Chapter 341
Sang Wei's goal is actually very simple, she wants to open a farm.That's right, it is the kind of farm mentioned in many farming articles.

The area may not be that large, but the format wants that.

She is also taking the daily farming series during this period, so this goal is quite suitable for her.

Speaking of Sang Wei's goal, if it were placed in the previous world, it might just be a matter of moving her fingers. After all, her worth at that time was calculated in billions.

But this world is different. In this world, she still needs to sell vegetables to make a living. Although she sells vegetables very well and makes a lot of money, and it is considered a free business, it still takes a while to achieve her goal. .

But we can set a small goal first, such as increasing the land area we own first, and then proceed to the next step slowly, such as wrapping a mountain, digging a pond, or building a house on the mountain villa.

Anyway, she still has a lot of time in this world. Even if she just buys vegetables, she can still fight for decades. When he is old, he can live in a villa on the top of the mountain.

However, she only talked about this goal with Xiao Shitou, and Xiao Shitou also supported her. Only if this person has a goal, can life be meaningful.

Although Sang Wei's big goal is to raise the child into an adult, he can just let him walk the road ahead.

Sang Wei has already made plans, she will not arrange Yoyo's future life for him, and she will not involve too much, he can do whatever he wants, as long as he can support himself, he chooses his own path, so he will go on by himself .

Sang Wei is very open-minded about this.

However, he is resolutely not allowed to go astray.

Now that the small goal has been set, Yoyo can also follow Sang Wei with her, so she is ready to invest a little more.

At the very least, whether it's when setting up a stall or going to the market, you should bring more. Her dishes are already well-known, so you don't have to worry about taking too much and not being able to sell it, right?

However, there are more customers on Sang Wei's side, which can be regarded as indirectly blocking other people's money. When they knew that Sang Wei was alone, someone would make small moves.

Now it is a society ruled by law, so it is natural not to smash it by hand, and wouldn't it cost money to hire people to smash it?Maybe they could still be imprisoned, which is naturally a bad idea.

But if you want to solve the problem from the root, the best way is to expose.

How to expose?Exposure online.

Now almost everyone has a smart phone, so they don't have to worry about being exposed.

It is said that the three cobblers are the best of Zhuge Liang, so the people who wanted to get Sang Wei came up with a plan.

These people are quite tolerant. First of all, they need to figure out Sang Wei's course of action. When they go to the night market, they need to prepare in advance.

For the sake of convenience, Sang Wei usually decides to go to the night market the day after the fair, so these people have figured out the time.

As soon as Sang Wei arrived, they sent one of them to secretly record videos for her. Most of them were during panic buying, and such scenes were naturally recorded.

Of course, the result of video recording is that people must be clever, and they must also be able to edit videos. The best ones must be the ones with their own traffic, no matter how much.

Then this person is Wu Guohua.

Wu Guohua usually likes to shoot short videos and post them on the Internet, or broadcast a live broadcast, so he is quite good at these aspects.Sometimes he still sells some food on the live broadcast platform, and he also has a little fans, so these people chose him.

Wu Guohua knew that if he wanted to ruin a person, he couldn't go live, but needed to edit many videos into one, so the first thing to do was to collect the materials.

The sold-out vegetables are good material. He was almost cursing at the side while recording the video.

He is also a vegetable seller, if only his business is so hot.

After the video is recorded, after returning home, pick up what needs to be done, cut what needs to be cut, and keep the rest.

Since it needs to be edited and processed, it is natural not to just shoot one video, and when shooting the video, Wu Guohua also discovered an interesting thing, that is, sometimes there will be different men on Sang Wei's side to help her, This has to be recorded.

Those who went to help Sang Wei were actually members of the fire brigade. They knew that after Sang Wei set up a stall in the night market, they went to help her when there was no task or rest, whether it was to see the children or hold a bag The class can help a little bit.

They can't help when rushing to the big fair, so that's all they can do.

Because it is not the same person who takes a break every time, so the person who goes to help is not the same person, but the same people are all men.

This caught Wu Guohua's eyes. He got good material. He even thought of the title of the edited video, so he held his breath and recorded all the members of the fire brigade who went to help Sang Wei. down.

The others originally urged Wu Guohua to release the video quickly, but when they knew his idea, they all agreed, let's let people dance for a few days, and then they will be shouted down with a stick.

After all the materials were collected, Wu Guohua began to use his expertise, edited them, and sent them to his account with the title:

"Is it the loss of morality, the distortion of human nature? Or is it the dissatisfaction of desire that makes this person do such a thing for his own benefit?"

Next is Wu Guohua's narration with both voice and emotion.

"A few days ago when I was shopping at the night market, I saw such a scene. Some people (mostly middle-aged and elderly women) were scrambling for something around a car. I was very curious. I walked in and saw that it was vegetables. .That's right, it's not a rare variety, just the ones we usually eat, and they don't have any special features, but when I stepped forward and asked, oh my god, it's just an ordinary tomato that costs 10 yuan a catty. Other vegetables are about the same price."

"Brothers and sisters, this is not an imported variety, but the one grown in our field. Why does he ask for such a high price? So I decided to continue to observe, and found that it was not just this time, but every time. .”

Below is a few short videos of regular customers rushing to buy, and Wu Guohua kindly marked the date.

"I found that every time this car appears, these people are in this state, just like those who engage in pyramid schemes or sell health care products. Could it be that these people have been fooled into thinking that eating this dish will prevent them from getting sick? So I checked the information on the Internet and found that if some prohibited substances are diluted and sprayed on the surface of vegetables, over a long period of time, the effect of addiction can be achieved."

"This kind of thing must not be paid dividends. As a good socialist young man, I must expose her. I also hope that relevant departments will pay attention to it."

"In the later period, I discovered some situations, please watch carefully."

Then there were those big boys from the fire brigade helping Sang Wei. Wu Guohua did not continue to say anything, but wrote a few words next to it.

"Their identities?"

(End of this chapter)

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