Chapter 323
The old lady Gu Ailing was completely different from Qiu Juqin.

Her son and daughter-in-law are all white-collar workers, and the old man and himself both have pensions, which is really not short of that money. As long as her grandson likes to eat, he can do anything.

She waited for Sang Wei for two days and finally got someone to come, so she put as much effort into the plastic pocket as if she didn't want money.

Although there are still two tomatoes in the family, everyone in this family likes to eat them. If you buy more, eggplants must be arranged. Buy a few more and eat a few more meals. In case the grocery shopping lady does not come for a few days , so as to ensure that there is no shortage of goods at home.

Kidney beans, beans, cucumbers, rapeseed, as long as they are in Sangwei's tricycle, she has bought a lot. With the things she bought for the first time as a base, she is full of confidence in other vegetables in the tricycle.

If this eldest sister is going to buy and sell with one hammer, then I will publicize it to her. Her grandma Ailing is still very popular on this street.

Sang Wei looked at the old lady who just put it in plastic bags as if she didn't want money, and then looked at how little food was left in the truck. She had some black lines. Although the old lady didn't bring her grandson this time, she couldn't get it. Not much, but at this time there are already six or seven bags of vegetables, and they haven't stopped so far, so how can she take them back?

It stands to reason that this person almost gave her a round, and she should help to send it back. The home where she can visit the night market should not be far away, but she is anxious to go home to see Little Cotton, so it is difficult to say this.

She thought about it for a second and thought of a way: "Big sister (screaming very smoothly), it's not convenient for you to carry so many things, why don't you take a bag first, if you trust me, leave me a call, and I will Send it to you tomorrow."

This is the best way Sang Wei can think of.

"No, my old man is waiting for me there by car? It's inconvenient to get into the night market, so I didn't let him go this way. I'll call him later, and he can just come in and pull."

For the past two days, Guo Gu Ailing and her old man have followed him to the night market every night, just thinking that if they run into Sang Wei, they will empty out their things, and the old lady can't take them home alone. Come in handy.

After the old lady finished installing, she took out her mobile phone and made a call. About 3 minutes later, a car came from there.

She closed her mouth after glancing at the car logo, no wonder she was able to empty her tricycle without blinking an eye.

But before getting in the car, the old lady asked for Sang Wei's phone number, so that she could inform him when she didn't come to the night market in the future, so she could buy more food in advance so that she wouldn't have to run out.

No wonder people say selling vegetables makes money. Sang Wei is also considered a no-cost business. If she goes out for less than two hours a night, she earns a small one thousand. If she has nothing to do in the future, she can come out twice more, without asking for more. Just this number every day.

There is no danger in this world, she decided to live as a pensioner, of course, when she was a pensioner, she would raise her baby by the way.

Sang Wei looked at the tricycle body with only two vegetable leaves left, and decided to go home. Little Mianmian didn't know what was going on at home, so she didn't feel at ease, so she called Xiao Shitou to ride the tricycle and drove home .

If it can still be sold for a while, Xiao Shitou will go home to see the situation of Little Cotton. It is time to leave. He is worried about Sang Wei being alone, so he has to follow her.

The handlebar has become the exclusive place for small stones. Seeing that no one is paying attention, he puts the helmet on with his wings, and then waves his wings: "Let's go!"

Maybe there was something waiting at home, but Sang Wei was eager to return home, and the speed increased unconsciously. It used to take more than 20 minutes to travel, but this time it took 15 minutes to get home.

Seeing the lights on at home, Sang Wei also felt warm in her heart. When she left, she was afraid that Little Mian Mian would be afraid, so she turned on the light for him. Now someone is waiting for her to go home.

As soon as the door was opened, Sang Wei habitually looked at the foot of the sofa. Little Mianmian liked to stay there the most, but this time she didn't find it lying there. Did not drink.

Sang Wei's heart tightened, and before she had time to change her shoes, she walked into the bedroom, only to find that Little Mianmian was squatting pitifully on the place where he slept on the bed, which was slightly at the foot of the bed.

Seeing Sang Wei coming in, staring at Sang Wei with small black eyes, just like a child waiting for her mother to come home, it is really silent at this time.

It was at this time that Sang Wei made a decision to take it with her whenever she went out.

"Little Mianmian!" Sang Wei stretched out her hand and called out to it, and Little Mianmian quickly jumped off the bed, came to Sang Wei's feet, whimpered twice, and Sang Wei saw that its stomach was a little flat.

Sang Wei's stomach also growled twice, so she decided to have a supper for the family of three.

Afraid of indigestion, Sang Wei didn't prepare any hard dishes, so she decided to eat the same ones as Xiao Mian. Everyone boiled a pot of thick meat porridge, and put some vegetables and seafood.

This time I came back early, and it was only after eight o'clock after dinner, so Sang Wei took out snacks again, one for each side as usual, watching TV while masturbating happily.

The next day, Sang Wei woke up to the sound of the pattering rain. It was past nine o'clock when she opened her eyes. Little Mian Mian had already looked at her with her dark eyes. Sang Wei knew that she wanted to go to the bathroom up.

But it was raining outside, and she was young, so she didn't count on catching a cold. On this day, Sang Wei decided not to go out, and just taught her to go to the toilet at home.

I believe that with the cleverness of Little Cotton, I can learn it in a day.

Sure enough, as Sang Wei expected, when she taught her here, Little Mianmian was a little confused at first, after all, she was too young, but there was a little stone on the side as an educational template. I will.

Thanks to Sang Wei's foresight, she bought a children's toilet and installed it on it. The small cotton will not leak, but it is only limited to the small size. It still can't hold on to the large size. Wait for a bigger one Time will be fine.

Sang Wei once again sighed, this little cotton is so smart, how could it be said that it is unqualified, but think about it the other way around, if it weren't for this, she would not have met it, this is fate.

In just one day, Little Cotton learned it, so that in the future it doesn't have to wait for Sang Wei to get up and take it out, and it doesn't have to hold back all the time.

In fact, the little stone played a very important role in this aspect. Some commands that Little Mianmian did not understand were taught by him. It may be that there is a common language among animals. After he chirped and said, Little Mianmian understood it. It is much better than Sang Wei's continuous gestures and guesses.

This accomplished a big event, and it was raining and there was no need to set up a stall, so Sang Wei decided to celebrate by eating hot pot at home. There were ready-made ones in the vegetable space, and she only needed to make meatballs such as fish and chicken and duck.

Little Stone doesn’t mind meat and vegetables, and the hot pot is fine, just like Sang Wei’s. Little Mianmian just adds meatballs to the hot vegetables for him, and he likes it too.

Sure enough, rainy days go better with hot pot

(End of this chapter)

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