Chapter 342
As soon as the video was posted, it went viral quickly.

First of all, the title is particularly eye-catching. As long as the word "yu*wang" is involved, the click-through rate will increase by several steps.

Although I opened it a bit and found that the content inside may not match the title very well, but the content is indeed quite attractive.

(It has to be said that Wu Guohua's identity as an editor is not for nothing.)
There are not a few people who eat melons, and there are also many people who are fooled by the video for no reason, so after watching the video, they all start to leave a message under this video:

"These people don't want money, just for food?"

"Eating this dish will definitely prolong your life."

"There are many middle-aged and elderly people. They are not short of money. They must have been bewitched."

"I'm going to become a fairy immediately. Did you tell the editor that this dish contains any contraband?"

"Where are the relevant departments? Come out quickly."

"As for the Price Bureau, hurry up and control the price."

Netizens and people who eat melons are the most likely to be led astray. What they see is only the video content, and they don't understand the truth of the matter at all.

And these things will naturally attract the attention of relevant departments, and then Sang Wei was approached.

Sang Wei was not surprised when the police uncle came to the door, because Xiao Shitou had told her when Wu Guohua was secretly filming the video.

Little Shitou: Do you think that Uncle Shishi, the invincible monitor, is called for nothing?

In fact, Sang Wei could use the hacking techniques she learned in the previous world to hack the video shot by that person, but she didn't do that because she had her own plan on her side.

She just took advantage of this internet incident to give her food a name, which was considered free advertising, and this time, it was also a stepping stone for her to accomplish her goal.

So when the police uncle came to the door, she was not in a hurry. First, she took out a test report, and then took the people to her own field. They took whatever was in it and tested it however they wanted.

As for the test report?Sang Wei has applied for it a long time ago. All the vegetable varieties she sells have test reports. The nutritional value of each vegetable and which vitamins are clearly marked. Not only does it not contain any prohibited substances that cannot appear Food, the nutritional value is a little bit higher than other people's.

Of course, this test report is only the test report of these vegetables in the field, the ones produced in her space are not suitable, so I didn't do it.

Don't underestimate the loss of excess, it will add up to a small amount. Although it will not prolong life or the like, it is certain that eating it for a long time will be good for your health.

Therefore, the higher price is justifiable. Some imported vegetables or organic vegetables are more expensive than this price, and I have not seen that their nutritional value is higher than that of Sangwei vegetables.

Moreover, the vegetables and soil samples and other things that were brought back, after testing by the relevant departments, found that they did not contain certain prohibited items at all, as the person in the video said.What's more, because of their advanced detection equipment, they also detected many trace elements that were not listed in Sang Wei's report.

Those men who helped Sang Wei soon discovered the identities of these people, and then naturally, Sang Wei's identity was also discovered.

Words such as family members of heroes, posthumous children of martyrs, raising children alone, self-reliance, etc. appear in the minds of relevant departments.

This is a typical example. This is an example to learn from. It must be well publicized. What about TV stations?As for the newspaper, hurry up and arrange an interview!

As for the author of that video, he has already been controlled. No matter what his purpose is, he is now a rumor spreader, and he has forwarded more than 500 articles, which has constituted a crime.

What's more, Sang Wei asked Xiao Shitou to record a video exposing the fact that they used diluted sulfuric acid to keep the vegetables from rotting, so they should be arrested and educated, and none of them can be used.

Interviewing Sang Wei here is not frustrating. When she was the heir of hundreds of billions, she was often on financial magazines, or financial programs on national TV stations. She faced readers and audiences all over the world. A reporter from this small place To be honest, she really didn't pay attention to it.

But who is Sang Wei?Regardless of whether this is the case or not, they are generally not aggressive, so they are neither humble nor overbearing when introducing interviews.

She knew that her main purpose was to advertise her vegetables, so when interviewing, she mainly focused on this aspect. Even if she asked about other things, she would tactfully bypass them.

Taking advantage of the heat, after Sang Wei's interview was over, she sorted out the material on the TV station and broadcast it on the local news program the next day. Not only that, it was also broadcast live at the same time at night.

As soon as the inspection report was posted, the relevant departments that inspected Sang Wei issued an announcement, and as soon as the identity of Sang Wei, the family member of the hero, was revealed, her food became popular.

This is officially certified, and it is not comparable to those "three no products" that have been edited indiscriminately. Therefore, whether it is a TV station or a related department's Weibo, there are all messages wanting to buy this dish.

Among them are rich people who want to eat healthy, and they find that even if they pour out all kinds of good things, they can't compare with other people's dishes.

There are also those private restaurants or large shopping malls who also want to introduce Sang Wei's vegetables.

It's not that they didn't have other ideas or they took advantage of it, but when they thought of Sang Wei's identity and the attention paid to her in the society, these people stopped thinking about it and contacted them honestly.

The first person who contacted Sang Wei was a national supermarket chain, and it was also the largest supermarket in their city. The manager who came was the purchase manager.

He just hopes to sign a contract, and Sang Wei will be able to supply their supermarket exclusively in the future, and the price can also be slightly increased.

Sang Wei originally planned this way, so when she saw that the contract was suitable, she agreed, but she still made two comments:

First, she will still take out some to benefit her regular customers. These people have trusted her from the beginning, so she can't forget her roots.

Second, there must be a certain amount of vegetables provided each time. First, she only has so much now, and second, it can be regarded as hunger marketing.

Third, the supermarket itself can supply only their family, but others such as restaurants or restaurants are not included. Of course, the supermarket will come first.

After a little thought, the purchasing manager agreed, and the two parties immediately signed the contract. Immediately afterwards, the first cart of vegetables was taken to the supermarket, where it was slightly packaged and placed on the shelf.

Of course, with the addition of packaging, the price will naturally increase by half.

There is no need to worry about not being able to sell it at the supermarket, they have carried out publicity here, and Sang Wei's deeds are so popular, so many people who know her will naturally follow her.

In order to make it easy to remember, Sang Wei named the dishes "healthy dishes".

Nowadays, people advertise that they eat healthy food, and it is more face-saving to serve such a dish when someone treats guests, so there is no need to worry about selling it. It took less than a day for this cart of vegetables, and even the leaves None left.

(End of this chapter)

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