Chapter 325
"Why don't we take a look at the suburbs?"

Xiao Shitou's advice to Sang Wei is very simple, that is, not to buy a house in the urban area.

"To be honest, your request is indeed a bit difficult. You must have a suitable price and a place to grow vegetables. It is really hard to find such a place."

Xiaoshi carried his wings behind his back and continued: "If you don't restrict the place, you can go to a village in the suburbs, buy a house in the village, and then rent a few acres of land. Isn't there a place for this kind of vegetables?"

Small stones express their thoughts.

As for the distance from the school or the supermarket, it is not a problem at all. At this time, the car is also convenient, so it is enough to buy a transportation?
And he was fine. When he was strolling outside, he discovered that there was a Qiaojia Village about 20 miles away. The mountains and trees in that place were beautiful, and it was very suitable for raising children and maintaining health.

This world is different for Sang Wei, so he can have more responsibilities, so he thinks more. The last time Sang Wei looked at the house online, he paid attention to it. Recently, when he has nothing to do, he will run a few more times. This place, at least gave him a glimpse of what he was interested in. No matter how good it is on the Internet, it can't compare with reality.

This Qiao Family Village was discovered at this time.

And when he was writing a novel in the last world, he wrote a novel about farming. The main character was farming and raising children in the countryside.

Sang Wei has never thought about this before, she just looked at the buildings in the urban area.

"It's time to think about it. Now I don't want a city hukou any more than I used to. Now I want to go to the village."

Sang Wei carefully considered Xiao Shitou's opinion. She couldn't find a suitable house in the urban area, so she could really consider looking around.

Some people have said that it is enough to have a place to live, and there is nothing wrong with saving money. If you insist on changing a place, it is purely a waste of money.

Sang Wei actually has her own considerations. There are many good memories of the original owner and his husband in this house. She and the original owner are equivalent to two people. It is really inappropriate to stay here. She needs to be completely separated from the original owner.

And there is another point, that is, living in this environment all the time, Sang Wei can't guarantee whether the original owner will suddenly pop out again, Sang Wei was really scared when she came out in the hospital before.

(She didn't even know that the original owner was gone)
She is pregnant now, so she can't practice at all, and she may not be able to rob people when the time comes.

What if the original owner came out to snatch the child from her around the time of the child's birth, that would be impossible.

Although this child was there when the original owner was around, she has always been the closest to them in raising them, so this child is hers, so she firmly does not allow this to happen.

So she had to move out before the baby was born.

"To build a whole house in the village, the money is not much and the area is large. When the little cotton grows up, it will be able to have fun. If the place is suitable and you want to continue to set up a stall later, you can find a piece of land to grow vegetables. There is no need to use foam boxes anymore.”

Xiao Shitou thinks more and is more comprehensive.

"When the children grow up and want to go to school or other things, we can just use the whole transportation tool or find a village closer to the urban area, or even a school bus."

After listening to Xiao Shitou's analysis, Sang Wei immediately felt that it was really possible.

"Stone, this world is really thanks to you. If it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

Sang Wei posted this out of feeling, probably because of her pregnancy, she has already started to be stupid, and she is not at all like the billionaire queen who dominated the business world in the previous world.

"Which one of us is with whom, in this world, you just take good care of the children, and leave the rest to me." Little Stone patted his chest with his wings, and his action attracted Little Mianmian's attention. As if he understood it, he yelled "Woooo" twice.

Sang Wei looked at the two of them and smiled happily. In this world, she is considered old-age, so let them take care of her while lying down.

Now that the decision has been made, Sang Wei will not make any changes, so she directly deletes the original browsing history, calls up the houses in the suburbs and starts browsing, but this is not a small building in the urban area. No matter which rental app it is, the introduction of bungalows is very good. Few, there are only two simple pictures, not detailed.

In this case, a field trip is required, and Sang Wei has another task here, but she has been three months old now, and her body is also very healthy, and the drive of more than half an hour is nothing.

However, the main force is still on Xiaoshi. He has practiced in so many worlds, and he has not seen anything else. , it is possible to go around the city half a circle.

So after Sang Wei went to two places, she taught the task to Xiaoshi.

It was also a coincidence that the two places Sang Wei went to were not as good as the Qiaojia Village that Xiao Shitou was optimistic about at the time, and Xiao Shitou also neglected this point, and he only remembered this when Sang Wei was unwilling to move.

"Shall we go and see that Qiao's Village? Although it's a little far away, I saw a mountain on the top of him, and a river next to it. The scenery is good, and the Feng Shui is also good. .”

(≧≦*) It is very suitable for the elderly.

To be honest, why did Sang Wei not want to go after two places?One is because the road environment in the village is not very good.

Although this world is a new era, some villages still don't pay attention to this aspect. From point to point, it seems that the village cadres in this village are not very reliable. If she lives in the village, there will be orphans and widows. Sometimes don't worry.

But he is willing to believe what Xiao Shitou said: "Then take me to have a look, and if you can, make a decision."

So she picked a day when the sun was not too high, and Sang Wei went out with a small stone and a small cotton.

Last time I said that I would not leave Little Mianmian at home by myself, it would take half a day to go out this time, so Sang Wei naturally wanted to bring it with me.

Little Mianmian is still young, and Sang Wei doesn't feel heavy when she holds her. She is also obedient and doesn't bark indiscriminately, and she isn't annoying in the car.

There are buses from the urban area to the suburbs. Because of the convenient transportation, it took less than half an hour to arrive at Qiaojia Village. The bus stopped at the head of the village. After getting off the bus, Sang Wei's first impression of it was that it was clean and tidy.

Her mood changed instantly. If there was a suitable place inside, Sang Wei decided to stay here.

She didn't go to the village committee immediately, but took a small stone and walked around the village first to see how the situation was.

She nodded while looking at it. This Qiao's village is not much better than the two villages it saw before. Although the village is not big, the roads are clean and tidy. There is no garbage at the door of each house, but flowers and plants are planted instead.

It doesn't matter if the house is too big or not, Sang Wei is very satisfied with this alone.

(End of this chapter)

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