Chapter 329
One month's construction period, plus one month's drying time, that time is also too late.

Sang Wei happened to slowly pack her things during this time.

Although Sang Wei didn't inform the group of big boys, they still knew about it.

After all, she has a special status now, and everyone in the compound pays close attention to her. At the beginning, when she changed back to her original appearance to sell vegetables, Zhu Shiwu and the others came to visit her, thinking that she was in trouble, not only He kept asking her to go to them when she was in trouble, and gave Sang Wei a lot of money.

In their view, if Sang Wei hadn't reached a difficult time, she wouldn't go to the night market to sell vegetables with a big belly. You must know that this is not an easy job. It's not safe to go down.

Sang Wei refused on the spot, and the reason she gave was so simple that no one could refuse her: "I just want to find something to do to keep myself busy, otherwise it's easy for me to think about things at home. If I have a big belly, no one will ask me to do other things. The doctor said that my body is very healthy, and I know it myself."

What Sang Wei said was very reasonable, and Zhu Shiwu and the others had no reason to say anything else, they just told her to stop immediately if she felt any discomfort, especially during the late pregnancy.

This time, I didn't tell them about the move, but Sang Wei's actions were not small, and a person in the courtyard would naturally know, and if the people in the courtyard knew, then the fire brigade would also know.

It may be because she knew that even if she said something, Sang Wei must have a better reason, so Zhu Shiwu and the others didn't say anything, but said that they must be notified when they move someday, and they will help together.

And for the place where Sang Wei moved, they also need to know what the situation is like, and they can also support her. They say that poor mountains and rivers are full of troublesome people, so don't think they are easy to bully.

So I have been telling them to tell them when they move.

In fact, there is a moving company, so there is no need for Sang Wei to do it herself, but Sang Wei knows that if they do not agree, they will not be at ease, so they accept their favor, but only tell them whoever has time to go , mobile units have a lot of inconvenience.

The landlord originally kept some of the big things, such as sofa beds and tables, but Sang Wei only changed the bed and kept everything else.

Some electrical appliances and daily necessities in the house. Sang Wei picked some to take away. The others are more or less related to the original owner. These things belong to the original owner. She has no right to give them away, but she can donate them Go, I believe the original owner will not mind.

As for some items that she bought later after she came, these were things she wanted to take away. They were all things she was used to, and they had nothing to do with the original owner. It would be a waste of money to buy new ones.

Of course, there are also those jars of her precious stewed vegetables, which must be packed. When the time comes to move to a new home, the area is large, but I can prepare more in the warehouse. If I can't finish it by myself, You can give it away or sell it for money.

As for the others, wait until after moving in, and then buy them temporarily to see what is missing.

But just these things alone, there are quite a few of these things, and it takes almost a car to install them.

During the period, I took a little time to go to Qiao's Village to see how the renovation progress was. After reading it, she had to say that it was indeed Uncle Qiao who introduced her to her. He is really reliable, and the requirements are exactly as she said before It's not cutting corners, and it's all non-toxic.

She is very powerful now. Although she hasn't practiced any kung fu yet, she can still feel whether there are any toxic substances in the decoration materials.

The decoration team also knew that Sang Wei was in a hurry to move in, so she was working overtime to catch up with the construction period. According to this estimate, the project could be completed more than ten days ahead of schedule.

Sang Wei is naturally generous because she thinks so much about herself, and decides to give the decoration team a higher project fee. When she bought the house, the landlord gave her a little cheaper, so she just took out some money to put it here.

During the two months of waiting, I went to the night market a few more times and tried to get out the vegetables in the incubator as much as possible. In the future, they will all be produced in private land, so I won't need them.

Another point is that he wants to tell her regular customers that it will be inconvenient for him to come to the night market in the future, so he will come almost twice a week. As for the day when he will come, she will call and inform them in advance.

When she bought the house, Qiao Jiwan told him that they would go to the big market every Monday and Saturday. Although there is also a supermarket here, they usually need something like chicken, duck, fish, vegetables and eggs. You can buy them at Jishang. The vegetables in this supermarket are still a bit worse than those at Jishang.

So Sang Wei decided that if she continues to sell vegetables in the future, she can go to the big market. In this case, the date will be different from the date of the night market, four times a week, and we can rest in the remaining three days .

The time of two months is not too slow, almost in the blink of an eye, at this time, the belly of the throat has reached five months, and it has already been pregnant.

But she is not fat at all, she is still very slender, she knows medical skills and how to take care of herself, and she pays special attention to this aspect very well, so she looks like she is not pregnant from the back, but she has a belly from the front, So she was still very agile in her actions, and the child was relieved and didn't bother her at all.

On the day Sang Wei decided to move, Zhu Shiwu, Tian Yuan and two other team members overwhelmed the other team members and obtained the qualification to help Sang Wei move.

In fact, Sang Wei can do it by herself, but since everyone is here, she agrees to come along.

After this, we will definitely meet again, just let them recognize the door, and if they don't follow, they won't be at ease.

The things happened to be in one car, and they had a private car, so they set off on the road.

The day when Sang Wei was going to move was chosen by Qiao Jiwan. Sang Wei didn’t pay much attention to this, but the old man was quite willing to ask for the lottery, so he called people from the village to wait for it very early. , See if I can help move things.

In fact, they also have their own little thoughts here. The identity of Sang Wei, a heroic family, is still relatively useful in modern times. Isn't it said that the military and civilians are family members?If there are such people in this village, it will be much easier to apply for anything.

Sang Wei is an old monster who has lived for many years. Seeing Qiao Jiwan leading three or four people waiting at the door of the new house, she can naturally see through this, but she doesn't mind, and everyone takes what they need.

Still, she was grateful.

Even if they don't, there's no reason for that. What should they do? After all, they have already paid for the transfer.

Qiao Jiwan waited there for more than half an hour, and when he saw a car approaching from afar, Qiao Jiwan hurriedly led people to meet him.

(End of this chapter)

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