Chapter 337 Chapter 28
Sang Wei has turned on the baby-raising mode here, which is also very worry-free, plus there are Xiao Shitou and the others, Sang Wei should not be too easy.

So when the fifteenth day of the first lunar month came out after the new year, she started to get busy.

The first is the yard. Before the yard, there was only a small road paved with bluestone slabs in the middle. There are dirt roads on both sides, but they are a little tight. The first thing Sang Wei has to do is to renovate those dirt roads, and then divide them into good areas. thing.

Just plant some flowers and vegetables, and add two rows of strawberries.

The stone tables and benches that the decoration team paid attention to at the beginning have already been placed in the yard, and Sang Wei can just set up a grape trellis there.

In fact, Sang Wei really wants to plant a fruit tree. She likes to eat fruit very much, but this kind of fruit tree seems to be very small in the yard. Anyway, she grows it in her space.

As for the dividing line of each part, it is enough to pave cobblestones. With such a touch, the style of this small courtyard will immediately rise. It is still spring. When the flowers and vegetables grow up in summer, it will look even better.

For the yard alone, she has been busy for more than half a month. After the first lunar month, she began to prepare for the private plot. The source of vegetables will depend on this private plot for the time being.

Of course, in addition to this, Sang Wei decided to continue to set up a stall in the night market. She hasn't been there for two months, so it's time to prepare.

So Sang Wei made a phone call to the regular customers, then loaded the vegetables to be sold in the tricycle and got ready, and then set off.

Of course the child has to be taken with her. Although there are small stones at home and they are watching, she is not at ease. Although they can coax the child, they cannot breastfeed. It will take about two or three hours for me to go out this time. By then Yoyo what do i do if I'm hungry?
Little Cotton and Little Stone also need to follow, so they can't take the bus to the city as before and then release the tricycle. After all, Little Cotton has grown to thigh height and is no longer allowed to get on the bus.

So Sang Wei decided to ride a tricycle all the way to the night market. Yoyo wrapped him an extra quilt and put it in the back of the car. Little Cotton wrapped him in the middle of his body, and Little Stone, a fire-type beast, stayed on top of his head. On the road, I can drive more slowly, and it is already spring at this time, so it won't be frozen.

But this is not a long-term solution, this car should be arranged.

Yo Yo, nothing happened here, not only that, because I saw many novel scenes and laughed all the way.

When Sang Wei arrived at the night market, all her regular customers were already there, each carrying a small car or other equipment, and when they saw Sang Wei’s car stopped, they started to grab it. same money.

After all, they haven't eaten Sang Wei's food for two months, and they still miss it very much. Although they were surprised to see a big dog and a child in the front of the car, this did not stop their enthusiasm.

In half an hour, Sang Wei's tricycle's dishes were sold out.

How do you say that?Charging for 5 minutes and talking for 2 hours, he is riding for half an hour, snapping up [-] minutes.

Sang Wei made an appointment with them for the next time, and then decided to return.

The next day, when Sang Wei learned that Qiao Hongbin was going to the city to deal with matters, she thought of her plan to buy a car, so she gave him a ride.

After careful consideration, Sang Wei decided to buy a small pickup truck, which would be convenient for selling vegetables with a truck.

Picking the one with the best value for money, Sang Wei drove it home directly after paying.

With the small pickup truck, the tricycle is no longer needed, but because it was a famous brand at the beginning, and it has been used for less than a year, she disposed of it at half price.

To be honest, she is really reluctant, after all, she has been with her for such a long time, and the first experience of setting up a stall was given to her. If it wasn't for the small pickup truck at the door and she couldn't let her go, Sang Wei would put her it stays.

The same goes for Xiaoshi, knowing that I can no longer stand on the handlebars of the car in the future, I am quite disappointed, especially after returning the helmet to the broken wind duck, I feel empty in my heart, until Sang Wei promised that the car glass After the place in front of him was its exclusive seat, his mood improved.

I added a big item to the house, and it still needs to be burned. In the evening, the family had a rich dinner.

It is really convenient to have a pickup. First of all, it reflects the amount of vegetables. The capacity of this pickup is almost twice that of a tricycle. So three days later, Sang Wei went to the night market again, this time because she brought more vegetables. This ended relatively late, because in addition to the regular customers, she had some new customers on her side.

There was a lot of supply, so Sang Wei took the time to open up her private land. She had to plant vegetables as soon as possible, and she would not take so many vegetables next time she went to the night market.

As for why?Think about it and it will become clear.

The area of ​​Qiaojia Village is small, and the car was parked at the gate in the morning. In the afternoon, the news of Sang Wei’s purchase of the car spread throughout the village. The people in the village were really surprised. This Sang Wei was alone. It's been less than a year since I came to the village, and it's sold as a car, which will naturally attract discussions from others.

But when she learned that she was in the grocery shopping business, she was relieved.

They all felt that it was not easy for her. Selling vegetables was a hard job, and the clothes made a difference in price, and they might still be rotten in their hands, so they all felt sorry for her.

And Sang Wei is also aware of all this. The things she does can't stand scrutiny at all. You say you are buying vegetables, but the vegetables in your private plot are not fully grown. Even if they grow, it is not enough to buy twice. That is naturally going out to batch goods, but I have never seen Sang Wei drive out in the morning.

So, in fact, there are quite a lot of loopholes.

However, Sang Wei's physique had an effect again, because others knew that she was going to set up a stall in the night market, so they naturally thought that in order to ensure the freshness of the vegetables, she went to approve the vegetables in the afternoon.

But now that Sang Wei knew this, she decided to make amends a little bit. She would definitely not be able to get up early in the morning and go out for a run, but she could buy more land and grow a little more vegetables. Homemade dishes are fine.

It just so happened that there was still idle land in the village, and Qiao Jiwan rented the land to her after knowing that Sanwei was used for growing vegetables.

But there are only two acres of land, too much land, and Sang Wei can't grow it.

In fact, Sang Wei planted the land in the first world, and she has never been in touch with it since then. She has almost forgotten the steps. She just remembers to dig out and fill the seeds, water and cover the soil. As for the fertilizer? Yes, she didn't even think about it.

Fortunately, these seeds are all produced by the space, and they are relatively resistant to cultivation. They can live with some soil and water. Otherwise, with Sang Wei's planting method, as much as they earn, they have to die, and it has to be the kind that dies a lot.

Sang Wei also has a lot of them here, and the selected varieties can also be picked and used repeatedly.

For example, leeks are harvested one crop after another.

(End of this chapter)

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