Chapter 338
The vegetables on Sang Wei's side are grown early, and the seeds are produced in space. When other people's vegetables are only two or three centimeters long, Sang Wei's has grown to half a foot and can be picked.

Especially leeks, looking emerald green, make people salivate.

So Sang Wei couldn't hold back, she cut a handful and went back to make a meal of plain and fresh dumplings for herself and Xiaoshitou.

Eggs are produced by Space, shrimps are produced by Space, and flour is also produced by Space. Except oil, salt and water for kneading noodles, all are produced by Space. Do you think these dumplings are delicious?

One person and two small animals ate a full two curtains of dumplings. Of course, Sang Wei didn't eat alone. She picked out [-] dumplings and put them on a plate and put them in a basket for Little Cotton to pick up. Joe Jiwan's family.

Sang Wei has this kind of temperament. If people treat her well, she will return it a thousand times. The Qiao family helped a lot when the child was born, and after the child was born, they helped with both inside and outside. Wei always remembered, so when she got something good here, she would sometimes give some to Qiao Jiwan, and of course they were all food.

If it were replaced by other things, it would be two different things, and the nature would be different.

Things are usually sent to Little Cotton, and the kindness of taking it in for a few days is not enough for it itself.

I don’t know if it’s because I’ve been with Xiaoshishi for a long time, or because I’ve been eating vegetables since I was a snack. Little Mianmian is particularly spiritual. His current IQ is equivalent to that of a six or seven-year-old child. He can understand what Sang Wei says, so don’t worry. It wasn't delivered, but when it came back there was a plate of puff pastry in the basket.

There was another episode when she didn't know it.

At Qiao Jiwan’s house, the whole family was a little worried, either because Qiao Hongbin’s daughter-in-law was pregnant, and now it’s time for a big reaction. They don’t want to eat anything, and they vomit, so they can only go to the hospital for some nutrition The needle was hung up, and the thin cheeks of this man were sunken a little.

Seeing people lying on the bed with their eyes closed, the family felt very uncomfortable. The hospital also said that they can only suffer. If the adults can't bear it, it is recommended not to have this child for the time being.

This is the first child, and the whole family is looking forward to it, especially seeing Yoyo's chubby and cute appearance, they are looking forward to the arrival of the child even more. After 10 months, their Qiao family will be so much more A kid, really happy.

But this is the situation now, which makes Qiao's family uncomfortable.

Qiao Hongbin also loved the unborn child very much, but when he saw his daughter-in-law vomited and vomited for the sake of the child, and saw how she kept pushing him for the sake of the child, he made a secret decision in his heart, it was really not possible. Just go to the hospital.

Didn't the doctor say that prolonged vomiting is not good for adults and children, and children will still have it in the future.

This is the same as the eternal problem of protecting adults and children, and now he chooses to protect adults.

But he gave himself a deadline, only three days, and if the situation didn't improve after three days, he would secretly take his wife there.

Little Cotton went to Qiao Jiwan's house at this time. As a dog, it naturally doesn't understand these things, but the one who follows Sang Wei is naturally not an ordinary dog, and it can naturally feel the atmosphere of Qiao's house. Some.

So instead of yelling twice as soon as it went to Qiao's house as before, it walked quietly in front of Liu Shuzhen and put the basket in its mouth beside her lap.

"It's Little Mian that's here? You even took something, and you told Xiao Qin that you don't need to send things here, but she just doesn't listen. Mian Mian is waiting here, and I'll pour out the plate for you."

Liu Shuzhen walked to the kitchen while taking out the dishes from the basket. Although this was the situation in this family, she didn't show it.

But what she didn't expect was that as soon as the plastic bag of her plate was opened, the unique smell of leeks spread out, and Qiao Hongbin hurried into the kitchen not long after.

"Mom, Yanzi said he wants to eat." Qiao Hongbin's tone was anxious and joyful.

"What do swallows want to eat? Mom has stewed chicken in the rice cooker, and the oil has already been skimmed off. Mom also rolled out mille-feuille cakes. This is the swallow's favorite food. If you don't like it, mom will make whatever swallows want to eat." .”

Liu Shuzhen was also very happy, the daughter-in-law here hadn't eaten anything seriously for several days, and she often vomited when she smelled the oily smell, but this time she took the initiative to ask what she wanted to eat, so she was naturally happy.

As long as they can eat, the adults and children will be kept.

"Swallow said that he smelled leeks just now and wanted to eat dumplings stuffed with leeks."

Qiao Hongbin was taking care of his wife in the bedroom just now, so he didn't know that Little Mianmian came to deliver dumplings.

"Mom, you're at home. I'll go to the supermarket and buy a few, and you'll spend more time on your side to order for Yanzi." Qiao Hongbin was a little ashamed to speak. It sounded like marrying a daughter-in-law and forgetting her mother, but for the sake of Swallow and child, he still said it.

"What are you going to buy? Your sister Qin sent some. It's also a blessing for swallows."

Liu Shuzhen didn't think much about it, the first thing she thought of was that thanks to Little Cotton's arrival, if she bought and made the dumplings now, the dumplings would take at least an hour, and she might starve the swallows by then.

"Take it in quickly and let the swallows eat it, it's still hot."

Liu Shuzhen handed the plate to her son, and put on a pair of chopsticks: "Swallow can't get up, just let her lie down and eat."

"Alas, thank you, Mom." Qiao Hongbin took the plate and went to the bedroom.

In the bedroom, Li Yan was lying on the bed looking forward to it.

This was the first time since she was pregnant that she wanted to eat something so much.

People say that when she is pregnant, she will especially want to eat something, but she never did. It was okay at the beginning, and she could eat more or less, but as the pregnancy time became longer, she began to have a violent reaction, vomiting whatever she ate. What, until now she can't smell a little food, and can only rely on nutritional injections, but for the sake of the child, she has to endure it.

But this time, she smelled a smell in a daze, it was the smell of leek dumplings, and then her mouth began to salivate, and her stomach clamored that she must eat it, and only then did the scene just now happen.

"Swallow, eat one quickly, lukewarm is just right now, try eating one first."

Qiao Hongbin picked up one for Li Yan, and told her to try one first, and don't pour it all out after eating too much, it's so uncomfortable.

Li Yan also understood this, so she ate only one, chewing slowly.

1 minutes, 2 minutes.

"How is it?" Qiao Hongbin asked happily.

Usually there should be a reaction at this time, but this time it was the same as eating normally, there was no reaction at all.

"It's not uncomfortable, I still want to eat!"

"Okay, eat, eat again!" Qiao Hongbin excitedly picked another one for Li Yan.

Li Yan ate 6.7 in a row, but there was no other reaction. When she wanted to eat again, Qiao Hongbin stopped her: "You haven't eaten for a long time, this is almost enough, if you want to eat the rest, give it to me." You keep it."

Li Yan nodded in agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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