Chapter 330
The private car was in front, and Zhu Shiwu got out of the car first.

Zhu Shiwu is a northern man, tall and big. This Qiao Jiwan is leading someone to meet him. When he saw such a man, he couldn't help standing still. Whenever he wanted to ask anything, the subsequent operations made him stop. .

Because the big boys got out of the car one after another.

The smallest one here is Tian Yuan. He is a southerner, but he also has a height requirement to join the fire brigade, so naturally he can't be too short.

So it's quite bluffing for four big guys to stand there.

Qiao Jiwan was a little confused, isn't this the person he was waiting for?Shouldn't it be?
But when Sang Wei got off the car, Qiao Jiwan was sure that he did not wait for the wrong person.

"Xiao Qin, this is?" Didn't it mean that there was no one at home?Didn't you just take this unborn child by yourself?How do you feel that you have such a background?Like someone with a special story.

When Sang Wei got out of the car, she cast a glance at Zhu Shiwu and the others, and knew that these people were here to support her, but this posture was indeed a bit awkward.

There are five people connected to him here, and there are almost four or five people on the opposite side. It feels like the two sides are facing each other and preparing to fight.

And looking at the face of the person opposite, Sang Wei knew that it was a misunderstanding, she quickly took a step forward, and said: "Morning Joe, thank you for coming to help, these are my husband's comrades-in-arms , Knowing that I am moving today, I am inconvenient, so I came here to help."

After Sang Wei finished speaking, she turned around and said to Zhu Shiwu and the others: "This is Uncle Qiao, the secretary of Qiaojia Village. He has taken special care of me since I chose a house. He is very kind."

After the pose was done and the waist was almost stretched, Zhu Shiwu and the others immediately put smiles on their faces: "Uncle, our captain is gone, and my sister-in-law is left alone. She said she wanted to move, but we couldn't stop her, so we just wanted to move." Follow along to see who the door is. Thanks to you, she might be embarrassed to tell us if there is anything, you can tell us, we will always have a brother who is free."

After finishing speaking, he took Tian Yuan and the others, and went forward to salute Qiao Jiwan and the others: "Please take care of me."

Qiao Jiwan knew the identities of these people when he heard this, he was in awe, these are the soldiers of the people, they can live a stable life, it is precisely because of the support of these people, before they bear the burden OK.

He was also a soldier, so the brother's family should take good care of him.So he returned a military salute to Zhu Shiwu and the others: "Xiao Qin has no elders, and I am his elder in our village. If anyone bullies their mother and son, I will be the first to disobey."

Sang Wei was a little moved, but they couldn't stand on the main road like this.There are more than a dozen old men here, it's as if they are going to fight in groups, they are so attractive, she hastened to come forward:

"Uncle, let's stop standing here and sit in the room first."

"That's right, you have to move the things down first, and we'll talk about it later when there's something else."

Everyone quickly started to help.

The moving company followed two people, plus Zhu Shiwu and his four young men. The two or three people brought by Qiao Jiwan basically didn't need to do anything, and Sang Wei was also directing.

There are many people and strength, and there are not many things, so they are quickly organized.

"Xiao Qin, in terms of sanitation, your aunt helped clean it two days ago. If you think there is any place that is not easy to come to, just tell me, and I will ask your aunt to clean it again. Don't move if you are so heavy."

"No wonder I feel that the floor is as smooth as a mirror. It turns out that my aunt has cleaned it for me. I am so grateful."

Sang Wei was very grateful, these things were originally her own business, and it was a kindness for others to help.

"Don't be shy, it's inconvenient for you to use cold pots and stoves. Your aunt burned it at home, and it will be delivered in a while. Don't start the fire at noon, and come to our house to eat."

After Qiao Jiwan finished speaking, he pointed his head at the pig Zhu Shiwu and the others: "Don't go away, go to our house for lunch today."

"Uncle, the nature of our mobile unit is different. It is already the limit to spare two hours. After we see that my sister-in-law is settled, we will leave. We will come back when we have time on vacation."

Zhu Shiwu is not refusing here, he is telling the truth, if one person takes a vacation, that is no problem, but they sorted out four people, and asking for two hours of leave is already the limit.

"I know that too, and I won't stop you. Come to Uncle when you have time, and let's have a good talk."

Several people hastily agreed and expressed their thanks to Qiao Jiwan.

Zhu Shiwu turned around and said to Sang Wei: "Sister-in-law, we are leaving now. If you need anything, please call us. The journey is not far in less than half an hour. Don't be shy. We have the responsibility to help you." Captain takes care of you."

Tian Yuan, who had been teasing Little Mianmian, also put Little Mianmian down: "Sister-in-law, just agree."

Sang Wei naturally agreed again and again, but it's not up to her to decide what to do?
When the time is up, everyone will leave, and they will come to help her, and Sang Wei can't let them leave empty-handed. As for what to give, she already has plans.

When helping to move things just now, the eyes of the group of big boys never left the jars of stewed vegetables, and they moved them several times to look at them.

Combined with the previous scene of Tian Yuan walking away with a lunch box, Sang Wei understood a little bit, so she called Tian Yuan who was a bit reluctant: "Yuanyuan, come here."

If she was asked to stop Zhu Shiwu in this tone, she would definitely not be able to do it.

"Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

"You are here to help today. I don't have any good things here. Is the side dish I gave you last time okay?"

"That's not an ordinary job, sister-in-law, your skill is like this." Tian Yuan said while giving a thumbs up.

Then he quietly glanced at the three people walking in front. Although they were walking there, their ears were obviously pricked up to listen.

"It's just gone after two bites." He added in a low voice.

Sang Wei laughed loudly: "Go and bring a jar of stewed vegetables home, and call me to get them whenever you want to eat. Don't refuse, or I won't ask you for help in the future."

"Okay, sister-in-law, thank you, sister-in-law!" Tian Yuan replied loudly, ran to the kitchen and picked up one of them. When he got off the car, he had already done it, so he chose this one.

Seeing Tian Yuan catch up, several other people also hurried forward: "Xiao Tian, ​​you can't carry it alone, let us help you."

"It's Yuanyuan, you take a break, you worked hard just now, now take a good rest."

"Come on guys, this is what my sister-in-law gave me. This little thing is not as heavy as an oxygen bottle, and I can handle a few more. I know what you mean. Calling Big Brother Tian is really cool."

Because Tian Yuan is the youngest in the team, he can be regarded as the younger brother, so he finally turned around.

(End of this chapter)

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