Chapter 324
Tian Yuan and the others came back that afternoon exhausted.

Fortunately, everyone was neat and tidy, a few people went back, and there were not many injuries except that they were all in black and gray.

This is truly the luckiest of luck.

The body and mind are very tired. At this time, the best thing is a hot bath and a hot meal. Everyone in the team knows this and has prepared it long ago.

After everyone cleaned up, half of their lives were retrieved, and the remaining half of their lives was rescued by delicious food.

But Tian Yuan was thinking about the things he hid in his heart, so he lingered behind, which was completely different from being the first one when cooking. He thought that he would sit on the table at the farthest side and finish the meal quickly. He ran back to the dormitory and secretly turned on the small stove.

How could Zhu Shiwu let him succeed, he followed closely behind his ass, and Tian Yuan couldn't drive people away clearly, so he could only accuse him with resentful eyes.

Zhu Shiwu only raised his eyebrows, pretending he didn't see him, and still followed behind, without the consciousness of a captain at all.

Zhu Shiwu: Compared with eating, that is nothing.

The two of them were flirting with each other like this, but they didn't realize that other people in the team were also watching them quietly, to see what kind of maneuver they were playing.

When Tian Yuan finished his meal, Zhu Shiwu took a few casual bites, and the two left the restaurant one after another. When the two of them were out of sight, the other team members quickly finished their meal and followed quietly.

Tian Yuan looked at Zhu Shiwu who was following behind him step by step, and sighed, knowing that he couldn't escape this time, when he reached the door of the dormitory, he said to Zhu Shiwu: "Captain, just wait for me at the door."

He can't keep his things anymore, but he has to keep all the hidden things, so they can be used in the future.

"Okay." Zhu Shiwu agreed, as long as the things can be distributed to him.

Tian Yuan turned around again and found that Zhu Shiwu was really waiting outside the dormitory, so he was relieved, and then began to look for his hidden things.

Zhu Shiwu was very curious as to where the boy kept Dong XZ. He quietly looked up and found that Tian Yuan was looking for the place he was looking for last time, and then he actually took out something. He had to admire it. The boy belongs to the mouse, and he is good at hiding things.

Tian Yuan also knew the number, and only took out one box, and kept the other box hidden there.

It's a pity that the item was produced by Space, otherwise it would have deteriorated and become moldy in this hot weather.

Holding the things swayingly, he reluctantly said to Zhu Shiwu: "Captain, find a lunch box, and I'll get some for you."

pinch a little?How can this be done!
But Zhu Shiwu didn't object on the spot, just said to Tian Yuan: "You come to my dormitory, you didn't eat enough just now, I still have instant noodles, let's have another meal." Don't worry about it, just eat it in your stomach.

Tian Yuan didn't know about Zhu Shiwu's twists and turns. When he heard that there were instant noodles, and then thought of the delicious taste of instant noodles paired with this lo-mei, he immediately agreed.

As a result, the two hadn't taken a few steps when they were surrounded by other team members who caught up behind them.

"Captain, we also want to eat instant noodles."

"It's the captain, just give me a bite."

"Captain, Oda, it's not okay to eat alone."

Tian Yuan stared at the team members in front of him with wide eyes, and then at Zhu Shiwu, with a dazed expression on his face.

What's happening here?Am I dazzled?Someone please shake me up!
Zhu Shiwu shrugged helplessly, wondering if he knew about the other people following him.

A group of people surrounded Tian Yuan and walked towards Zhu Shiwu's bedroom.

Then it changed from two people secretly eating alone, to a whole team having a tea party there,
Zhu Shiwu looked at the bottom of his box of instant noodles, and felt a little regretful. He had lost money this time, but seeing a small chicken leg snatched from his bowl, he felt complete again in an instant.

He still needs to buy another box of instant noodles, Tian Yuan still has a box hidden away!

Several of them are big men. Although they are full, they get hungry after a little exercise. A bowl of instant noodles is really not much.Sang Wei's stewed vegetables also added a little millet pepper, which is not spicy, but very appetizing, so everyone finished eating in three or two bites.

Just as everyone was there, Zhu Shiwu wiped his mouth and said: "The meeting", and everyone immediately put down their bowls and stood up straight.

The content of the meeting was very simple. Zhu Shiwu made a brief summary of the explosion.

The first point is the importance of publicity. In the later stage, we can only cooperate with fire protection lectures or neighborhood committees.

The second point is that the fire-fighting facilities are not complete. You must arrange regular inspections for this. For those shops that do not have fire-fighting equipment, you will be fined or closed for rectification.

And the last point is to give affirmation to everyone's performance, and they are the best if they can come back alive.However, you still have to train hard in the later stage, to save lives at critical moments.

Everyone listened carefully and expressed their opinions one after another, and the meeting ended like this.

Those team members directly told Zhu Shiwu that it would be best if all future meetings started in this way.Zhu Shiwu didn't say anything, just looked at Tian Yuan with his eyes, the meaning was self-evident.

Tian Yuan looked left and right, as if he didn't receive any signal.

He didn't keep the first box, and he had to keep the remaining box intact no matter what, to be worthy of his stomach.

But how can one person defeat the entire team?After all, he didn't keep his second box of stewed vegetables, and was collectively awarded points by the rest of the team.

But it's not for nothing. Anyone who eats his stewed vegetables will bear his dirty clothes for a week. The fire brigade has a lot of training every day. It's conceivable how dirty the clothes can be, so Tian Yuan can't count. deficit.

During the period, Sang Wei dressed up as the old lady and went to the night market twice to set up a stall, but since the vegetables at home grew, he never appeared as the old lady again, but went there as the granddaughter of the old lady. night market.

Pregnant women are afraid of heat, so on that hot day, she put something on her face to pretend to be an old lady, and her body got prickly heat.

People who have bought her things don't care who the owner of the stall is, as long as the dishes are the original ones.

In her spare time, Sang Wei turned on the computer again and continued to look for her house. She couldn't continue like this, and the food in this house was only enough for two or three times.

But looking around, they didn't find any satisfactory ones, either because they were far away from here, or because they had too much money.She has been pregnant for three months, and the child is very obedient and doesn't bother her, so she can still work for a while, but there are too many places to spend money in the future, and it is good to save some.

As for asking Sang Wei to do the translation again?To be honest, she didn't want to do this until the end.

If it wasn't for the advice that Xiao Shitou gave her, it would have caught her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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