Chapter 333
From now on, Sang Wei will be like this, picking two days a week to go to the night market, and every time this dish will be sold out.

As for the market, she can't set up a stall for the time being. On the surface, she has no food, so how can she sell it?And now that the weather is getting colder, it's not the time to grow vegetables, so she plans to wait until the baby is born, which happens to be spring, and she will plant vegetables in her private plot after her confinement, and the arrangement can be made in a month or so.

So now her income depends entirely on the night market, but she also earns nearly two thousand a week.

During this period of time, besides setting up a stall, she would go back to the shopping mall during the day to shop around and stock up on powdered milk and diapers. The child was born in two months, so she had to prepare in advance.

By the way, we still need to find a confinement wife, and we need to make arrangements for these.

Liu Shuzhen once suggested to her to live directly in the confinement center until confinement. What Sang Wei is looking for is the kind of live-in confinement wife, so the price is about the same.

But Sang Wei didn't plan to do this. It's easy for her to live in the confinement center, and she can take care of it with a little more money, but what about Little Stone and Little Cotton?First of all, the confinement center will definitely not let her in, and secondly, she is not at ease if she is left in other people's homes for too long.

These two little ones are used to eating her handicrafts, and others may not be able to feed them.

So these have to be arranged in advance, but now the omnipotent circle of friends and the omnipotent network basically have everything, and there are many intermediaries, so many channels are easy to find, and Sang Wei has already found one here.

But they didn't go through the above channels. This person was introduced to her by Gu Ailing, the old lady who bought her vegetables. When her daughter-in-law gave birth, this person served her. It wasn't that the people who asked her out had lined up for a long time. Gu Ailing wanted to invite her for another two months.

Sang Wei thought, it has been five or six years since she took care of the old lady's daughter-in-law, and this person is still working in this industry, which means that she really has a firm foothold in this industry, and it also shows that her skills are really good .

When she was on the phone at that time, she was worried that the other party might not have time. After all, it was winter when she gave birth, and it was the time to have children together. The other was because she was too hot, and she might not be able to ask her out. .

However, Sang Wei's koi physique has come into play here, and the other party happened to have a lot of time just after the wedding for his son, and when he heard the date, he immediately agreed.

But even so, Sang Wei decided to meet her. There is a saying that seeing is believing, right?Although it is not appropriate to use it here, it is more reassuring to meet each other.

This person's surname is Fu, his son is just married, and he is not very old. In this line of work, he usually pays special attention to nutrition, so he is also good at taking care of himself. He doesn't seem to be in his early fifties.

Dressed neatly and with neat short hair, Sang Wei glanced at her hands without any trace, and her nails were neatly trimmed.

Sang Wei was quite satisfied with this, and she was even more satisfied when she heard that her conversation and tone of speech were unhurried, and she also spoke fluent Mandarin.

Although the child was just born and might not understand these things, Sang Wei felt that the environment was very important.

Looking at the few documents she showed, although the other party asked for a higher price, they signed the contract on the spot and appointed the person.

Once the important matter was gone, Sang Wei felt a lot more relieved, and went to the night market every three days to earn back the money for confinement maids. After half a month before the due date, Sang Wei stopped.

Her regular customers can also be considerate of her. At most, I will stick to it for a while, and I will be able to eat this dish again in the spring of next year.

When Sang Wei was in the past, I didn't see them eating less when they were hungry, so it shouldn't matter much.

Regular customers said that the relationship is indeed quite big.

As the delivery is approaching, although Zhu Shiwu and the others are big men, they remember this day very clearly, and they all ask whether this matter is accurate, maybe it will be a few days earlier or delayed, so there is no mission or there is time. I would call Sang Wei when I was pregnant, and when I knew that the baby was not born and was healthy, I would relax a little bit, but it was only a little bit, since I didn’t see the baby was born, it was impossible for my heart to stay in my stomach safely.

But they didn't dare to say too much, worried that it would make Sang Wei nervous, and sometimes they would call Qiao Jiwan to ask about the situation. Regarding the child, I left it to my daughter-in-law and the family planning director.

This Sang Wei bought a house in their village, and she is considered a member of their village. She will enjoy all the benefits, especially in terms of giving birth, and there are all kinds of subsidies, even if Qiao Jiwan is not related to family planning. When the director greeted her, she was also quite sad.

And Liu Shuzhen, she always felt pity for Sang Wei. Needless to say, Qiao Jiwan, she ran to Sang Wei's house very diligently, not every three days or every four days.

Sang Wei especially appreciates their affection. Although she does not enjoy family affection in this world, she enjoys neighborhood affection.

The child in the belly also felt this, so every time someone came, she was very active. Sang Wei estimated that she would be lively in the future.

As for whether it is a boy or a girl, according to her current ability, she doesn't need a B-ultrasound, just take the pulse, but she has never tried it, and even when she took the safe pulse for herself, she ignored this point.

Sang Wei has no idea of ​​patriarchy over girls. For her, both men and women are fine, as long as they are healthy and safe.

The closer the delivery was, the calmer Sang Wei became. She knew that her little mood swings could be felt by the child, so she tried her best to calm down.

But compared to Sang Wei, Xiao Shitou is much more anxious, as if he is the one who is about to give birth.

For a while, he was worried about whether Sang Wei would be inconvenient to move at night because of her big belly, and for a while, he was worried about whether she would activate in the middle of the night. In short, he would think about all the things that could happen.

In the past few nights, when he was sleeping, he would open his eyes suddenly after sleeping for a while. Only when he saw Sang Wei breathing steadily beside him could he fall asleep peacefully again.

The behavior of the little stone caused the same for the little cotton. When they slept at night, one of them was at the head of the bed and the other was at the end of the bed. If the head of the bed moved, the end of the bed would follow closely.

Sang Wei also noticed all these things, but no matter how much she comforted Xiao Shitou, he was still like this, and little cotton like him followed.

Sang Wei had no choice but to cook more delicious food for the two of them in various ways, and try to make them keep up with nutrition. It was hard work for them to be pregnant.

It's okay for Xiao Shitou to say that he is a divine beast, but Little Cotton is a mortal, if he doesn't mend it well, he won't be able to stand it.

In the long-awaited, Sang Wei started.

(End of this chapter)

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