Chapter 336
"Sister-in-law, we happened to be on a mission on the day you gave birth, so I didn't have time to rush to the hospital. I'm really sorry."

Zhu Shiwu took Tian Yuan to apologize to Sang Wei.

They just received a call from the police that night. Residents in a community didn't pay attention to the time when they used the sun to keep warm because it was too cold. Coupled with the aging of the wires, they accidentally ignited the curtains and caused a fire.

Fortunately, the family found it early, and only burned out the windows of the bedroom and the outer wall of the upstairs. Otherwise, it was discovered late at night and it would have caused personal injury.

And in winter, there are a lot of heaters, stoves, or electric heating in this house, and there are quite a few accidents, so they didn't find time to come here until now.

Even so, the two of them could only ask for leave and visit Sang Wei instead of other team members. There must be someone in the team at all times, so they came just in time for the 6th.

"It's not that I don't know your responsibilities. There's nothing to be surprised about. It's best if you can come, and you don't have to take so many things."

Sang Wei knew the nature of their work, so she naturally wouldn't take it to heart, and why should she blame them?
"You don't have to worry about me, Yoyo and I are fine, but you, you must pay attention to safety when you go out on missions."

Although this firefighter is not as good as other mobile units, the danger rate is also very high, so Sang Wei gave such instructions.

In fact, when Sang Wei saw the two of them coming together, she was very curious about their relationship. No matter what they did, they always acted together. If she didn't know that Zhu Shiwu was talking about marriage recently, she would have thought about it in some way.

Of course, Sang Wei didn't mean to discriminate against this aspect, but felt that it was nothing, just like she didn't want to get married in every world, it was a personal wish.

"We will definitely pay attention." Zhu Shiwu promised, and then got up to tease Yoyo, and the big guy Tian Yuan went to see Little Cotton after watching the children.

He couldn't believe that in just a few months, the little cotton had grown beyond his knees.

Little Cotton should still have childhood memories, remembering the person who carried it in his arms and brought it here, so he behaved fairly friendly, but with the little stone, this kind of friendliness was manifested as teasing.

Little Shitou still remembers the hatred that Tian Yuan put on his eye drops, so he has been encouraging Little Mianmian from behind, and then Little Mianmian will entangle Tian Yuan and pounce on him, grab his pants with his claws, or throw him down Hit his ass in the face.

Poor Tian Yuan thought it was a sign that Mianmian liked him, and kept showing Zhu Shiwu that he was more popular than Zhu Shiwu.

Poor Sang Wei couldn't hold back her laughter because she could understand Xiao Shitou's words and saw Tian Yuan's reaction.

The two of them stayed here for a while and had to leave, and Sang Wei was very embarrassed. Every time they put down their things and left, they had never eaten here, so they could only let them take away the leftovers in the kitchen. The two jars of stewed vegetables were taken away, and she didn't have time for childbirth and confinement, so there were only two jars of stewed vegetables left, and they would prepare again when Nian Gen gave birth to confinement.

The two of them were naturally happy. Ever since Lao Qian said that he couldn't make this taste, his wish to have stewed vegetables for every meal was shattered, so seeing that Sang Wei asked them to move two cans away, Tian Yuanna You can see your throat when you laugh.

These are two cans, you can open them and eat them.

After the 6th day of the child, Sang Wei raised the child at home with peace of mind. Aunt Fu really understands this. She cooks soup for Sang Wei for every meal, and it is vegetable soup and fish soup. They are similar to milk, but they also have another function, that is, drinking too much is easy to block, not as good as vegetable ones, you can see it just by poking a meaty nest on Xiaoyouyou's body being fed by Sang Wei.

This aunt Fu not only takes care of the daily life of the adults and children, but after knowing that there is no one in Sangwei's house, she also cleans up the hygiene, and even the little stones and little cotton are eaten by her.

But Aunt Fu is very good at making confinement meals, so she made the same kind for the two puppies. What she ate was white and fat. You can see that the little cotton is getting more and more like a Corgi. Come to this point.

But the two chubby little ones are also very cute.

Aunt Fu has been taking care of Sang Wei here for 42 days before leaving. After leaving, Sang Wei's confinement is here.

Because it was already done on the 6th, Sang Wei didn't plan to spend the full moon here. It's the end of the year, not to mention the cold weather, so let's forget about mobilizing teachers and mobilizing people. It's just that my family got together and had a simple meal.

This time, of course, Sang Wei was in charge. After eating soup for more than a month, it was time to have a good meal.

However, Sang Wei still pays special attention to eating bland food. She is still feeding the child, fearing that too much salt will be bad for the child.

It is said in the Baoma group that children cannot be exposed to salt before they are one year old, even if they come from the mother's body.

But even if the taste could be a little lighter, it was already delicious, and the little stones made their stomachs round after eating them.

After that, Sang Wei started to prepare the stewed vegetables again. Now that they are ready, they will be eaten during the Chinese New Year.

When I was looking at the house before, I saw that the warehouse was not small, so Sang Wei thought about ordering more glass jars to make more stewed vegetables. Now that I have time, I just prepare it.

As for the child, there are Little Stone and Little Cotton watching, they are now Yoyo's good playmates, sometimes they are the two who coax Yoyo when he hums, and Sang Wei is completely liberated.

They are really good helpers at home to coax the baby.

In order to make Yoyo happy, the little cotton made Yoyo tug at his ears and grinned.

Sang Wei took a look here and found that she had time, so she planned to prepare more things for the New Year. After the stewed vegetables were prepared, she began to prepare dried meat, and then enema, chicken, duck and geese were also smoked a lot, and there were fish balls and shrimp balls. Yes, a lot of fried tofu fruit has been made.

Her craftsmanship has been accumulated over time. Naturally, there is no need to say much. It can be seen from the fact that people who pass by their house have to stand outside the door for a while to smell the smell.

This is the first time Sang Wei has been so busy in years, she is very motivated and does not feel tired.

Two days before the new year, Zhu Shiwu came with a New Year's gift, and Tian Yuan would naturally follow, and Sang Wei would not let them leave empty-handed, not only gave them two jars of stewed vegetables, but also those dried meat, sausage and smoked chicken Some ducks and the like are installed.

Seeing the backs of the two leaving, Sang Wei suddenly understood why Zhu Shiwu had to bring Tian Yuan with him every time he came. He must be embarrassed to take things and let Tian Yuan come. Get him some stewed vegetables.

But Tian Yuan is willing to follow Zhu Shiwu.

Since this is the case, next time I have to talk about it, what should I say?He said, "Bring me back the glass jar after eating."

(End of this chapter)

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