Chapter 339
With the few dumplings sent by Sang Wei as a base, Li Yan can finally eat here. Because of this, the family members also kept the remaining dumplings for her. With these few dumplings, they also drank a bowl of chicken soup, which made Qiao's family very happy.

If you like to eat, you can eat it.

There are also leeks growing in her field, but now they are only one finger long, but for the sake of her daughter-in-law and the child in her stomach, Liu Shuzhen directly cut off two handfuls and cooked a meal for Li Yan.

But this time, she only took two mouthfuls before she couldn't eat any more, and she still felt a little nauseous, but fortunately, she didn't spit it out after all, but she lost her appetite.

Liu Shuzhen is a little anxious here, could it be that this vegetable has not grown yet, so it has a particularly strong taste?Then she asked her son to go to the supermarket to buy another one, but this time, Li Yan couldn't even smell it after making it, the same result as before.

Seeing her daughter-in-law slump again, Liu Shuzhen had no choice but to go to Sang Wei's house.

The daughter-in-law only got her appetite after eating the plate of dumplings she sent, so she should have something to do.

"Xiao Qin, isn't my daughter-in-law Li Yan pregnant? But now she can't eat anything, that is, the plate of dumplings you asked Little Cotton to send last time she ate very well, but the same thing , the same method, except that I changed that dish several times, and she didn't taste right after eating it, so I wanted to ask you where this dish came from?"

Liu Shuzhen told Sang Wei about Li Yan's situation.

After Sang Wei knew the situation, she thought about it carefully and it became clear that the seeds in her vegetable patch were all produced in the space. Although they were not as good as those in the space, they were definitely different from those in other places.

Sang Wei thought, this is not a very valuable thing, even if she is allowed to eat it openly, how much can she eat?Moreover, the mass production of this thing is also very large. The pregnant woman's taste will change from time to time, and she may like something else in a few days. The Qiao family also takes special care of themselves. I don't know how to return this favor, just right.

"Aunt Liu, this vegetable is grown in my own field. The food at Yanzi is good. Just go and find some for Ba when you have nothing to do."

"That's so embarrassing, tell me how much it is." Liu Shuzhen was a little embarrassed, as if she was just greedy for cheap and eating other people's food. After half a year, how much do you have to eat?

Their old Qiao family is not such a real and cheap person.

And when she rented the land back then, Sang Wei also said that she was going to sell her vegetables for money, and the orphan and widow were only pointing to this income.

"It's all grown in the field by myself, and I didn't take much care of it. At most, I just scattered a handful of seeds. Besides, you helped me so much when I was pregnant. Now I should help Yanzi. Don't refuse on your side." Well, it’s more important for children, if you want to eat anything in the future, you can just go to the field and pull it out.”

Liu Shuzhen still wanted to decline, but Sang Wei continued: "If you don't agree, then I will go there by myself every day. I can pull out whatever I like. If you want to pull out more, then let them go to your house. You can decide."

Liu Shuzhen naturally understood what Sang Wei meant, and she no longer refused: "Thank you, Xiao Qin! I won't refuse."

"Don't say such outrageous things in the future. I came to our Qiaojia Village. You took care of me a lot. You also helped me when this child was born. I have already regarded you as a relative, so the swallow is like a They are my younger siblings, what else should I thank for helping them?"

What Sang Wei said was not a scene, she said it very sincerely.

Then Sang Wei talked about some things that pregnant women need to pay attention to. Although she understood and took care of it before, she has never been pregnant after all. I didn't know how much stronger it was before, and how many times it was detailed.

This Liu Shuzhen also listened carefully, although she had also given birth to a child, but it was all in the old calendar, and now everything pays attention to science.

Sang Wei spoke as slowly as possible so that Liu Shuzhen could digest it.

Because of those dishes, Li Yan's situation improved a lot, and she was able to eat some other things gradually, which finally made Liu Shuzhen feel relieved.

After Sang Wei saw the vegetables growing in the field, she decided to start a trip to set up a stall. She followed the previous decision and went to the night market first.

This time, because of the small pickup truck, there are a lot of dishes here, and Sang Wei is not worried that they will not be sold.

Sure enough, the purchasing power of her regular customers should not be underestimated. Even though they were twice as many as before, they were still sold out in a short time.

That's right, they all know what this dish tastes like, and they are afraid that they will have to wait two more days if it is full. .

In fact, there are not only regular customers, but also a lot of new customers. The old customers are too crazy to grab it, attracting many people, and I will give you points for every point.

It took less than an hour, and the truckload of vegetables was sold out. Sang Wei drove to the market office. Although she didn't come to set up a stall every day, she still had to pay the fee.

In case the property management made her some tricks, the loss outweighed the gain.According to the elder brother who sells fruit next to him, the owner of this market has a history of gangsters. Although Sang Wei is not afraid of this, she is not alone now, and her family is not as good as before.

Although there are small stones that can expose him, these are all rules. If she does occupy someone else's space, she should pay the booth fee, and Sang Wei must abide by it.

In fact, the market property has already been eyeing Sang Wei, and it is clear at a glance how popular her food is. If Sang Wei does not pay the money, they will really take action.

Beating people is not enough, after all, it is a society ruled by law, the most is to occupy Sang Wei's stall in advance, so that she will not be able to sell vegetables here in the future.

Sang Wei knew that she didn't prepare any gifts, but only paid half a year's booth fee. Although she only came twice a week, she didn't plan to take any extra.

After the night market was finished, it was Daji. It was the first time for Sang Wei to set up a stall in Daji. She didn't prepare much, and only prepared more than ten catties of each item.

Because it is made by several nearby villages, the price must not be too high, so Sang Wei decided to only sell the vegetables produced in the field, and the vegetables in the space can be used in the night market.

In order to ensure the freshness of the vegetables, Sang Wei got up at five o'clock and went to the field. If it was normal, she would not be able to get up, but now with Yoyo, he just got up at this time to have an extra meal.

Breakfast is also simpler, just mix some side dishes with a few omelette rolls and roll it up, and eat it when you come back from the market.

It was nearly 7 o'clock when we arrived, and all the good places were taken up, and Sang Wei didn't care, she couldn't get in with a small pickup, so she just found a spacious place outside and turned the front of the car off. .

Everything is ready, and Sang Wei is waiting for customers to come to her door.

(End of this chapter)

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