Chapter 322
This time, Sang Wei's tricycle still had the same variety of vegetables as before. After the previous two riding experiences, she felt that this was a lot easier for the first time.

Driving at a speed of 20 miles as usual, Xiao Shitou was still standing on the handlebar, and Sang Wei set off.

Seeing that it is different from the previous two times, this time he clearly trusts himself and relaxes a lot of little stones. Sang Wei knows that he is convinced by his driving skills. Since he trusts his driving skills so much, he must perform well Not only that, Sang Wei also decided to give him a small gift.

The hat on the head of the broken duck hanging on the handlebar on the other side had already been spotted by Sang Wei. She parked the car aside and took off the little helmet on the duck's head. Put it directly on the head of the small stone.

Just right!
Then she said to Xiaoshi: "Put on your helmet and hurry up, sister is going to speed up!"

Then as soon as the accelerator was stepped on, the tricycle rushed out with a "swish", and I could feel it from the oncoming wind. This time the speed was very fast, but in fact it had just reached 25 miles.

Little Shitou didn't realize what Sang Wei was doing when he parked the car, something was stuck on his forehead, and when he looked up from the corner of his eye, he realized it was the helmet on the duck's head next door, so he didn't Whatever you say, gladly accept.

He liked this hat a lot before, there is a small spinner on it, and it spins up when the wind blows, which is very fun.

He turned his head to admire his beauty in the side-view mirror, but as Sang Wei said, "Speed ​​up!" the car restarted, and he was shaken without noticing it.

But fortunately, he was very skilled at the end of the game, an iron bridge stabilized himself, and then waited for the feeling of going for a ride.

But this is what you're waiting for?
Just looking at the powerless spinning around his head, he no longer has any illusions about this speed.

That's fine, this guy's speed is just that.

Sang Wei looked at the time on the phone excitedly. This time it took 2 minutes less than the last time, which is great!

I found a place to park the car, took off the ponytail, sat there, and waited for the opening.

She wasn't sure if she would come tomorrow, so she still didn't go to the management office to pay the fee this time, but although she came early this time, she knew that she couldn't occupy other people's space, so she found the same place as last time.

She was fully equipped this time, and she also prepared a sun umbrella.

It's not yet midnight, so there aren't many people in the night market, but one by one they all turned their eyes to Sang Wei, for no other reason than because she was holding a small pink umbrella.

This sixty-seventy-year-old lady doesn't have many umbrellas, and now she has a pink girlish heart, no wonder it has attracted so much attention.

But Sang Wei didn't care, needless to say she wasn't actually a real old lady, even if she was real, what happened to the pink stuff?Who stipulated that it cannot be used?

So she didn't care about other people's eyes at all, and just whispered to Xiao Shitou there: "Shitou, can Xiao Mianmian do it alone at home?"

To be honest, she was a little worried.

This dog has only been at their house for a few days, and it is a time when he is very dependent on others. It is really inappropriate for her to leave him at home at this time.

"It should be fine. Food and drink are prepared for him. We will be back in an hour. He should be fine."

Little Shitou is actually quite worried about Little Mianmian. Although he often bullies it secretly, it is the boss who takes care of the younger brother and sets the rules for it, even though the younger brother still doesn't recognize him as the boss.

"Then let's finish early and go back early." Sang Wei said, and began to arrange the dishes.

He is not worried that Little Cotton will demolish the house, she is already prepared, what she is worried about is that Little Cotton will disturb the neighbors because no one is screaming at home, and she is also worried that Little Cotton will be scared in that empty house.

So no matter whether the business is good or not this evening, she plans to go back early.

She was thinking about Little Cotton, and there was a customer coming to the door. She took a closer look and found that it was a repeat customer.

Qiu Juqin looked at Sang Wei in surprise: "Auntie, you are here. I have been looking for you for two days."

In fact, she shouldn't have said that. Isn't it obvious that she made the other party pay more?But for some reason, she just let the words out.

"I've been ordering food at home for the past two days, and it's a bit of a knot, and it's here as soon as it's picked."

Auntie Sang Wei accepted that sentence frankly, and made up a lie in Xiaoshitou's contemptuous eyes after the meal. She couldn't say that she was too lazy to move and didn't want to come out these two days.

Qiu Juqin took a look at the dishes on the tricycle, and found that the quality was the same as last time, so she was relieved: "Auntie, the price of the dishes is still the same?"

She is afraid that if the sale is good and the price rises, will she buy it or not at that time.

"Yes, the price of this dish remains unchanged in this season. After my greenhouse is set up in winter, the price will fluctuate." Sang Wei said truthfully.

She has already thought about the price. When fresh vegetables are scarce in winter, the price can increase accordingly.

Sang Wei is a caring person, and told others about the possibility.

Are you saying that the price should not be raised?The products produced in this space are all planted and picked from small green plants, and it doesn't take much trouble. The quantity is still so large, so the original price should be maintained.

Sang Wei snorted lightly, why don't you just give it away for nothing, don't say that she bought this kind of seed, or that she carried this vegetable into the car, but just say that there will be an extra mouth in her belly, and there is nothing wrong with her doing so.

But that's all for the future.

When Qiu Juqin heard that the price hadn't changed, she felt relieved, and she planned to buy more this time.

So I grabbed a bag of spinach, which can't be counted, just a little after blanching, this bag is not too much, and then I took a few tomatoes, which she bought last time.

Look at the kidney beans and cucumbers. The old and young varieties look fleshy, and the cucumbers are green with small thorns. Qiu Juqin also bought some of each.

These four dishes alone cost nearly a hundred. Qiu Juqin felt a little heartbroken, but thinking that her son could eat well, it made her feel better, but Sang Wei added two handfuls of rapeseed for her, and she smiled happily.

When she was walking back, she saw the vegetables sold by other vendors, and she had an idea. She could try to buy some other people’s vegetables and mix them with the aunt’s vegetables, and let them mix with each other. Could the food taste better?
So she bought another pound of ordinary spinach, planning to go home and do an experiment. If possible, she would do this in the future, which would save a lot of money in the future.

In fact, her family can't afford to afford it, but the money is not blown by the wind, and this is a long-term plan. The money saved will be used to enroll the child in a remedial class.

Being a mother is like this, you have to plan everything carefully, and think about your children in everything.

As for the success of Qiu Juqin's method in the later stage, it depends on her own.

Sang Wei welcomed a second customer here.

(End of this chapter)

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