself?

He took another look at the place he was looking for just now, and it was so obvious at a glance that it was impossible not to find it.

Since he couldn't find it, he decided to get straight to the point: "You kid has two tricks, so I don't need to say more, you know what I'm going to do, take it out quickly! It's not too late for the two of us to share, if you don't take it , I was yelling that the whole team knew about it! You have to think about it..." Before Zhu Shiwu finished speaking, a sharp siren sounded.

The two of them couldn't care less about talking about anything else, and quickly ran out the door. They changed their clothes and took their equipment as soon as possible, and slid down from the slider. In less than 2 minutes, the fire truck was already at the door standby.

The siren sounded, and the car representing the red hope called out the fire brigade.

It turned out that there was a gas explosion in a small workshop, which affected the surrounding neighbors. This situation is not easy to deal with.

The people in the car also knew that the situation was very serious, so they didn't say anything, they just conveyed the news and entrusted each other with their eyes.

After the general situation was introduced, the team members in the car were very dull. Everyone either lowered their heads or closed their eyes to rest, and no one spoke.

Suddenly Zhu Shiwu sneaked up to Tian Yuan, leaned on his ear and said, "When you come back, those things will give me half of the score, otherwise I could really tell the whole team about the news that you are eating alone."

Tian Yuan looked at him, the words "after returning" are the best wishes for everyone now, he just hoped that everyone could return safely,

So he also leaned into Zhu Shiwu's ear and said: "Captain, this is what you said. If the news leaks out, I will make trouble for you during your next blind date."

Zhu Shiwu stepped on him, and the two nodded tacitly.

It's just that the space of the fire truck is so large, and their movements are not too hidden, so they will naturally be seen by other team members.

How can there be two whisperers in a group?Secrets need to be shared with everyone, and everyone naturally disagrees.

"Captain, what did you tell Oda?"

"That's right, do you still need us for this matter? This is not possible!"


Zhu Shiwu and Tian Yuan said in unison.

"I just told Xiaotian to pay attention to safety for a while." Zhu Shiwu added.

Everyone obviously didn't believe it: "Captain, you don't need to say anything, and we can't do anything to you, but when we come back, we will naturally have a way to get Xiao Tian to say it."

Then everyone looked at Xiaotian with malicious intentions, the captain and the others might not be able to handle it, but Xiaotian...

Oda accused Zhu Shiwu with resentful eyes: "It's all your fault, when it's hard to say, you have to say it now."

But Zhu Shiwu returned him with an expression that should not be my fault.

It was this little episode that made the tense atmosphere in the car a lot easier.

Every time they get out of the car, it seems that they are living the last moment of their lives, but knowing this, they will still have no hesitation. They only hope that whether it is this time or every time in the future, they can return safely like the previous few times. .

These are a little unclear.

Pregnant women sleep a lot, and she doesn't have to get up early to clock in for work, so she wakes up later.

Although there was a bunch of fluffy things under his feet, he didn't feel the pressure, so he slept until after ten o'clock. If it wasn't for the little cotton who was so hungry, he could continue to take his nap up.

Little Cotton wants to eat meat porridge, and Little Shitou Panwan also wants to eat it. Sang Wei simply cooked a pot of meat porridge as a staple food, then cut a plate of stewed meat, and then made herself a minced meat bean, and cut some more into it Carrot sticks are fine. Eating carrots is good for the eyes, so eat more.

Since this world has such an identity, she doesn't prepare those troublesome dishes, home-cooked dishes are fine.

Sang Wei has a big appetite because of her pregnancy. Little Shitou's stomach itself is a bottomless pit. Unexpectedly, he raised a little cotton, and he is also a master who can eat. A big pot of meat porridge and two vegetables, the three of them ate it all. .

It's already past noon after I'm full, so I don't plan to take a nap this night. I tidy up the house, and then make some simple things. After eating, Sang Wei decides to go out to the stall today.

I haven't been there for two days, and I don't know if anyone went to the booth to look for her.

But because Little Mianmian is still too young, without any training, it is not suitable to go with him, so Sang Wei decided to put him at home first, and take him with him when he is older, but only for two or three hours Just came back, it should be no problem for Xiao Mian to be so obedient and put at home.

As for Xiao Shitou, he sometimes needs to help with a play or something, so he can't stay at home, but if he is worried, he can come back to see how Little Mianmian is doing.

But this little cotton had just entered the house, and he needed a dog at home, so Sang Wei, in order to prevent him from being depressed, gave him a good meal and said that she believed it could understand.

Sure enough, the little cotton pricked up his ears and listened carefully to what Sang Wei said to it. When he heard that he needed to stay by himself for a while, he was very wronged, but Sang Wei promised to take him with him when he was a month old. time, this is good.

It can be seen that this dog can listen to what Sang Wei said, but I don't know why such a smart dog said that he is not qualified to be a police dog?
(End of this chapter)

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