Chapter 332
After Sang Wei settled down completely and got everything in order, it happened to be the day for the big fair on the sixth day of the lunar new year.

It is better to hit the sun than to choose a day. She plans to hold a hot pot banquet on this day. Although there are chickens, ducks, fish, meat and vegetables in her space, she has never gone out on the surface, so it is not good to suddenly bring out so many things. Come, you still need to cross the Ming Road.

So I just went to Daji to buy some.

Daji is not far from Qiao's Village, just over two miles away. After breakfast, we strolled there, and it was all for digestion.

In Sang Wei's impression, she has been to such a big market a few times, but it's all a long time ago, and the things sold are also different, and the things in the current market are more abundant than before Not a lot.

Sang Wei actually came to the market for two purposes, one was to buy something and prepare for the hot pot feast in the evening, and the other was to see how the market for grocery shopping in the morning market was, her side is now far away from the original night market It was a little far away, and she couldn't go to the stall every day, so she decided to go only two days a week as she planned before, and if it was cold in winter, she would not go at all.

So if he still wants to earn income from selling vegetables as before, going to Daji is the best now.

As for the later stage, she also has plans, but this is all for the future and needs to be done step by step.

Naturally, there are many people who sell vegetables and fruits in the market. Although this market is jointly opened by several villages, there are not a few people who sell their own vegetables. It can be seen that this is the case now, although there are so many lands in the house. , but not many are used to grow vegetables, at most they grow onions and garlic.

In this way, if Sang Wei sells vegetables in the future, there will still be a market.

After walking around for a while, Sang Wei knew what she was doing, and then bought some things that could be used at night, and she was ready to go back.

When walking back, I ran into a supermarket, and Sang Wei bought some wine here. She doesn't drink it, but people from the village committee may drink it at night, so it's not too much to prepare some.

When I came back, I happened to pass by Qiao Jiwan's house. He was not there but Liu Shuzhen was, so Sang Wei said hello and told her to go with her at night.

Liu Shuzhen naturally refused again and again, but no matter how much she could say, how could she say it better than Sang Wei?Naturally, while agreeing, she felt more pity for Slightly.

In her opinion, Sang Wei was left alone now, and it was really not easy to maintain her dignity without wanting to owe favors to others, so they would try to help as much as possible, so she decided to go to help early in the afternoon.

She is a little girl, even if she knows how to cook some stewed vegetables, she probably won't be able to handle it. Listening to her tone, there are many people who will be entertained at night. It is not easy for a person with a big belly to work on a large table of dishes. I knew it when I was young.

Sang Wei left Qiao Jiwan's house, then turned around and went to the village committee. In her opinion, when inviting someone to dinner, she must tell the person concerned, and she invited not only Qiao Jiwan herself, but also the village cadres who helped her that day.

I will live in this village in the future, and she has a foreign surname, so I have more etiquette, so it's better to do something when I want to do something in the future.

Sang Wei said in advance when the hot pot banquet was going to be held, and Qiao Jiwan agreed after a bit of refusal. He just asked Sang Wei to cook simple home-cooked dishes.

After returning home, Qiao Jiwan knew that Sang Wei had come to the house and invited Liu Shuzhen, so he could feel a little relieved. With the help of his wife, he would not be tired.

Liu Shuzhen went to Sang Wei's house after three o'clock, and Sang Wei just replaced the meat and vegetables bought in the morning with those produced in the space.

Because she was busy in the afternoon, she didn't take a nap at noon. When Liu Shuzhen went, she was just marinating the chicken.

Liu Shuzhen is also a straightforward person. When she entered the door, she saw that Sang Wei was already busy, so she didn't exchange pleasantries, and just rolled up her sleeves and helped out together.

This time, all the people at the banquet were from the village, so Sang Wei decided not to invite those high-ranking ones, but to simply arrange the home-cooked dishes, but because they were all village cadres, they should be more refined.

Seeing that Liu Shuzhen was helping, she didn't say much else, she just told her her plan.

Looking at it like this, Liu Shuzhen found that the girl was quite successful, and she was a little surprised in her heart. When she saw her sloppy movements, flowing like a painting, she knew that she and the old man were a little bit off.

No wonder this person's insistence on holding a hot pot banquet is not because of his bravado, but because of his extraordinary craftsmanship.

Take a look at other people's plates, the same things, the same materials, how can they be so pleasing to the eye?It turns out that people not only make good stewed vegetables and pickled vegetables!

After six o'clock in the evening, people from the village committee arrived one after another. Sang Wei was considerate in her work. It would be inappropriate for her to entertain only those who helped that day. After all, they were all old men, and she was considered a widow.

In this way, whether it was to herself or to them, it would not be nice to say it, so she invited the family planning director and Liu Shuzhen again.

According to the local customs, participating in the hot pot feast should not be empty-handed, and everyone more or less took gifts. Sang Wei had never seen anything good, so no matter what the other party took, she was very happy to accept it.

Looking at the table full of delicious dishes, everyone said they were not surprised, especially Qiao Jiwan, who looked at his daughter-in-law in disbelief when she saw her giving him a thumbs up , is even more surprised.

Xiao Qin has been surprised by these things one after another since he came to see the house, and he doesn't know what else will surprise him in the future.

The wine was good and the food was good. Everyone ate to their heart's content. By the time the hot pot feast was over, it was almost eight o'clock.

A group of elders chose to leave, leaving the family planning director and Liu Shuzhen here to help Sang Wei clean up.

Seeing all the people gone, Sang Wei finally felt at ease. She had gained a firm foothold in this Qiaojia Village, and she would start a stable life of raising a baby for the elderly in the future.

Two days later, Sang Wei sent a message to Qiu Juqin and Gu Ailing and other regular customers of the night market, and decided to set up a stall at night.

She is busy moving and packing things here, and has not set up a stall for nearly a week. Although she has greeted them before, they have bought a lot, but when Sang Wei made this call, they all expressed that she wanted more. Prepare some, and even Gu Ailing said that she will eat Sang Wei's food in the future.

Sang Wei also decided to take more this time, not only the quantity, but also more types, and some onions and garlic.

After taking the bus and getting off in the city, Sang Wei asked Xiao Shitou to find a blind spot where there was no surveillance and no one could be seen, released the tricycle, and then took a cart full of vegetables to the night market.

It was the same place as before, the regular customers had already been waiting there, and when they saw Sang Wei coming, they stepped forward one after another, and after a while, a cart of food was distributed.

It took less than an hour for bagging and weighing.

This purchasing power is really, a word bull

(End of this chapter)

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